Clan Head's True Intentions

"Heh, even though you are one of the talents, don't expect to hold me my punches."

Yamcha sneered.

He was a burly youth with black, spiky long hair that went past his shoulders. A small scar on his right cheek only added to his ferocious look.

In reality, Yamcha was the Grandson of one of the Elders of the Clan. From the moment he could remember, he has been practicing and refining his physical combat.

His techniques were already top notch and all of the students acknowledged his talent in this area.

Right now, in front of Yamcha stood a refined looking youth in light blue combat robes. The wrist, forearms and the calves of the opponent were already covered with protective cloth bandages. His short black hair stood up and his abyss-like pupils gazed at Yamcha.

He was Gohan.

Without replying, Gohan entered his combat stance.

"Who do you think will win?"

A boy from the main class spoke out. He was asking a dark-skinned youth.

"Hmm? Of course, it's Yamcha. Our Family did not nurture him to play soft." The dark-skinned youth sneered.

He was the only A Grade Aptitude or so it was supposed to be.

He was praised and treated with love and respect. Even the Clan Head and the Family Elders would always nod at him and teach him something new.

He was the awe-inspiring genius of the clan. The kind that only emerges every hundred years.

He was considered the most eligible bachelor of the clan and many influential members of the clan wanted to bring their daughters as his concubine.

But as always, fate played a cruel mockery of his ambition and turned his glory into a 'was'.

Yes, everything was in the past. Now, four more talents have appeared out of thin air. The status of having the only A Grade Aptitude didn't belong to his family anymore and the whole village is in chaos.

Of course, on the surface, everyone has a calm and gentle mask put on. But in the shadows, various schemes are being conspired. The benefits are being split rapidly and most of the families have actually united to shun his family out of the game.

Thinking of this, Kugo Kame, couldn't help but look towards the other three talents with a cold gaze.

His heart burnt in rage and his body felt uncomfortable whenever he thought of his current situation.

The boys he considered as his besties are now trying to pursue the cold and arrogant Phoenix, Daisy Kai and his lackeys are being recruited by Ray and Bai.

"I have to change it. I have to change it all. We were allowed to pick the Gu Worms before them and we also have better Gu Worms. I also have the advantage of Primeval Stones because of my background and my Grandpa provided me with a better Gu worm."

"If I use all of this appropriately, I will be able to change the situation. But, I need to select my first target."

He looked at Bai, then Ray and then Daisy. He also looked towards Gohan, who was getting prepared for his battle.

Thinking of four them, he fell in his thoughts.

"According to the rumours, Gohan has provoked the other three. Yamcha also told me that he isn't good with any of his classmates."

"But they don't understand that he has the backing of the Clan Head. If I could be given an unfair advantage, then these four are the same."

"Right now, these four are probably trying to refine the Gu Worm received from the Family."

"Out of the four, Gohan has the strongest background. His behaviour and temperament are also good. But his dislike for the other three has already created hidden friction among the various families of the clan."

"Even though he is smart, he is not wise. After all, his immature dislike has added more pressure on the families and the higher-ups are already being cautious towards each other."

"But Gohan has not shown any kind of negative attitude towards our family. After all, if he can provoke three of the talents, then he can certainly provoke me in public."

"There is a chance of cooperation."

Kugo's eyes brightened at the thought.

"Are you ready?" The teacher shouted and asked before starting the sparring session.

"Hell yeah! I am going to beat him to the ground." Yamcha sneered.

Meanwhile, Gohan's stance answered for him.

"Alright, Begin!"

Yamcha immediately shot towards Gohan, his shoulders forefront and his elbow aiming towards Gohan's chest.

Alas, Yamcha, a simple teenager wanted to fight a world-renowned Terrorist physically.

It should be understood that to reach the level of being feared by the world, one should be able to excel in every method of committing battle. That includes bombs, artillery, sniping, blades, fists and other martial arts relating to various unorthodox weapons.

Before Yamcha's elbow could reach Gohan's chest, a side of the leg hit him hard on the base of his neck.

The kick itself did not use any force, but it pushed Yamcha's center of Gravity towards the ground and his Elbow smashed on the hard and rocky platform.


A heart-wrenching crunch could be heard that sent shiver down the spines of every student.

Meanwhile, Yamcha did not scream.

He merely lay still, his body curled into a ball and his hands hid his face. Only his black long hair could be seen.

(Does anybody remember Yamcha's signature position? hehe)



Nobody knew who retreated first, but one by one, all of them started to retreat back. Their expression filled with fear and anxiety. Even the three talents belonging to the surname Kai were the same.

It was only Kugo, whose expression remained cloudy. After all, he just reached the conclusion that Gohan may have wanted to cooperate with him.

But now, he beat his most capable lackey in a single hit.

"Did he not know that Yamcha serves my family?" Kugo suddenly thought this and felt that his assumption made sense.

Meanwhile, the teacher immediately called for the academy guards to bring Yamcha away and get him treated.

And all of this could be seen by the Academy Elder, who was standing not too far away.

"So, who wants to go next?" Gohan asked lightly. He looked at the bunch of mortals taking away Yamcha and sneered.

His gaze passing by every student.

Seeing this scene, the teacher frowned and he shouted at the students.

"Come on! What are you afraid of? You have more than 50 students and you are afraid that he can keep beating you all. Do you think that he really has such stamina?"

The teacher couldn't allow the students to feel fear towards a person belonging to their own age group.

After all, the whole motive of the physical training class is to build up their courage and allow them to face the real dangers of the world in a calm and collected demeanor.

