(Chapter One) Impossible Nightmares Come True

Gray awoke in his bed, drenched in sweat. He slowly sat up. His hand rose to his head as he brushed his long, gray hair out of his face. "Sylphia? Sylphia?!" Gray shouted into the dim light in search of his companion. A puff of green light illuminated the dark room and a small cute fairy appeared. She was no bigger than the palm of his hand.

Stretching her arms above her head, Sylphia let out a sweet, soft yawn. "Why are you yelling so early in the morning, Master?" She asked and rubbed her eyes sleepily. She let out a small yelp as Gray wrapped her in his arms and hugged her close against his bare chest. "Wha-what are you doing, Gray?" She asked and hugged him back as tears dropped from his eyes, gently landing on her shoulders.

"I thought I lost you," He whispered to her softly as he held onto her for several minutes. Sighing softly, Gray finally let go of her. She fluttered away gently and smiled at Gray.

"Where would I go? You're being really silly this morning, Master," She teased and went to fetch his shirt and pants. She laid them beside his bed and went to the kitchen to start breakfast. Sighing softly, Gray ran his hand backwards through his hair. Reaching for his clothes, he slipped into them rather gracefully before walking into the bathroom. Reaching for the sink, Gray set about splashing cold water in his face. Grabbing the towel nearby, he dried his face and stared at his reflection in the mirror.

"Master! Breakfast is ready!" Sylphia's voice echoed down the hall, disturbing him from his thoughts. Reaching his hand out slowly, Gray focused his energy into his right hand and a huge lance appeared in his closed fist. Nodding in satisfaction, Gray sent the lance back and made his way into the kitchen.

"It smells delicious. Thank you, Sylphia," He smiled softly, pushing last nights dream to the back of his mind. He sat down and began to eat while Sylphia busied herself with chores.

A gentle knock on the wooden door filled the silent kitchen. Gray rose to his feet and swiftly made his way to the door. Opening it slowly, Gray was relieved to see the face of his Master, stern and prickly as always. "Master, is something wrong? The sun has barely been up for an hour," Gray questioned and opened the door to let Jin inside his home.

"Does something have to be wrong for me to visit my student?" He inquired and slowly walked inside. "Good morning, Sylphia. Your cooking smells as delicious as ever," he commented and looked at Gray with a sullen expression. "I'm sorry, Gray. I lied to you. We have to talk," He continued and took a seat at the table. Gray followed on his heels and took a seat at the table across from him.

"Master? What's going on?" Gray asked after several minutes of silence. His Master frowned and looked down at the table then back to Gray, trying to find the right words.

"Lord Argo was killed. He was led into an ambush and presumably killed. The reports sat he never stood a chance," Jin finally spoke and Gray dropped his drink on the floor in shock.

"Dead? Master that's a cruel joke to play on your student," Gray tried to deny Jin's words but he knew his Master lacked a sense of humour. He would never joke about something like this with Gray. He sighed heavily and tried to push his emotions to the side for now. A knight who could not control his emotions would never be fit to serve the crown.

"Gray, we have a traitor in our ranks. Only a handful of people knew Lord Argo's destination and how large his escort. I can only surmise that someone leaked his location," Jin explained the situation to his student. Gray knew what his Master was thinking. They needed to lay a trap to catch the worm.

"I have an idea, Master. Everyone that knew our Lord was leaving, we will spread rumours to them that he wasn't killed. Leak a different location to every Council Member. When they come to us seeking an answer, we tell each member a different story. Whichever target is attacked will lead us straight to the traitor," Gray explained his plan and Jin let out a hearty laugh.

"Very well thought out, Gray. You are indeed my student. I'll get to work delivering the rumours to the maids. When the councilmen come to me, each one will receive a different story. Finish preparing quickly and meet me at the training fields," Jin ordered and quickly left Gray's home to set about on his newfound task.

The door closed quickly with a slam and a few tears trickled down his cheek.

"Master?" Sylphia slowly floated over and gently rubbed his back with her tiny hand. "It'll be okay. You'll avenge your brother's death," Sylphia whispered in a hushed tone. Nobody knew Gray's secret, except for four others. He was Lord Argo's brother and the next heir to the Kingdom of Astoria. His identity and existence was kept secret, even from the upper echelon of King Durgaz's court.

His older brother was heir to the throne and his father, Durgaz, didn't want an internal political struggle over his successor. For this reason, Gray was sent away to live alone. He was never supposed to learn about his father.

"I'm okay, Sylphia. I didn't think anything would ever happen to him. I make a better warrior than a ruler," Gray said reluctantly to his closest friend. He sighed softly and pushed away his half eaten plate. The tragic news washed away his appetite. Gray stood up and grabbed his cloak as Sylphia cleaned and put away his plate. "Let's go," Gray spoke calmly, but under his words lay a churning vortex of hate, anger, and guilt.

Grabbing the handle, Gray gave the door a gentle nudge and it swung open with ease. Beams of sunlight shone through the cracked door and then vanished when Gray shut the door behind him.