


The gloomy clouds rumbled as they covered the sun. The dark clouds loomed over the city and drop by drop, rain started pouring down.




The sounds of water splashing could be heard as a dark figure ran on the wet road. His expression fierce and his eyes bloodshot. Behind him, a group of people in a khaki coloured uniform chased after him.

Meanwhile, the surrounding public retreated in fear and their expressions showed their panic and anxiousness.

"Why is there a group of police chasing after a man?" A short guy, whose skin is tanned due to the ruthless Indian summer, spoke and took out his smartphone.

"Gotta record this!" Even the torrential rainstorm couldn't stop the eagerness of the man to capture a good story on his smartphone. After all, sharing and forwarding these kinds of videos have long been a social trend.




"Just a little more, just a little more!" The person who is being chased looked extremely haggard. His wet hair stuck on his forehead, but his eyes still remained bright.

They were still hopeful!

Even when so many police officers were chasing after him, the hope in his heart still did not reduce for a single moment.

He quickly took a turn and entered a dark alley.

"Huff, huff!"

The alley was already blocked by a wall and the man let his body support on the wall. His shoulder kept on bleeding as a bullet wound could be seen through his jacket. His legs trembled as he tried to stand straight, fearing that his last moment would be spent on falling on the ground.

"Sigh, you already knew. Why did you come here?" A faint voice spoke as a shadowy figure walked out from behind the big trash can.

Even though her wet hairs stuck on her forehead and hid her face, one could still figure out the gender of the lady because of her body structure.

"Huff, huff!" The guy kept on panting as he looked at the figure. His eyes shone even during the moment of his demise and he tried to control his breathing.

"The moment those hypocrites surrounded *gasp* me, huff... huff, I– I understood."

The man spoke slowly. His eyes burned fiercely, but it wasn't burning in rage and anger, but compassion and joy.

"So...huff, so tell me. Did you find your justice?" The man spoke as he looked towards the girl with expectant eyes. His whole figure looked desperate, but the hope in his eyes didn't diminish one bit.

Hearing his words, the woman fell silent. Her thoughts started to drift and her surroundings turned serene, as if she couldn't hear the sound of rainwater and splashes made by the footsteps of the approaching policemen.

"Justice? You already know my origin, and you still hope that I will clear your doubts?" The lady shook his head and raised her hands, pointed the barrel at the head of the man and whispered slightly.

"Still, you raised me. Let me tell you, there is no Justice, only benefits."

The moment the man heard her words, his figure trembled and his eyes gained clarity. His expression turned joyful, as if he wasn't standing in front of a gunpoint.




The bullet pierced the man's head as he fell on the ground with a blank gaze. Surprisingly, the hope in his eyes still remained.

Looking at the soulless figure, the woman's eyes turned red as the gun that took his life fell from her hands.

Slowly, tears started to form in her eyes as she clutched her chest.

"Why? Why did you have to do this?"

"I gave you my heart and my body, and you still rejected me."

"I gave you my emotions and soul, and you still didn't use me and protected me till the end."

"I betrayed you and you still remained compassionate towards me."

"I loved you with every fibre of my being and yet you still made me kill you."

"You are so cruel! So cruel!"

The lady wept and wept, her voice and tears suppressed by the downpour.

"There she is!"

"Capture her! She knows the information about the codes!"

"President wants her alive! Don't use guns."

The female looked at the approaching policemen and her eyes flickered.

"On one side, my lover caused me grief, but he still saved me from the poisonous hands of my father. He taught me that there is no justice, only eternal benefits."

Her hand quickly held the gun and her expression turned even more disappointed.

"For benefits, he sacrificed his own daughter, for compassion, he saved me. Such a difference!"

"Let me accompany you again, Kamal!" She pointed the gun at her lower jaw and pressed the trigger.


The expression of all the policemen turned ugly as the bullet pierced her brain, killing her.

