Second Tab

"Kyferne, bury this seed."

She didn't know what would happen, or reversely not happen, but Rialyne felt like she had discovered something extremely vital and life-changing. After all, plants spread through seeds and pollination. Would she be able to grow another tree beyond the Eldarine Tree? This logical possibility almost took her breath away in suspense.

'Let's not get too ahead of ourselves and just watch what happens…' She braced herself after Kyferne covered the seed and leaned back to observe the patch of soil. A few seconds passed.

And then another handful of seconds passed.

And then another.

"WAIT!" Rialyne couldn't handle it any longer. "Maybe I need to water it first? Or is this seed really going to grow at a natural pace? No way! That'll take forever then!"

Getting ahead of herself in now a pessimistic manner, she jumped ahead to the worse case scenario that the seed would take time to germinate, sprout and grow. It would likely take a year before it grew to anything substantial! And that was IF it didn't get crushed by the massive monsters or be deprived of nutrients due to the other plants.

Thinking back to how she grew, or more precisely, leveled up her plants, Rialyne remembered that they matured as she matured. It was at a much slower rate, however, but she could boost the process quite easily by cultivating them with Sap.

'Then am I supposed to do the same with this seed? I have to grow it somehow?' She stared at the empty patch of earth and pondered the situation.

'Let's see. I'll try giving it some water for now from my own water reserves. Thankfully as a tree I can spare some without having to ask Kyferne to get some from this valley. Then I can try other methods of making it grow if I see no changes.'

With a loose plan in set, Rialyne watered the seed. But after almost a minute of waiting, she knew that nothing was going to happen from just this. A small growl of frustration seemed to emanate from Rialyne in Kyferne's head.

'Ugh. I can't try cultivating it with Sap since it's not connected to me… At least, I don't think so. Wait. I'm so stupid!' Mentally face-palming, she hurriedly brought up her Domain plant interface by tapping the [ + ] next to the Domain HP number. She then eagerly scrolled through the list with a laser-focus.

Sure enough, she spotted a new entry marked by a conspicuous [ Special New ] label. Whenever she captured plants, the new recruits, as she liked to call them, temporarily had a [ New] label tagged onto the end of their names in the Domain plant list. But this plant had the adjective modification of 'Special'! This was sure to account for something really— err special.

[ ??? Tree ]

Lv. 0 [ ??? ]

HP: ???

MP: ???

Reading the basic information of what she was pretty sure to be the seed, Rialyne's first thought was 'Wow, that's a lot of question marks,' followed by, 'Haha! So a level zero really exists in this world then! That's pretty funny and kinda cool at the same time. I wonder if a baby in the womb is a level zero then.'


'Wait that's a really weird thought. Let's not go there.' Rialyne shook the strange deviation of thoughts away and refocused back on the screen interface.

When she tried looking at the detailed status screen of the plant where she would normally be able to look at the plant skills, special attributes, or resistances, she was only met with a single, simple paragraph of instruction.


A seed of endless potential that can grow into one of many types of trees. The type of tree

is randomized along with its skills and quality. Nurture the growth by directly providing energy from the tree who bore the seed.


'What? This is pretty amazing though? I don't really know much about it since the information is sparse along with the randomization factor, but at least now I know how to grow it!'

In high spirits, Rialyne immediately opted to provide the seed with energy. Since the instructions didn't specify a particular kind of energy, she supposed that any could do. But she figured that she try giving it the best energy that was available—the Fragmented God's Energy. She definitely had enough to experiment with it.

The moment the Fragmented God's Energy entered the seed, a sprout burst forth from the ground and rapidly grew into sturdy stalk about a meter high. The whole process to this stage took merely a second, making Kyferne skid back in reflexive shock. Similarly, Rialyne jolted and took a double look at the speedily growing plant that ravenously devoured the energy.

