chapter 1: reincarnated as a plant

Mauro is an 18 years old college student. he always to play games and read mangas.he is the top rated player in vrmmo games. In vrmmo games, he has a Nickname called undead. Its because he never died once the game beginning.

Today is the 1st day of University. Mauro came outside his bike to go to University. he is in the middle of traffic.He is listening songs it is Aki's new brand love me a song.suddenly he looked at his back someone is calling. It is Kaito the deadweight.Everyone calls him deadweight because he always read books never come to any parties and he did not even play games.

Due to this, he didn't have friends at his college. His only friend is Mauro.Mauro always is nice with kaito.

suddenly he feels someone is pushing with a loud sound "Mauro lookout".

when he wakes he is on the other side of road.He is looking at his bike it was crushed into pieces. But he didn't know who saved him.

a lot of people are gathering at another side of road .someone were whispering "hey look this young boy has died because he tried to save his friend".

listening to this Mauro came to the place where he met an accident. He going front side to look the body of the person who saved him.he looked at the back and he saw his face, it was kaito.Kaito died in order to save me.

what happened to I not dead, if I am not dead why I am unable to open my eyes.It's all dark here.what's those outside it's like big drums are playing. Is a party running outside? If it is party why can't I listen to music? It's not music. why my body is wet "oh god thank you, someone is pouring water in mouth. I am really thirsty.noo..noo. it's not my mouth why I am feeling I am drinking water through my body. I think I am in the hospital it was ip injection they giving me through my body".

It has been 4 hours why I am still not able to open my eyes .suddenly screen presented in front of his eyes.

system recognising matching sequence loading data, loading data completed system going to install 1...2..10..30..70....100 per cent. system installed

Name: Kaito

species: plant

subspecies: Till unknown

current form: seed

Required water:20 litres per day

Required sunlight Time:30 minutes per day.

remaining time to born as a plant:20hrs

what ..what is this what happened to me. I am human why this system showing me as plant species. system what system is it kinda video game.Now I remembered when someone died and reborn in another a system will help them to develop themselves. I have read it in so many novels. Is it really I am dead and I have reborn in another world.

If I am really reborn in another world why I plant not a human. In those novels, I have read every proangist born as human species and system help them measure their strength, magic and agility.

But why did my status bar showing required water, required sunlight? Maybe it's all because all they are born as humans and I was born as a plant.

I think it's the possibility .kaito has been finally understood he died at that accident and he reborned in another world as a plant.

That means the sounds of drums coming outside is rain. It's raining outside that's why I am wet now.

It has been 19 hours till born as a seed and It's only one hour remaining to born as a plant.

Name: Kaito

species: plant

subspecies: unknown

current form: seed

required water:20 litres

required sunlight:30 minutes per day.

Time reaming to born as plant 1 minutes 59sec...40 sec...30 sec...




congratulations your time period as seed completed.

water required: completed

sunlight required: completed.

All qualifications have been checked. Now, you're going to born as a plant.hmm finally going to born as plant.with a slight crack in the earth small leaves are coming outside from the earth crack.

Going out Kaito able to see the world, He saw a sky how beautiful the sky.It was blue coloured like oceans. clouds are gathering in the sky like a bunch of animals.look that cloud looks like a dragon and that one like an elephant.

oh! it just looks like the planet I came from.

The sound of animals is coming from different directions. sez...sez... what is this sound .he looked his front it is the sound of bee.

it's bee but why did it look big. ohh it's because i'm planted now and was born now.look that neem tree ooh that's banyan tree, oh that tree which looks like touching sky it is giant sequoia tree. ohh there are a lot of trees here. It's a forest I was born in a forest.

oh forgot to look my status.

Name: Kaito

species: plant

subspecies: unknown

current form: Baby plant

required water:20 litres per day

required sunlight:40 minutes per day

Ability: Roots will help you to move from one place.In order to find water and sunlight. You can escape from dangers using your roots.

System warning: a large number of Rhinos are coming this way. system suggest you move immediately from this place.

If you have sufficient water and sunlight you will be able to grow quickly.

what's this ... I am able to move from one place to another place .is it trees always stay in one place. Haa I remembered the particular type of trees able to move from one place another in order to search for food and water.

system warning: Rinos group is approaching system suggest you move immediately from this place.If you stay in this place for 30 minutes you will die.

If stay I here I will die. I need to move from this place.he is trying to move but is not able to move.system suggested me move from this place but I am not able to move.

oh! I forgot system said I will be able to use my roots for moving from one place to another which first I need to move my roots from earth.After struggling for 10 minutes now I am finally able to move my roots.

system: Roots are removed from the earth. from this your able to move from one place to other using roots. system scanning the safest area to travel. scanning completed. Travel toward east 1000 kilometres the east. There was a small pond their which is full of water.It will help you grow faster.

listening to the system he is travelling to the east direction. I have been travelling since have a day till I have not reached that place. I am feeling thirsty.

system warning: you have been travelling from the half day. you need to drink water .otherwise you will die with dehydration.we suggest you to push your roots into the earth to drink water and take rest here for today.

seeing systems warning Kaito pushed his roots into the ground to drink water. Due to travelling a large distance he felt uneasy and slept.Next morning he waked from his sleep he recognised his two leaves were now turned in to six leaves. New four leaves are grown and his height also increased from 5 cm to 10cm.

He is feeling fresh.After drinking water again from earth he started travelling by pulling his roots from earth.

system: status

Name: Kaito

Species: plant

subspecies: unknown

plant level: level 1( no of leaves 6)

Ability: moving roots

Required water:20 litres

Required sunlight:40 minutes

what happened their change in my status know it's showing my level not form. previously it has shown my form as a baby plant. now it is showing plant level 1 and It also shows the number of leaves I have.

oh, there's one more thing on the bottom.In order to reach level 2, you need 20 leaves.

has finally I understand more the number of leaves I have more the levels I increase.

Maybe the system updated. If system updated may it will able to show distance I need to travel.Let me try it .system how much distance I have travelled and how many days it takes to further distances.

system: you have travelled a distance of 500m

with the increasing level you able to travel 800m per day. How many days you need to reach the distance will depend on your level. with every increase in level, your speed will increase.

oh!my god, I have just travelled only 500m and I still need to travel 999.5km and 500m.

Yesterday I have a feeling I have travelled so much distance. I think I have travelled at least half of the distance but I have travelled only 500m. If travel like this I will definitely take more than 1 year.

Thinking this Kaito is travelling in East direction