Wind Qi Gu

"Gu Worms come in many shape and sizes. There is also an uncountable number of Gus in the world. Like our Kame Family specialise in Wind Qi Gu."

The Elder spoke till here and his hand flashed a warm glow before a small, light green ant appeared on his palm.

The Green colour of the ant kept on flashing and the Elder Pointed his other hand towards the Wooden Dummy placed inside the class.


Suddenly, a blade comprising of wind shot towards the wooden dummy, leaving a deep scar on its surface. After completing his demonstration, he looked at the stunned audience.

"This is the use if Wind Qi Gu. As you can all see, it is just a rank 1 Gu and still has strong attack power. This demonstration is also related to today's topic. Before I begin with the lecture, does anybody have any doubts?"

The whole class looked at the Wooden Dummy and then looked back at the Elder before shaking their heads.

"Alright, today, we will discuss the statement ' A Gu Master Refines Gu, Uses Gu and Nurtures Gu. ' "

"Just like you saw the previous attack, it os the manipulation of Wind Qi Gu that is categorised as using the Gu worm. But it just one aspect of Gu Masters and Gu Worms."

"Just like us, Gu Worms are living beings and have their own will and needs."

"The Gu worms are needed to be raised carefully. They have to be regularly fed and also get nurtured inside the Primeval Essence Sea of the Gu Master's aperture."

"Now, before using the Gu and nurturing it, it's necessary to refine the Gu using your own Primeval Essence."

"Gu Masters need to conquer the will of the Gu worm before actually using it."

The whole class listened intently and they all looked excited. They not only got the chance to study the ways of the Gu Master, but they were also given preferential treatment by the Village.

Their Families were welcomed by the Elders of the Kame Village and they were able to settle inside the Kame village smoothly.

As they thought of this, their eyes inadvertently passed by Gohan.

After all, Gohan's family was staying in the Clan Head's courtyard.

After the lecture was concluded, the Academy Elder looked at them and smiled lightly.

"Alright, I will give your first assignment today. You will be brought to the Gu Chamber of the Family and will be given a chance to select your first Gu worm."

"The first student to refine their Gu worm will be given a reward of 20 Primeval Stones."

The moment the reward was mentioned, the whole class looked at each other and started to chat aloud.

"Holy! Man, this is 20 Primeval Stones. With that, we can easily raise our cultivation. After all our B Grade Aptitude isn't for show."

"Not just that, we can also buy a rank 1 gu worm and cultivate it. With that, we will have two Gu worms, our power will skyrocket."

"Hey, don't forget about the Family Carnival. I will be saving my Primeval Stones for the carnival."

"Its good to dream a lot, but only the first student to refine the Gu will be given those Primeval Stones. Do you think you can compete with A Grade Aptitude?"

A rather arrogant voice sounded and the whole class fell silent.

They looked at the source and found a young man with coarse features and a skinny body.

It was Ray!

After settling down, they all understood their true fortune.

D Grade Aptitude Gu masters can only achieve the level of Rank 1 only. They cannot break through to Rank 2 due to the limits of their aptitude.

C Grade Aptitude Gu Masters can go up to Rank 2 and become the major fighting force of the Clan.

B Grade Aptitude is even better. Even though their potential exhaust at Rank 3, they are still qualified to become an Elder of the Clan and start their own family.

A Grade Aptitude is no doubt top-notch aptitude. Not only the Gu Master become the Head of the Clan, but he can also reach Rank 5.

In the mortal world, Rank 5 is undefeatable!

This is the true nature of the Gu Cultivation.

Rank 5 Gu Masters are already the peak of mortal cultivation and their prowess is unmatched!

And now, Kame Family has four youths with A Grade Aptitude and dozens of B Grade Aptitude talents.

What does this mean?

This means that if they are given enough time, not only will they conquer the Western Qi Mountain, but also explore the other regions of the continent and expand their territory.

And now, all the A Grade Aptitude students understood their value.

They can compete for the position of Head of the Clan!

