Chapter 9: My Unique Ability

I woke up when I heard Doc calling my name gently, just like how mom and aunt used to wake me up, it made me feel warm and happy.

"Angela, wake up. Breakfast is ready, we have a long day ahead of us" Doc said sweetly, like talking to her daughter.

I woke up at the mention of breakfast.

"Now go and take a bath, I don't want you to be dirty so early in the morning" she said as she led me to the bathroom.

I took a bath just as she said, then I remembered that I didn't have a change of clothes. When I opened the bathroom door, the doctor was smiling widely with a pink dress and pink shoes on her hand.

"Oh, no. I am not wearing a pink dress"I declaired.

"Oh, yes you are missy", she squinted her eyes, and prepared to put up a fight.

I wasn't gonna lose so I stared back, silence covered the room, as the water dripped from the shower, Doc launched at me with the pink dress on hand. I wasn't gonna let her put it on on me, so I ran. But doc, pulled the towel that covered my body, I stopped in my tracks and got caught.

"Hahaha, it's my win" she laughed.

I sighed and gave in, I put on my underwear and the dress, surprisingly the dress felt comfortable. I went to the mirror and saw that I looked good, even though I'm fat.

"Come on, put your shoes on and lets go eat breakfast"

I put on my matching pink shoes and followed Doctor Chariz to the dining room.

Just as I expected, the dining hall is fancy. Living in this house makes me feel like a princess, but you know, a fat one.

Doc gestured for me to sit next to her, the dinning table was long but the only one eating is me and doc, her servants are just standing at the side.

I sat down next to her as we waited for the food to be served. I took this chance to ask her.

"Say, doc, why do you have such a long dining tables and many chairs but it's only you here?"

She laughed at my question "that's because they haven't woken up yet"

What did she mean 'they'?


"Don't worry, you'll meet them soon. For now eat" she said

The food was already served so I ate the scrumptious breakfast, consisting of eggs, bacon, pancakes and fruits, a glass of milk for me and coffee for the doc. I might say, the food is delicious.

After we ate breakfast, doc and I went to the mall. Why? I have no idea.

"Doc, why are we at the mall?" I asked, as we pulled over at the parking space.

"To buy all of your necessities"

"But, I don't have any money"

"Don't worry I'll pay for everything"

"But Isn't this a bit too much? I'm just a freeloader, I don't deserve this"

"Don't worry, from now on you'll be my daughter"

"Huh?" This was the last thing that I said before I got dragged to go shopping.

Everything happened so fast, doc dragged me all over the mall. She bought me, a lot of clothes, some accessories and snacks.

We went back to the house around sunset, doc immediately dragged me to my room and dressed me up. Due to the confusion and running around all day, I lost weight. Yes, that's right, I lost weight, I turned back to my skinny self.

"My, my, Angela, you lost weight?!" The doctor was shocked.

"Oh, this? It happens when I feel a strong feeling/emotion, for example, right now. I feel so confused"

I discovered this ability of mine when I turned 5. It was the first day of school and I felt really anxious, that's when I discovered I slimmed down.

"Well, now that you've become slimmer, the dress fits perfectly" she said happily.

I looked in the mirror and I saw someone so gorgeous that even Venus don't stand a chance.

"Is, that me?"

I can't believe what I'm seeing, I look beautiful. I'm wearing a red dress with golden frills, my shoes are a match with my dress. My white hair is put up in a braided bun. I was glowing.

"Yes darling, it's 100% you" doc replied.

"I've never been beautful before. What's the occasion anyway?" I asked.

"Hehe, don't tell me you forgot?"


"Hehe, you'll find out soon. Come on, everybody is waiting"