Chapter 2 Treasure? Bloodline?

"Well then.... let's dance".

Despite being a mortal human, a formless pressure was generated from Shen Tian which subdued many of the Lone Shadow Wolf pack. This formless pressure resonated with his sword, causing the edge to glow a pale silver.

Even the Lone Shadow Wolf Spirit Beast, the massive wolf that destroyed the use of his right arm felt a minor suppression from it.

However it only made the Spirit Beast hunger after Shen Tian's blood ever further. If a mortal can suppress a Spiritual Beast, even of the lowest Rank, than the power contained within Shen Tian's blood must be astounding.

I must have it, thought the Lone Shadow Wolf Spirit Beast!

"C'mon. Don't tell me you're all scared?", Shen Tian's magnetic voice attracted the attention of the entire pack. Despite not having the same intoxicating effect is has on humans, it was enough to gain the attention of all the Lone Shadow Wolves.

"Awoooo!". Was the only response he received. If the bared teeth and razor-sharp claws were anything to go by, Shen Tian had successfully captured the concentration of the Lone Shadow Wolf pack.

A tension fueled silence filled the air.

The Lone Shadow Wolf pack took a step forward.

Shen Tian took a step back.

The two sides always kept the same distance, but Shen Tian was the one being pressured back.

He couldn't make a move first. If he did they pack would surround him and attack him from all sides. If they came towards him, he could counter and utilize his sword technique more efficiently.

Shen Tian blinked quickly. His vision was starting to go red in his right eye and a small puddle of blood pooled beneath him.

"If only I still had the use of my right arm....", he cursed under his breath. Sweat had begun to form on his forehead and it started to drip off his eyebrows. The sensation distracted him and in that single moment a Lone Shadow Wolf burst from out of the pack and lunged at him. Jaws opened and razor-sharp teeth ready to rip into Shen Tian.


A single wave of his sword resulted in the bisection of a Lone Shadow Wolf. The body fell and made two distinct sounds as it hit the ground.

One-sword! One-kill!

A cold fire grew in Shen Tian's eyes and the pale silver glow on the edge of the blade grew stronger.

The formless pressure increased!

Despite this acting as a form of suppression on the Lone Shadow Wolf pack, the bloodline suppression the Lone Shadow Wolf Spirit Beast outweighed the mystical influence Shen Tian exuded from his body.

"Awoooo!", with a howling decree, several Lone Shadow Wolves rushed out towards Shen Tian, each more blood thirsty and savage than the next.

With every wave of his sword Shen Tian severed head and limb from the mortal beasts body. If anyone saw him right now, they might mistake him for an uncontrollable Shura with the amount of blood he was drenched in.

His cold, icy expression! His unique collected temperament! His quick, spontaneous instincts! All of which formed a one-of-a-kind warrior almost never found in the mortal world. Usually only cultivators of who have created some sort of Intent possess this kind of mentality.

".... just a little bit longer.... only a little-! What is that!?". Shen Tian's words were interrupted by a sudden blinding green glow descending from the night sky!

[I've finally found you]

A strange and obscure sounding voice entered Shen Tian's ears. He couldn't discern the gender of the voice, but he could definitely feel the power radiating behind it.

Not just him, but the Lone Shadow Wolf pack ceased their advances and gazed up at the falling light. Many people from Green River City saw the glow and their eyes widened.

A treasure!

A treasure that fell from the Heavens!

Even the Elder from the Thousand Sword Sect was awakened by the appearance of this Heavenly Treasure and immediately gathered the rest of the Thousand Sword Sect forces in order to obtain this Treasure!

"Gather all the prospective members as well! Tell them if they find the Treasure and bring to me, they'll be accepted into the Sect on the spot! No exceptions!", shouted the long bearded Elder. His eyes narrowed at the descent of the Heavenly Treasure and his mind wandered.

Why now? Why is it that now of all times a Heavenly Treasure appears? Perhaps its-.

The wizened old man shook his head. Even if someone was fortunate enough to awaken a bloodline in this countryside city, there was no way someone with a bloodline this potent wasn't already a member of another Sect.