That day, various news channels were filled with the reporting about the encounter of the mass murderer Kamal and his partner Anmol.

Even the previous president, who was the ashamed father of Anmol expressed his grief and set up a conference.

But still, the last act of the duo shook the whole continent.

A whole city was eradicated from the face of the map to destroy the nuclear codes.

Undoubtedly, this caused severe damage to the resources of the nation as well as targeted the reputation of the country.

Till now, the whole country is still in doubt about their motive.

Why would they do that?

Why would they kill hundreds of thousands of citizens to damage the country they grew up in?



Southern Continent, Gu World.

The Southern Continent is filled with mountain ranges and is extremely popular in flora and fauna. The spectacular aspect of this continent is that each Mountain will have a ruler and these mountains have an ecology of their own, making them self-sufficient and sustainable.

Western Qi Mountain.

This mountain is controlled by two families– Kame Family and Crane Family.

In one of the Villages controlled by the Kame family, a loud burst of cheer could be heard as an old nanny walked out of the house with sweat on her forehead. She was adorned in simple, coarse clothing, indicating the rough life lead in the mountain.

But right now, she had an approving and satisfied expression. She walked towards the anxious man waiting outside the house and patted his shoulder.

"Old Kai, congratulations! Little Luna has given birth to a healthy son."

The moment the middle-aged man heard these words, his expression turned extremely joyous and he rushed towards his house. He didn't even bother replying to the Old Nanny, causing her to snort in a fun manner.

The middle-aged man quickly walked inside the house and looked at all the mess. But right now, his attention was captured by a cute newborn, crying aloud.

Beside the wrapped child lay an exhausted woman. Her features plain and her forehead filled with sweat. Even though her face was extremely pale, her expression remained satisfied as she looked at the crying kid.

"Old Kai, this is our son."

"Luna, you did a good job. Now rest." The man spoke gently and sat near the lady, slowly massaging her head.

The woman was already exhausted and in no time, she closed her eyes and drifted to Dreamland.

Meanwhile, Old Kai also tended to his son, who was sleeping with a blank expression.

Looking at his son, Old Kai couldn't help but nod with a satisfied expression one more time.

"The expression of rice was bountiful this season, and you will definitely bring us more luck, so you will be named Gohan."

Old Kai spoke and felt pleased by his naming sense.

"Origin Kai, named Gohan."

As he took care of his son and wife, he failed to notice a slight glow in the chest region of Gohan. The glow was bright enough to pass through the blanket momentarily.


The years passed like the flowing river. The crops kept on growing, the seasons kept on changing, but the life of the Mortals on the mountain remained the same.

'This the Gu world.'

'Gu insects are the miracle of the nature that can help humans to break past their limits and perform supernatural feats.'

'There is a gu insect for almost every single operation.'

'There are sword gus, fire gus, water gus and many more gus that remain hidden in nature.'

A youth, almost fifteen years of age looked at the clear sky and sighed.

His short black hair alongside dark pupils and smooth white skin gained the approval of many young maidens of the village.

'A pity, only Gu Masters can use Gu for their own use. I am simply a mortal in this life, too.'

'Previous life, I had to slaughter so many innocents to have my revenge. I ended up caring for a woman, but failed to keep up with circumstances and hurt her feelings as well as lost my own life.'

'Only benefits are eternal, huh.'

The youth laid on the green grass of the mountain and his expression remained blank. His deep black pupils stared at the sky for almost half a day.

"Gohan, you brat! I told you to help me harvest the Red Earth Seaweeds. Why the hell are you dozing off?"

A gruff voice cut Gohan's train of thought and he looked at his father, Old Kai. His expression still remained neutral and he got up without saying any word.

Old Kai seemed to be used to this behaviour and simply snorted.

"I already told you to stop thinking about being a Gu Master. We all have read the legends of Human Ancestor. But not everything is practical. Now move."

Gohan simply nodded and started to walk with his father towards the farm.