So even if he felt amazed by Gohan's combat techniques, he couldn't let him dominate the two classes alone.

Seeing such a scene, the Academy Elder frowned himself. Even though he wants Gohan to excel because of his cooperation with the Clan Head, he is also the academy Elder of the whole village.

It is his responsibility to make sure that every student can exude their own brilliance.

So such a situation put him in a dilemma.

Meanwhile, the students calmed down after hearing the teacher's advice.

'Yes, he is only one man!' All the kids thought the same thing and their courage returned.

'But who will be the first to go and fight him?'

Thinking till here, all of the deflated visibly.

Even the combat teacher could understand this situation and he immediately raised the reward.

"Whoever will defeat Gohan in a sparring match, he will receive a reward of 15 Primeval Stones. This also applies to Gohan. If he can remain standing at the end of the class, he will gain 15 Primeval Stones as the reward."

The increase in reward made everyone stunned. The eyes of the students brightened and they looked at Gohan as if he was a prey that belonged to them.

From their eyes, Gohan could feel that they were a bunch of wolves, ready to tear his flesh and drink his blood.

'But is it so easy?'

Gohan sneered and he immediately added the fire by waving his palms towards himself, provoking the two classes.



Another boy fell on the ground. His head smashed on the hard floor. His nose broken and blood flowed out of his injuries nonstop.

He tried to struggle, but a hand held his head and kept on pushing him. The hand was strong and heavy. The grip was completely tight, without any loopholes.

"Alright, enough. Gohan has won this match." The combat teacher's expression was ugly.

By now, Gohan has achieved eight victories. The astonishing thing about these matches was that all the fights were finished in one move and all of the opponents ended bloody.

Such cruelty only caused the whole group to feel defeated without even fighting Gohan. After all, the courageous ones from their group were already defeated and now, the students who had the intention of draining Gohan's strength had lost all of their hope.

"Anyone else?"

Gohan's cool voice ran out once again.

His expression neutral and his clothes were still neat and clean. Only his hands were bruised and a little bit of blood could be seen on them. But all of the students knew that it was the blood of Gohan's opponents.

Next, the whole class was spent in combat teacher's encouragement and the students sitting on the ground in defeat.

In the end, the combat teacher had to hand over a pouch filled with fifteen Primeval Essence to Gohan, albeit, reluctantly.

Gohan simply held the pouch in his hand and nodded at the teacher.

With this, today's session was already finished.

This was the method of Gu Masters nurturing. They were given basic information along with loads of combat training.

Even when all the Elders knew that this kind of teaching is not very effective, but it was efficient.

After all, their surroundings didn't leave them the option to slowly guide the students and give them all of the information related to Gu Masters and Gu Worms. They could only train them like a soldier and just hope that the students can live long enough to gradually learn about other things.

Meanwhile, Gohan did not wait for anyone and simply walked back to his own courtyard. Right now, he had 31 Primeval Stones in his hands.


A young boy with short black hair and bruised knuckles could be seen walking towards the centre of the village in a hurry.

He was Gohan.

After taking away the reward, he had already decided to spend the rest of the evening and night in his room, ready to refine his first Gu worm.

Soon, he could see a big shed in front of him.

"Young Master!"

The servants immediately bowed and greeted Gohan.

Without even paying any attention to them, Gohan just went towards his room. Alas, a servant was already standing in front of his room and he bowed.

"Young master, Lord Clan Head wanted to speak with you."


In a plainly decorated room, Gohan could see a middle-aged, balding man. Two cups filled with tea could be seen placed in front of him.


A light and breezy fragrance hit Gohan's nose.

"Master!" Immediately, Gohan bowed and greeted the Clan Head. He had already changed his so that their relationship could be clearer and closer.

"Hmm, sit."

The balding man pointed towards the other side of the table and spoke lightly.

After making sure that Gohan had settled down comfortably, the balding man picked up his cup of tea and sipped lightly.

"I heard that you sparred against a group of students and won the reward. Good, you have made me proud." The Clan Head spoke lightly.

Hearing him speak such words, Gohan's eyes changes slightly.

After all, the Clan Head's words clearly meant that he could keep on continuing his cruel methods and keep on defeating his peers without any shred of humanity.

'To permit me, it means that the Clan Head is ready to sacrifice the future of a bunch of students in hope of completely training me.'

'No... including me, there are five A Grade Aptitudes. If thought carefully, this situation is a disaster disguised in the form of a blessing.'

'After all, the families in the clans are ambitious. Now, they have a weapon to achieve their ambitions.'

'A talented Gu Master.'

'After all, the current cultivation of the Clan Head is only Peak Stage Rank 4. But the A Grade Aptitude has the potential to reach Rank 5.'

In the mortal world, Rank 5 lives supreme!

Gohan immediately understood the Clan Head's tactics. He wanted to create a bud of fear inside the other talented Gu Masters. Slowly, this bud will grow into a flower of terror.

'But can I allow this old man to use me for his own gains?' Gohan sneered inwardly.

In reality, he had no sense of belonging to this village. This even included his own blood parents.

'What parents and what Elders? They are just a bunch of responsibility created by society. If I accept these responsibilities, then I am a righteous Gu Master.'

'If I disregard these responsibilities, then I am demonic Gu Master. What a hypocritical world.' Gohan could only laugh internally.

But on the outside, he simply nodded.

"Yes, I understand Master."

Nodding in a satisfied manner, the Clan Head spoke once again.

"Good. Don't let me down."

With that, Gohan went back to his room and started his cultivation.