Absolutely thrilled, Rialyne fervently continued supplying it with Fragmented God's Energy until it grew into a one story-tall tree and wouldn't take anymore. By this point, Kyferne had gotten up from his seat to watch the whole process take place in a matter of a minute. It was truly remarkable and nature-defying.

"YESSS!!!!" Rialyne let out a roar of accomplishment and figuratively jumped up and down in her mind. She quickly flashed the plant's status screen open again and impatiently read the tree's updated information.

But to her surprise, the seed-turned-tree was missing from her list. A brief moment of surprise and dread arose in Rialyne, but her keen senses spied a new feature on her status menu.

It was a new tab. Yes. A new tab had now appeared next to the [ Main ] tab. If one were to get exact on what had occurred, technically two tabs had appeared because the 'Main' tab had never been visible before. On this main page was her usual status menu information that she was familiar with.

The second tab and status page, however, was also in the same format as the main page. It was just much shorter in length because only one plant was present on the new [ Branch 1 ] tab.


([ Branch 1 ])

Soul Inhabiter: Rialyne

Host: [ Calopyrus Tree ] Lv. 1

Rank: [ Epic ]

Evolution at 80 levels.

Next Level: 0/10 EXP

Domain: 5600 HP (Self)




HP: 5600

MP: 960

PATK: 360

MATK: 600

PDEF: 360

MDEF: 480

SPD: 364

FLX: 496

Absorbed Stats: 0


Free Basic Attribute Points: 10

Basic Attributes:

STR: 30

AGI: 40

INT: 50

VIT: 30


Free Special Attribute Points: 5

Special Attributes:

LUCK: 20

CRIT: 15

ARM: 12

BLK: 20

PEN: 15


Free Resistance Points: 5


FIRE: 20

ICE: 30



WIND: 90

DARK: 40





[ Synthesis (Extreme) ] Lv. 1/5

Rank: [ Dark ]

Mastery: 0 / 10000 Proficiency

Effect: Consume 1 energy stack and restore 50% of HP and MP. Able to synthesize 10 energy stacks per day. Store up to 1000 energy stacks. Total energy stacks stored is 0.

MP Usage: 0

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Description: Trees can restore themselves using the energy created from photosynthesis. 1 energy stack will be consumed automatically if HP reaches 0. If none are available, the tree will die. +1 Proficiency for every energy stack used. The first two levels will each restore 25% more when using an energy stack. The last two levels will bless the tree with a 25% and 50% HP shield which negates damage. Additionally with each level, 10 more energy stacks will be synthesized per day, and 500 more energy stacks can be stored.


[ Sap (Ultimate) ] Lv. 1/5

Rank: [ Legendary ]

Mastery: 0 / 10000 Proficiency

Effect: Absorb the life of defeated creatures and gain 50% of their resistances, and basic and special attributes, 5 targets at a time.

MP Usage: 20

Cooldown: 4 minutes

Description: Survival of the fittest at its finest. +1 Proficiency per 100 points of statistics absorbed. The first two levels increase the absorption rate to 75% and 100%. The last two levels snatches half and all of the targets' skills for oneself. Additionally, the number of targets can be increased to 10, 25, 50, and 100. Also, the sum of all the targets' total HP must be no more than 50% of the current domain HP.


[ Engrain (Superior) ] Lv. 1/5

Rank: [ Holy ]

Mastery: 0 / 50000 Proficiency

Effect: Takeover surrounding plant life within a radius of 100 meters as part of your domain. Inside your domain, you can travel through and cultivate the successfully captured plants.

MP Usage: 800

Cooldown: 1 hour

Description: Your pathway to world domination! The greater the total HP of all the targets in comparison to current domain HP, the slightly more difficult the takeover. If unsuccessful, a few statistics, starting with absorbed ones, will be lost. +1 Proficiency per 10% of previous domain HP added. Range of possible takeover increases to 250, 500, 1000, and 2500 meters.


