The Fire of Revenge

"Then how about this, why don't you stay in my Domain incase anyone's still chasing after you?" Rialyne slyly proposed in order to retain her social sanity as a human. "I'm sure I could give them a heck of a fight if not a scare!"

Kyferne chuckled lightly. "Yeah, you're probably the only talking tree in the whole world." He paused for a moment as something came to mind. "That makes me wonder, how exactly are you able to talk? And you also gave a name to yourself?"

"Guh-!" Rialyne was rendered speechless. Now she understood how the non-human and inarticulate creatures of the world must feel for humans to think they weren't even worthy of a name, an identity. As always, humans placed themselves above every other being. If they didn't understand something, they'll at least question it if not destroy it.

"Hey, I wasn't always a tree! I just somehow found myself in one after I died, okay?" Rialyne huffed defensively. "I was a human like yourself initially."

Kyferne sweat-dropped. "My bad, that makes more sense. Then, how old were you when you died?"

A heavy silence permeated the forest. Kyferne shivered at the all-encompassing tension. Maybe he was being too insensitive? Asking a person about their death…

Rialyne broke the hush with slow, laden words. "Seventeen. I killed myself."

Kyferne didn't know what to say. What could he say? I hope you don't commit suicide in this life as a tree? This wasn't something he could joke about or casually respond to. This tree, no this girl, was the same age as him. He couldn't imagine what must've driven her to end her own life. How could one express their sympathy in proper words?

He shook out of his brooding and gazed up at the Dielweiss Tree, at Rialyne, at a human just like him. He steadily walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her trunk. It felt a little awkward, but he wasn't good at expressing himself, especially with deep matters like this.

Rialyne felt a little moved by his gesture, but also a little uncomfortable. She flicked a light tap of a vine to the boy's head.

"No need to go tree-hugging on me. I'm fine."

The boy looked clumsily at her before giving a soft laugh. "Okay."

He scratched his head. "Umm, so I'll stay with you then. You're right, it's probably better to be with someone else in these woods. To be honest, I wasn't sure how much longer I would be able to survive here. Most of my supplies are used, and I'm not an outdoorsy person. I don't know the first thing for survival." He started heading back to his makeshift camp. "Let me get my stuff though."

Rialyne nodded her consent with a bob of the vine. She sent Brownie to guide and watch over the boy. After a few minutes, Kyferne made it back. He carried his knapsack which held food and water containers, a small knife, brown gloves, a thin blanket, a tiny pot, and metal tools. In his hands he dragged a thatch of branches and leaves. He set the bag at the base of the Dielweiss roots and propped up the leafy roofing against the trunk.

"Hmm, I would say you're pretty good at preparing to survive outdoors," Rialyne commented as Kyferne showed her his items. "You're only missing something to make a fire with." She laughed for a second. "Um, although I'd rather you not set anything on fire."

"Oh, don't worry. I'm not going to set anything in your domain on fire. Actually, I can just make a fire like this." He snapped his fingers for extra effect before flashing a floating flame above his fingertips.

Rialyne gasped. "You can do magic?" Even though she witnessed plants performing magic, and she could too herself, somehow it looked more amazing and unbelievable when a human conjured magic.

"Of course, I am the second son of the noble Ainsverith fa—" Kyferne cut short. He just realized that he gave away his true identity to a stranger. But remembering that she was just a tree, he continued safely, "—family. We are natural users of fire magic."

"Ooohh," Rialyne breathed. Despite the weird game-like elements of stat screens and battling, this truly was a fantasy world. It just hit her how exciting it would be to live in this world as a human.

Sighing internally, Rialyne momentarily wished she were a human instead of a tree. But in terms of surviving, it was definitely easier as a plant. Seeing as even a noble son could be exiled and possibly executed in his own kingdom—not to mention, he somehow became a soldier instead of just living the luxurious elite life—then it was much safer and easier to be a self-sustaining tree. Additionally, she could rule over her own "kingdom."

With that in mind, an idea suddenly arose in her head. "Hey, maybe I can transfer energy to you instead of you having to eat food! I'm able to freely transfer energy across my domain and contractees, so maybe I can with you?"

Kyferne perked up. That definitely would make surviving easier. With food and possibly water solved, then he could easily make himself more comfortable in these woods and train himself before he returned to Arvon.

"Sure, let's try!"

Rialyne smiled to herself and was about to attempt the energy transfer when suddenly Cardisys spoke up.

"You won't be able to unless you form a contract with him first."

She scrunched her cell face. "Why not? I was able to transfer resources with animals even without establishing a contract."

"That's because he's a human."

"Huh? That's so stupid! Are humans not animals too!?" Rialyne pouted and glanced at the awaiting boy.

"By the way, why haven't you spoken to Kyferne? Do you not like humans or something?"

Cardisys scoffed. "Then do I not like you who was originally a human? I'm just unable to communicate with them. As your Cardinal System, I am prohibited from speaking with others besides you."

"Ahh.." Rialyne finally understood. No wonder. Now she realized that Cardisys never once spoke to her contractees or other animals. He could hear others and translate an animal's words, but he hadn't, and couldn't, initiate conversation with them.

She found this revelation rather sad. Here she was devising a way to keep a human around her for the mere sake of company, and Cardisys, a sentient being much like a human, was unable to talk to others besides her. Maybe, just maybe, she would have to be a little nicer toward him… If only he wasn't so difficult and cheeky!

Well, at least she could try to convince Kyferne to make a contract. Since he was in a precarious situation, he might just agree. And she wouldn't make the terms too restrictive either.

She explained this all to him, and he deliberated the pros and cons as well as the impending things at stake.

"Okay," he finally agreed. "Let's form a temporary contract. In two weeks, I will stay with you and help you out in whatever way I'm able, and in return, you'll protect and provide me with energy."

Rialyne frowned. She was the one supposed to set the terms, not him!

"Hrrm, fine." These two weeks, she would work him to the bone… After all, wasn't he getting the most out of this agreement?!

"But why two weeks?" she questioned.

"Because I need to return to Arvon soon. I can't let my older brother succeed in the coup!"

Kyferne clenched his fists in anger and determination. After being forced into the military because of his brother who felt that Kyferne was a threat to his position in the family as heir, Kyferne was ousted on groundless claims all fabricated by his brother!

"Devinhel…I will NEVER let you claim the throne!"