Chapter 12: Birthday Party Part 3

"Oh looks like it's his turn. Happy Birthday lil sis" he left the spotlight that we shared.

I looked around to see who he was refering to. And then another spotlight appeared, the gentleman had a blue rose in his pocket.

The music started but this time it was one of those spanish music where they dance really fast, well good thing the dress I'm wearing has a short skirt and shorts underneath.

He clapped his hands matching the music and just as the music stopped and started again, he pulled my hand and we dance like crazy.

I enjoyed dancing with him, I used to dance like this with uncle when I was younger. As the music was nearing it's end, the gentleman threw me up high and caught me gracefuly as the music ended.

"My name is Raphael Paladin, nice to meet you little sister. I might say, you're quite a good dancer" he winked at me and left the spotlight.

Just as he left, another swiftly pulled me to dance again. This time, the gentleman has a purple rose, I didn't know a purple rose existed.

Unlike the other two before, his dance is unique, I don't know what it's called but all I can say is that it feels gentle and warm. His dance is like waltz but it has a bit of ballet feel to it.

"Ms. Angela, it is very nice to finally meet you. My name is Kyle Paladin, may I call you Angei?"

"Yes, of course um... how should I address you?"

"Bro is fine", he smiled.

"Then, can bro tell me what's going on?"

I have totally no idea what I'm doing, I'm just going with the flow right now.

"Hehe, don't worry about it, just go with the flow" he answered as the music stopped.

He left leaving a flying kiss, which was weird for me.


Another man appeard in front of me, the music started but he didn't say anything and just took my hand and we started dancing waltz.

This man stared directly at my eyes, he had this curious look on him. But then he smiled.

"I'll call you whatever I want from now on, and you can also call me whatever you want" he exclaimed.


"... So, Angel, have you heard of magic waltz?"

"No, is that what we're going to dance?", what's a magic waltz?

"We're already dancing it, haven't you noticed that we're not on the ground anymore?"he giggled slightly.

I looked down and saw that we were floating, how was this possible? Am I wearing an anti gravity dress or something? It's scary but I'm surprisingly okay with this. I wonder why?

I stared back to him still having a shocked expression on my face. He giggled again and the music slowly died down. As the music slowly disappeard, we also slowly descended from the air.

Just before he left he said this, "from now on, expect the unexpected and just be your self"

"My name is Axel Paladin, see you soon Angel" then he disappeared. Seriously, he freakin' disappeared.


I waited for a few moments but the eldest hasn't appeared yet, maybe he came late? But I just saw him a few minutes ago.

I waited for about a minute, then suddenly, my surroundings changed. I was in a beautiful garden that glowed in the moonlight, the fireflies flew happily in the air and in the center of the small garden stood a man holding a white rose.

His beautiful amythest eyes looked so mysterious in the dark, his cool black hair sparkled as a ray of moonlight revealed his Adonis like face. If I was a normal girl, I would be all over him, luckily I'm not and I'm not too attracted to handsome guys. I mean, if you live in a house with 13 children and 7 of them are handsome young men, you'll be immune to this kind of thing.

He glanced at my direction and started to walk. I also approached him, and just as we were a meter a part, he stopped and so did I.