No doubt, Ray was arrogant.

He is like an insect that has transformed into a magnificent dragon, looking upon the world with contempt.

"Alas, only Gohan could be recruited by the Clan Head. The rest of them have settled into different Elder families of the Clan."

Academy Elder could only sigh in disappointment.

"But Gohan... hehe... he is worth more than dozens of A Grade Aptitude!" His eyes shone like a crystal as he looked at Gohan.

From his eyes, one could see hope! Hope for a greater future for the clan!

"Alright, form a line and I will lead you to the Gu Chamber. Remember, you all will only get this one chance to earn a Gu Worm without paying anything. So choose carefully. The description of the Gu Worm will be inscribed on the compartment where the Gu Worms are placed itself."

With that, the Academy Elder brought the excited kids to the Gu Chamber.

The Gu Chamber was constructed near the living place of the Academy Elder. It was a plain mud house that seemed ordinary in first sight.

It was actually a man-made cave.

"Alright, who would like to enter first?"

The excited students looked at each other and grinned foolishly. They all dreamt of getting a Gu Worm and they were going to achieve their dream today. Even the other A Grade Aptitude talents huddled together and discussed with blushed faces.

"I want to go first."

Gohan spoke out.

The moment he spoke out, the expression of other students changed and they immediately shouted.

"No, I want to go first!"

"No! Me, I want to get the first Gu worm."

The group started to create a commotion. Ray also shot a glare towards Gohan and gritted his teeth.


Academy Elder shouted coldly. Under his gaze, the group instantly quietened down.

"Go on, Gohan." The Elder nodded.

Gu worms come in many shapes and sizes. Their use and benefit are also uncountable. None of the students knew about the Gu Worms inside the Gu chamber.

Now that Gohan is entering before anybody else, he is sure to take away the best Gu Worm, increasing his own value within the society. This alongside his A Grade Aptitude can allow him to gain strength and surpass his group.

Daisy and Bai also had a gloomy expression.

Previously, Daisy was pursuing Gohan, but after getting recruited by one of the Elders, she transformed into a proud Phoenix. Her family was treated with respect and even though it's only been two days, there were some boys from the main village trying to pursue her.

Now, she didn't feel that Gohan was someone too special. Their talent was the same and their age, too. She also thought that with hard work, she would be able to leave Gohan behind and make him pursue her.

After all, she was a proud and young girl. After getting ignored for so many times, she started to harbor slight resentment for Gohan.

But gaining such a fortune, the resentment inside her heart burst out and she was already thinking of opposing Gohan and create troubles for him.

Meanwhile, Gohan had already entered the cave-like chamber.

Different from the heat of the outside, the chamber had a cool and refreshing atmosphere. It wasn't very big and the end wall of the chamber was dug out to create a large number of small compartments.

Inside the compartments, one could see a variety of insects.

Some were shaped like beetles while some had a body of a butterfly. Cockroaches, stick insects, bees, ants and many more.

These were all Gu Worms.

Particularly, these were all Rank 1 Gu Worms.

Gohan had a slightly excited expression now. This was the first time he had contact with one of the popular trend of this world.

Earth had a trend of firearms while the Gu world had a trend of Gu Worms.

They are mystical organisms that could be found in the environment. They not only provided many benefits, but there was even vague information about a rare breed of Gu Worms capable of extending the life of Gu Masters.

The Longevity Gu!

The first mention of the Longevity Gu could be seen in the most popular legend of the Gu World.

<< Legends of Ren Zu >>!


After successfully escaping the group of Predicaments with the help of Hope Gu, Ren Zu (Human Ancestor) started to live a normal life. He would drink from ponds and feed on fruits.

But eventually, he reached the limits of his body.

Because of his lifespan taken away by the use of Strength Gu and Wisdom Gu, Ren Zu was already an old man.

His teeth started to rot and his body became even weaker. The lose of teeth made him unable to even feed on the wild fruits and vegetables found in the forest.

Ren Zu felt his death approaching!

