Tok, tok, tok

The sound of knocking on the door cought my cousins' attention, they peered through the window to see who knocked. What they found surprised them, they immediately opened the door to let the police officer in, but they declined and requested for my presence, I went to the door and asked the cop...

"What can I do for you officer?"

"Miss Rose, you are under arrest for killing 59 people and their families on the first of April year XXX" said the cop who entered the door. The cop enetered the house and cuffed me.

Aunt and my cousin's were shocked by the news, they followed me to the police station where I will be questioned.

We entered a room, just me and the police officer. Inside was a table and two chairs that are facing each other, we sat down and the atmosphere turned heavy.

He asked "why did you kill all those innocent people and had the guts to come back home?"

He's surprisingly relaxed about this.

"I didn't kill any innocent people" I answered his question.

His face cracked and smashed the table with his fist.


"I told you, I didn't kill any innocent people" I amswered agian.

"Sigh, look kid, I don't want to drag this any further. Just tell me why did you kill them?" He asked again regaining his composure.

I pulled out a folder from my jacket and yes, I'm wearing a jacket. I threw the folder on the table, he looked at what's inside the folder and the results shocked him.

"I've been invistigating those guys ever since I found out that they were harrasing my aunt, and guess what. They have been smuggling drugs, weapons and people. They kidnap children and sell their organs in the blackmarket, they murder others for their own satisfaction, they rape women and do other undescribable things. I'M NOT JUST GONNA STAND THERE WATCHING MY FAMILY BE THEIR NEXT VICTIM!! So tell me, can you still call those people INNOCENT??!!" I asked letting a bit of my emotions get a hold of me.

"ha... ha ha HA HAHAHAHAHAHA!" He laughed? Why is he laughing?

"So you found out" he said. What did he mean?

"Do you know Ms. Rose? Why we haven't arrested them yet even though we knew?" He said standing up from his chair and walking towards me.

He leaned on my ear and said "it's because they pay us"

I felt my body shiver as his knife dug dipper into my stomach, blood came out from my mouth.

"Even if I kill you here, nobody would care" this was the last thing I heard before I fainted.