Notice of Missing Chapters

Hi everyone. I'm sorry that I've missed the past few weeks of chapter updates. When I first missed a chapter, I had rushed my dog to the emergency after work and found out she had chronic kidney failure. After staying 10 days in the hospital and a few days at home, she passed away recently. I also started my full time internship last week, so between work and visiting and then taking care of my dog, I was really tight on time.

Since this novel takes the most amount of time to write because of all the maths, it ended up being the one I skipped updating along with decreasing the frequency of/being late on updating my other novels. Every week I thought I would get a chapter in, but then something always happened.

Today won't be an update as I had hoped, but I promise to make up the missing chapters as soon as physically and emotionally possible. Once again, this novel won't be dropped. I will complete it to the end.

Estimates for the next chapter release(s) are tentatively this weekend and at least by next Tuesday. I probably won't get all four done by then, but I'll most likely have two.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.