Meeting God

"Arhhh..... Where am I? What is this place?"

"Wait! Didn't I die? How am I alive?"

Satoshi started looking around the beautiful garden he was laying in.

"Wait, I can see!..... Is this because I died?" he thought. His pushed his body and sat on the ground.

The grass was smooth and fluffy unlike the greens from earth. He was surrounded by beautiful trees and exotic flower. It looked like he entered heaven.

"At least they put me in the heavens!" he thought.

He turned around, "Wooah.....! Who are you?" Satoshi found a beautiful kid watching him from behind.

"Kami" replied the god.

(Kami = God)

"Kami?.. Hmmm..... So you are that sucker who made my life a living hell, aren't you? " Satoshi raged in front of the little kid who had little to no reaction.

God shook his head in denial.

"Do you think the Gods are servants of human beings? We don't do stuff like designing your life or assign the path where you go in life!" the God replied in an indifferent voice like he didn't mind Satoshi cursing at him.

"Our only duty is the creation, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation do the management, we leave the destruction in mortal's hand! Obviously, you guys do a better job than us!" God replied.

"Destruction? Yeah, I know what you mean? I hope human destroy themselves soon then only I can laugh at their face and enjoy the feeling! Uuhhh... It feels good to even think of that scene!" Satoshi wiggled his body in a weird motion.

Surprisingly there was a change in reaction from God's face.

"So where am I? What is going to happen to me?" Satoshi asked. He was so fed up with life, so he didn't care what happened next.

"This is my resting ground! I summoned you because the Six Paths of Reincarnation threw you out because of your overwhelming hate towards everything and me. So, for now, your Soul cannot reincarnate!" God replied.

Satoshi looked around the garden like he didn't care what God has to talk about. God didn't show his frustration on his face and added a sentence which caught his attention.

"Because of that, there is no choice but to throw you out in the Endless Void where you will drift for Eternity!" finally there was a reaction on his face.

"What? What are you saying? You are joking, right?" Satoshi panicked.

God smiled knowing he caught his bait.

"Thankfully, there is a way! But you have to accept to resolve your hatred and then only I can send you through the Reincarnation process!" God suggestion with a kind smile.

Satoshi felt his smile looked like a crafty salesman.

Satoshi placed his finger on his chin and thought, "Dissolve my hate? That means I have to forgive those scums who betrayed me, those who laughed at me, call me a murderer! Like hell, I will!"

God looked intensely at his face and said, "You know there are humans on earth can guess what other person is thinking through their expressions! I am a God and reading other person mind is the least difficult thing to me."

Satoshi only replied with a humph.

God sighed looking at his still unwavering hatred towards the people that failed him.

He added, "You know; I didn't say that by you forgiving them doesn't mean that their sins will be wiped out! Since you died, now your frustrations and anger will rebound as sins to the persons who caused them. And the Six Paths of Reincarnation will properly judge them with befitting punishment. Believe me, from the level of your sufferings and hate; those people will be pitied even from the hearts of the cruelest person in the world."

Satoshi felt his rage subsidized a little after hearing God's words. "Is that true?" he quietly asked.

"We don't lie!" God replied.

"Okay, I will forgive them but under one condition!" he smirked looking at the God.

God sighed and said, "Looks like you've noticed!"

"Haha... Yes! Do you think I am stupid enough not to notice something simple like this?"

"First of all, there is no need for you to convince a lowly being like me. You could've wiped my soul or threw me off like you don't care! Looking at your way of speaking I can guess you're desperate for me to dissolve my hatred and my soul to get reincarnated." Alex placed his suspicions.

"Fewuuuuu... Now there is no use for me to hide things from you! You are half correct! But you as my Creation I cannot destroy you or wipe your existence, and if I throw you out in the Endless void, you might return one day as a terrifying demon who will threaten the existence of humanity.

"Like the Demon Lord from the Anime's?" Satoshi asked with expectant eyes.

"Kind of!" God truthfully replied.

Satoshi now was seriously weighing his choices whether to return as a Demon Lord or get Reincarnated to the Hell (Earth).

"Don't think you will become a Demon Lord with 100% certainty. The pain and loneliness of drifting alone in the void are billion times harder than you suffered on Earth." God added looking at his face.

Satoshi didn't react to his sentence while he still acted like he was heavily thinking.

Frustration was building upon God's mind "So what are your conditions?" God asked without any choice.

A smile blossomed on Satoshi's face.

"Not much, just three!" he replied showing his three fingers.

"First I don't want to Reincarnate on Earth, I want to reincarnate in a world which has Swords and Magic."

"Second, I want to be an OP character on that world with my memories restored on my 5th birthday!"

"Why 5th birthday?" God asked.

"Because I don't want to go through the process of pooping on my diapers or live under the eyes of Adults 24*7! Now let's go to the third condition and the most important one!"

"Make sure that the world has beautiful Female Elves... " Satoshi drooled on the thought of seeing an Elf on real life.


"Oi, what's with your expression? Are you looking down on me?" Satoshi raged looking at the expression of the god.

"Humph, this is why I hate Otaku's!" God replied with a disgusted expression.

Satoshi kept his rage inside for the sake of his dreams. Finally Elves, Satoshi was jubilant beyond words.

Soon a new God popped out in front of them.

This time it was a beautiful female Elf goddess, "Ara... Satoshi-Kun right? You are a handsome young lad aren't you?" the Elf god smiled at Satoshi and said in a sweet voice. Satoshi felt his heart melting from her voice.

"Yessss..... I amm... Satoshi! I feel honored to be blessed by the presence of your highness!" Satoshi kneeled with one knee like a knight and shouted with an Ecstatic expression.

The other God felt his veins popping up on his head. He gripped his hands in frustration and anger.

"Ara... Thank you, Satoshi! I am happy to meet you too!" Elf god replied.

"Satoshi, I heard that you wanted to Reincarnate in a world with Swords and Magic, right?" the Elf god asked.

"Yes! But now I am fully satisfied by meeting your highness and breathing the same air as you! I don't care even If my soul gets wiped out!" Satoshi replied seriously.


"The Elf Goddess started giggling and replied, "You are making me embarrassed, Satoshi! Okay, now I will send you to the World under my Jurisdiction."

The Elf goddess made a sign with her hands; slowly Satoshi felt his existence being wiped away. Within a minute his whole body disappeared from the place where he stood.

"Ara... I made a mistake!" the Elf Goddess shouted.

"What??" God asked in a panic.

"It's about the three conditions, what does OP character mean?" the Elf goddess asked.

God's expression froze, he replied, "Its nothing to worry about" in a robot voice and he turned around and started laughing like a maniac.

"Hahahaaaaa.....! Hahaaa... Fhewwuuu.....! That felt refreshing!" God commented.

The Elf Goddess looked confused at his maniacal laugh and left the place in a hurry.


Ishura continent, Eclain Country, in a village hospital.

"Congratulations, Chief! You got a son!" a voice of a doctor echoed in a room full of villagers.