Chapter 12: No More Pain

"Remember what I said Achlys." Max says. "There will be no going back once the process."

"I know my lord." Achlys says looking straight at Max in the eyes. "Thank you so much for this Max."

"I'm sorry for the screams Achlys." Max says. "May your next life be more cheerful."

"That's all on you sir." Achlys says as Max waves his staff in the air in a circular motion as green light begins to flow surrounding the base of the staff flowing to the tip as a green diamond forms and lands in Achlys' palms.

"Odin, do you mind looking out for anymore rogue gods?" Max asks Odin.

"You just don't want me to see this right?" Odin asks.

"You know me too well old friend." Max says. "Alright Achlys, hold it in both hands, above your heart, and break it."

"No more pain." Achlys says as she holds the diamond close to her heart, with tears flowing down her face. She crushes the diamond.From her palms, strings of green energy drifts out as they circle Achlys, as she floats in the air, as her long black hair floats upwards. "Thank you Max. I'll never forget this."

"You're welcome sweetheart." Max says as Odin walks towards her.

"Goodbye." Odin chokes on his words, as he struggles to get them out. "Remember this. You'll always be a goddess, where ever you go."

"You finally said it." Achlys smiles, for the first time in so long, she smiles, as she lets the tears flow on full force. "Thank you, Odin, for being there when I had no one. Thank you for actually caring about me. But promise me one more thing."

"What is it?" Odin asks as his eyes swell up.

"Keep looking after me, even when I'm gone." Achlys asks.

"I will."


"I promise."

"Thank you Odin."

"You're welcome kid." Odin says as Achlys laughs and fades away. Like a shooting star, one second it's here, and the other second it's gone. Odin looks at the mortal realm, unable to hold back his tears, he says "I promise."

"You connected with her quickly didn't you?" Max asks as he notices the tears going down Odin's face.

"My lord, can I request one thing?" Odin asks Max while he wipes away his tears. "Can you give Achlys a good life? The one thing she didn't have but wanted was a family. Can you please give her that family?"

"I see." Max says. "So you were the closest thing she had to a father-daughter relationship?"

"Maybe I was." Odin says. "My lord please."

"Alright. I will." Max says.

"Thank you, my lord." Odin says.

"Anything to help out an old friend." Max says as he uses his powers to simulate a computer. "I saw something like this in the mortal realm, thought it would be useful for creating life."

"Thank you my lord."

"Anything for your little angel, Odin." Max says as Odin walks away, leaving Max alone. "Might as well do him another favour." Max says as he gets to work making Achlys' new life perfect.

The End

Years Later

"Achlys!" A woman yells out. "Hurry up, you're going to be late for school!"

"Coming mom!" A younger version of Achlys packs her bag as she gets ready for school. Before she leaves, she looks at her poster of Odin. "Thanks again Odin."

"No problem kid." Odin says as he watches over her, just like he promised.