If that was the case then....

A dangerous glint passed through the Elders eyes.

In order to eliminate the plant one must destroy the root!

In order to prevent possible enemies to the Sect, they must be eliminated when they are still in their infantile period!

The Thousand Sword Sect Elder let out a profound sigh, "If a genius who can produce a Divine Light during their bloodline awakening is killed so young.... I feel as though I'd be doing humanity a disservice....".

The Elder gazed at the blinding green light descending off in the distance.

Whether it be a treasure or a genius, I must try my best to bring them back to the Sect. If I bring back either I'll finally be able to rub it in that old man's face. That'll show him how lucky I am.

The wizened Elder stroked his beard, obviously beaming from his luck. A happy tune escaped his lips, and he slowly floated and flew towards the surrounding forests. The remainder of the Thousand Sword Sect forces slowly trailed behind him, unable to fly without the assistance of Spiritual Treasures.

The battle in the forest stood at a complete standstill. Shen Tian stared unblinking at the sheer radiance the falling object was emitting. His entire being was entranced by the light and his pain slowly started to fade away.

Everything in the forest was lit up by the sheer luminescence of the object. Everybody saw the light thought this was the descent of a Heavenly Treasure, yet only one felt an actual attraction towards it.

"This green light.... I can't help but reach out for...", Shen Tian stood tall and defenseless. Both his arms reached out for the Heavenly Light, as if the injury to his right side never happened.

In fact he couldn't feel it.

He couldn't feel anything.

He only felt the attraction between him and the light.

The feeling of his blood boiling and resonating with this Heavenly Light was the most unfettering feeling Shen Tian ever felt. Just being this close to the light sent a healthy flush to his face.

Despite it being close enough to blind anyone else, Shen Tian extended his hands and caught the falling light and instantly, all traces of the glowing green radiance vanished from the world as if it never existed.

"What? What was tha- argh!". A cry of pain escaped Shen Tian's mouth as a pillar of Divine Green Light exploded out of his body. The light was so strong that the surrounding Lone Shadow Wolf pack was assimilated by this Light, including the Lone Shadow Wolf Spirit Beast that led them.

"Awoooo-", was the last sound it made before being broken down and absorbed by the Divine Green Light, along with every other living thing in a hundred meter radius!

Plants, trees, insects, beasts! Even the thick green grass beneath Shen Tian's feet was engulfed by the Divine Green Light. Spiritual energy wasn't an exception either!

The amount of energy absorbed by Shen Tian's body was enough for a normal mortal to break through to the 5th Stage of the Qi Condensation Realm! But everything entered his body and disappeared without a trace.

By this stage, many of the residents of Green River City had arrived, along with the Thousand Sword Sect forces. All of whom had their eyes widened at the sheer intensity of the Divine Green Light.

"Elder Yun! It seems like a local has obtained the Treasure! Should we take it?", a young fair skinned young man, probably 16 to 17 years old appeared behind the wizened Elder, who was currently stroking his beard in excitement.

Elder Yun shot the young man a glance and noticed the glint of greed in his eyes before shaking his head in disappointment.

"No, this is not the appearance of a Heavenly Treasure. This young man is fortunate enough to awaken his Bloodline.... and a powerful one at that....", his words sent whispers throughout the entire city.


"In our City!".

"I heard someone from Bright Moon City awakened a Bloodline too!".

"Yeah! But when that happened, it only caused a minor heavenly Phenomena! This Divine Green Light! It pierces the clouds with its resplendence!".

All of the citizens of Green River City were in awe and respect of the young 13 year old boy in front of them. To them, who lived mundane and ordinary lives, this was the closest they would get to the cultivation world. The see such a heavenly phenomena, such as a Divine Light that pierces the sky, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

"A Bloodline! In this backwater city!? Elder Yun you must be joking!?", the same fair skinned young man's face well in the face of this new found information. He originally thought that with the appearance of this Heavenly Treasure he might be able to reap some benefits for his own.