At this time, the Hope Gu said to him, "Human, you must not die. If you die, your heart will be lost and I will lose my only place of residence."

Ren Zu was helpless. "Who wishes to die? But if the heavens and earth want me dead, I have no choice."

The Hope Gu said, "There's always hope in everything. As long as you can catch a Longevity Gu, you will be able to increase your lifespan."

Ren Zu had heard of the existence of the Longevity Gu long ago but he waved his hand helplessly. "When the Longevity Gu stays still, nobody can detect it and when it flies, it is faster than light. How can I possibly catch it? It's too hard!"

The Hope Gu then told Ren Zu a secret, "Human, don't give up hope no matter what. Let me tell you, on the northwest corner of this continent, there is a huge mountain. On the mountain, there is a cave and in that cave, there is a pair of round and square Gu Worms. As long as you can subdue them, there is no Gu in this world that you cannot catch, including the Longevity Gu!"

Ren Zu had no choice, this was his last remaining hope.

He braved all difficulties and finally found the mountain. He then risked his life and ventured through countless dangers to ascend the mountain. On the mountain top, near the cave entrance, he used his last remaining strength to slowly make his way in.

The inside of the cave was completely dark and one would not be able to even see their own fingers. Ren Zu walked in the darkness. Sometimes, he would bump into things not knowing what they were. This caused himself to get injured and wounded all over. At times, he felt that this dark cave was huge beyond words as if this was a world of its own. He felt as if he was the only person in the area.

He spent a lot of time but he could not walk out of the darkness. Not to mention subduing the two Gu Worms


Gohan looked at the Gus placed in front of him and started to find a Gu suitable for him.

According to the Academy Elder, the first Gu refined by a Gu Master is known as Vital Gu.

The existence of Vital Gu is extremely important to the Gu Masters. Not only are their lives interconnected with their Vital Gu, but the Vital Gu also becomes the strongest Gu in the arsenal of the Gu Master.

Of course, there always exist exceptions in every concept.

Gohan's gaze was attracted to a series of ant-like gu worms. Some had a green colored body while there were also Blue and Red Ants.

"Wind Qi Gu, able to manipulate a small of wind using the qi energy provided by the Gu."

"Fire Qi Gu, able to transform the qi from the Gu into a ball of fire and manipulate it."

"Water Qi Gu, able to transform the qi from the Gu into a sphere of water and manipulate it."

The description of the ants was sharp and concise.

These ants belonged to the Qi Path and these ants were the special products of the Kame Village.

These Gus weren't formed by nature, but created by the use and combination of certain materials.

After looking at the three groups of ants, Gohan looked towards the selection of other Gu worms.

"Wild Leg Hair Gu, Wild Hand Hair Gu and Wild Face Hair Gu are able to create a protective region in certain parts of the body by manipulating the bodily hair and packing them densely."

Gohan looked at different Gus with interest. Every single Gu, no matter how outlandish, did provide certain benefits. Just like this series of Wild Hair Gu.

It would actually create a protective armour of dense hair packed together which is able to resist the attack of a full grown man and even keep its own ground against the Qi path gus in the chamber.

"Blow Puff Gu, able to shoot air bullets from the mouth of Gu Masters."

Again, this Gu could be useful and catch the enemy off guard by a sneak attack.

Looking at all these Gus, Gohan's mind reverted to the dangerous situations of his previous life and he understood that these Gu could be used to cover many faults in his combat system.

No... these Gus can help me create a brand new Combat system.

Gohan looked at all the Gu with a shining gaze.


After looking at every single Gu Worm, he also understood the fact that most of them are unorthodox and only useful in certain situations.

His gaze turned towards the Qi Path Gus and instantly reached out for the green ant.

Wind Qi Gu!

This was the first Gu that Gohan selected. Not only it could be used as a support for Fire Qi Gu, but it could also resist against Water Qi Gu.

For now, Gohan understood that this is the best bargain that he could get.

After picking the Gu worm of his choice, he did not linger and walked outside.