[ Illusion ] Lv. 1/5

Rank: [ Dark ]

Mastery: 0 / 10000 Proficiency

Effect: Inflict 300% of both MATK and PATK combined to multiple targets through illusionary attacks that hit without fail as long as the individual targets are weaker. Lasts five seconds, also granting partial immunity to the user in the process as it traps and confuses targets.

MP Usage: 50

Cooldown: 2 minutes

Description: Making use of the enchanting, elusive nature of the Calopyrus family tree, this skill is the bane of all its enemies. +1 Proficiency gained for every use and every target annihilated with it. Each successive level increases damage by an additional 50% and skill duration by one second. Other skills can be cast during channeling.


[ Whiplash ] Lv. 1/10

Rank: [ Mysterious ]

Mastery: 0 / 1000 Proficiency

Effect: Lash out at enemies with limber branches that extend to a range of 20 meters from the peripheries and deal 50% of PATK and MATK as damage.

MP Usage: 15

Cooldown: 2 seconds

Description: The basic attack skill which should not be underestimated for its rapid, destructive power. +1 Proficiency gained for every use. Each successive level increases additional damage output by 50%. Level five and beyond may cause [ Bleeding (Major) ] at a rate of 5% per level increase. Bleeding (Major) inflicts 4% of HP loss every second for five seconds.


[ Monsoon ] Lv. 1/3

Rank: [ Legendary ]

Mastery: 0 / 100000 Proficiency

Effect: Batter enemies in a radius of 50 meters with wind and rain, inflicting 100% MATK and PATK combined damage every second for ten seconds. May inflict [ Stun (Major) ], [ Confusion (Major) ], and [ Bleeding (Major) ] at a rate of 5% throughout the skill duration.

MP Usage: 200

Cooldown: 10 minutes

Description: Using its two strongest elements, this skill continuously wrecks its opponents and cannot be canceled after casting. +1 Proficiency gained for every use and every target annihilated with it. Each successive level increases damage by an additional 50% and skill duration by ten seconds. Other skills can be cast during channeling. Side effect rates increase to 10%, and 20% with successive levels. Stun (Major) causes five seconds of immobility. Confusion (Major) renders opponents unable to attack the caster for five seconds with the possibility of attacking their allies. Bleeding (Major) inflicts 4% of HP loss every second for five seconds.


The Calopyrus Tree also had Vengeance as a skill, but unlike the other shared skills with the Eldarine Tree, it did not receive an upgrade. These skills had evolved to a higher version denoted by a modifier in parentheses. While Rialyne was psyched for these massive improvements, the biggest joy had to be in the three new exclusive skills of the Calopyrus Tree.

Whiplash would prove to be a skill that could deal lost of damage quickly and continuously like her favorite attack skill, Magic Blast. And Illusion and Monsoon were truly extraordinary AOE, area of effect powerhouses. Although, it was oddly unclear how many enemies and expanse of area that Illusion could target and cover.

Monsoon on the other hand was very clear. She was sure that this skill would be her bread and butter. But it was surely expensive food, for it took nearly a thousand MP!

Rialyne would definitely have to increase MP to take advantage of all these amazing skills which not only had firepower but also each induced status effects to some degree!

Beyond skills, the attributes and resistances seemed broken. The Epic rank really shone in all the numbers. Perhaps a monster or creature would boast higher starting stats, but they didn't have the cultivation ability like a plant. So, it was logical that they would be very different.

Speaking of rank, Rialyne was especially struck by the [ Holy ] rank. It wasn't any of the ranks that Cardisys had told her.

When she asked him about it, she was stunned upon learning it was the first of the Eight Heavenly Ranks as opposed to the Eight Mortal Ranks that was already familiar with.

The reason why Cardisys hadn't yet divulged this was because he didn't think they would get to this point so soon of acquiring something Heavenly ranked.

Rather than be upset or suspicious, Rialyne merely shone with unbridled excitement. She had lost her human body, and now she lost her 'mortality,' but wasn't one least bit upset to possibly think of herself as a touch divine.