But since this was only a Bloodline Awakening, the only person who would be able to obtain some gains would be the young man within the Divine Green Light in front him. His greed subsided, and a seed of animosity grew within him.

".... damn country bumpkin.... probably awakening a trash bloodline....", a hint of hate was evident in the fair skinned young man's tone. Even he didn't have the ability to awaken a Bloodline, so why did this nobody!

Elder Yun noticed the rapid change in emotions of the young man beside him but refrained from making a comment.

If he were to show favoritism in such a public place to a complete stranger that wasn't even apart of the Sect, even he, and Elder may face serious punishment.

The Thousand Sword Sect was a just and righteous Sect! It abhorred evil and expelled many demonic cultivators hiding within its walls.

He had no right to judge a young man with a small inferiority complex. The quicker he realized there was always a sky above a sky, and a man above a man, the smoother his future cultivation will be.

"Brother! Brother! What's going on with my elder brother!", another handsome looking young man broke through the encirclement the Thousand Sword Sect had created, his normally elegant features soaked in sweat and his skin an even paler color.

"Damn it kid! Stay back! If you enter the Divine Green Light, you'll be engulfed as well!".

The handsome young man's voice snapped Elder Yun out of his stupor and he floated over towards the commotion.

"Just let me go! My brother fought a pack of Lone Shadow Wolves alone in order for me to get away! I need to get to him!", Shen Tian pushed against the two 17 year olds in front of him, but his lack of cultivation prevented him from even pushing them back a step.

"Stand down you two. I'll take it from here".

The crowds gaze turned to the wizened old man floating several meters above them. This aura was commanding, despite the number of years this old man possessed. And every time he gazed into someone's eyes, they instinctively broke out in a cold sweat, unable to look into the abyss without it looking back.

"Child are you sure your not lying? Both your bone structures are only a few weeks apart. You cannot be this young man's brother". Elder Yun said resolutely. His eyes narrowed and only a sliver of iris could be seen. The image of a hawk eyeing its prey came to mind.

Shen Xian did nothing to avoid the old man's gaze. His pure black eyes stared right into Elder Yun's bottomless gaze, not caring if he loses his mind in the process.

"We may not share the same blood. But Shen Tian and I are sworn brothers! We've hunted together! We've lived together! He's taken care of me while I've gotten sick! He's my only family in the entire world!". Shen Tian's heartfelt words and handsome face pulled at the heartstrings of many young ladies in the crowd. Even some girls from noble families found themselves lost in his rich black eyes.

Elder Yun raised an eyebrow.

He's not lying, he thought.

Cultivators at the Foundation Establishment Realm could easily discern truth and lie from a mortal with no cultivation. They could see minor facial twitches, hear heartbeats from a distance, and some cultivators even had techniques that could read another's mind!

The world of cultivation was limitless after all!

"Well then my boy, why don't you stand over here and wait for your brothers Bloodline Awakening to finish. After that, I'll personally oversee the healing for any injuries he might have incurred. Is that suitable with you?", the grandfatherly tone Elder Yun used was unlike anything the other members of the Thousand Sword Sect had ever heard.

They knew they were trying to coax this young man and his elder brother to join the Sect, but did he have to be so damn obvious about it!?

"Thanks old man!", the crowd nearly spout out blood.

Old man?

Old man!?

This was a Foundation Establishment Cultivator! Someone who could fly without the assistance of Spiritual Tools or Treasures!

This lifespan was roughly 500 years!

He could shatter mountains and separate seas with the abilities he possessed!

And you had the nerve to call him old man!?

Elder Yun however did nothing but smile at the young man beside him before turning his gaze towards the shrinking Divine Green Light Shen Tian's body was emitting.

"A heavenly phenomena in the form of a Divine Light normally symbolizes both the affinity of the bloodline as well as the rarity.... if a Wood Element Divine-Grade Bloodline can produce a Divine Light that is several kilometers tall.... then why is it?", Elder Yun's head tilted back as far as humanly possible, gazing straight up at the beam of Divine Light.

"Then why is it that with a Spiritual Sense that exceeds 10 kilometers even I can't see the pinnacle of this Divine Light!".