Gray awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside the infirmary windows. Beams of light filtered in and shone brightly on Gray's sleeping face. Sitting up slowly, he looked around as his eyes tried to adjust. "Where am I?" Gray asked out loud, mostly talking to himself. He was greeted by the dropping of a metal tray. Looking over slowly, Gray squinted his eyes trying to see better. "Who's there?" He asked the blurry figure in front of him.
"Gray? You're finally awake?" A sweet, angelic voice filled his ears and he smiled softly.
"Even without seeing your face, there is no mistaking that voice. It's been a long time, Ada," Gray whispered softly and gave a small smile. Ada puffed up her cheeks and walked over quickly, giving Gray's cheeks a pinch.
"I told you to call me Heidi now. I'm not a little girl anymore," Ada chastised Gray while pulling on his cheeks.
"Ada, I'm still in a lot of pain and you're hurting me," His voice came out wierd because she was pulling on his cheeks.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just so happy you're finally awake. You've been unconscious for almost a week. That explosion really did a number on your body. The doctors didn't think you'd survive," Heidi said woefully as she wrapped her arms loosely around Gray's neck. Gray was taken aback and sat there for a minute in shock. Gray's body moved on its own and he wrapped her up in his large, toned arms.
He held onto her for a long time. Being in such close proximity, Gray just now realized how wonderful she smelled. It made his heart hurt but he didn't understand the reason.
Ada was thankful his long, gray hair kept her face hidden. Being held so tightly against his body was embarrassing, but it felt nice. Regretfully, she pulled away from his arms and stood up. She straightened her short black skirt and fixed her messy short pink hair. Gray felt a longing to hold her again, but the thought of asking made him feel...ashamed? He couldn't put his finger on the feeling. It felt so strange, but it also felt so right. Just what was this feeling?
Gray squinted his eyes once more to try and look around. "I can't see anything. How long will this last? I have a lot of work to complete," Gray asked Ada in hopes of finding out when he could return to active duty. Ada went silent and looked away from Gray. Even though he couldn't see her, she couldn't look him in the eyes.
"They don't know. It could be a day, weeks, years, or...," Ada stifled a sob and covered her mouth. "Or never, Gray. The damage to your body was severe, even with your wind shield," Ada finished speaking and Gray felt completely lost for the first time in his life. Never? Never?! That was a joke. It had to be. He was the strongest warrior in Astoria. How could this happen to him?
Gray didn't speak for several minutes. His mind was already trying to find a solution to this problem.
"Sylphia," Gray spoke her name and a puff of green smoke appeared. Sylphia walked through the smoke and yawned.
"Master, where are you looking? I'm over here, silly," Sylphia said and laughed at Gray's behavior.
"I'm sorry, but I really can't see you. The assassin's explosion caused a lot of damage. I may never see again," He told her the simple truth but his voice was calm. He used his training to maintain control of his emotions. "I'm going to rely a lot on you for the time being, Sylphia. Please continue to assist me," He asked her gently and bowed his head.
Sylphia was shocked when her Master admitted that he couldn't see anymore. When he bowed his head, Sylphia floated over and patted the top of Gray's head. "You don't need to ask, Master. I'll always be here to help you. We will figure this out together, Master," She said, her voice admitting an air of confidence. She was trying so hard to keep her faith that he would recover. Gray lifted his head and sighed helplessly. This situation wasn't ideal, but Gray knew he had to stay strong.
Rising to his feet, Gray closed his eyes and started chanting under his breathe. "Oh Swift and Gentle Winds of the South, grant me your blessing and protection," Gray uttered these words and a cold wind blew in through the window and enveloped his body. Gray started to walk, slowly at first, using the wind as a form of echolocation. After several failed attempts, and many toe stubs later, Gray was walking around as if it were natural.
Sylphia and Ada both started clapping at his amazing success. "That's my Master for you," Sylphia shouted loudly and proudly. King Durgaz watched Gray's progress from outside the door to the infirmary. He knew he had no right to intrude. Without a word, Durgaz left to attend to his kingdom. Gray had spoken his peace and Durgaz would leave things alone for now.
After walking around the infirmary for several hours, Gray had succeeded at his task. It wasn't the most elegant, and he would need to train his other senses now, but he had made progress. Rather than become upset and lose hope, he was going to persevere. He was going to stay the top warrior even if his sight never returned.
Ada grabbed Gray's hand and led him back to the bed. "You still need to rest, Gray. Your body still needs to recover. We called for Dr. Bell and he should be here any minute," Ada said softly as she helped him lay back down. Gray sighed helplessly and let Ada help him back to bed.
'I won't let this stop me from fulfilling my duties.' Gray thought to himself and closed his eyes. Just as he was about to fall asleep, the door burst open and fell to the ground.
"Gray Butler!" A booming voice shouted from the darkness. Gray's eyes shot open and he bolted straight up. "I'm very disappointed in you, Gray," The voice shouted again and a tall, slender man stormed into the room. Electricity shot off in arcs from his body.
"Titus? Fuck," He muttered under his breathe and tried to flee from his bed. Ada grabbed hold of him so he couldn't move as she looked at Gray apologetically. Gray tried to struggle, but with his weakened condition, escape was impossible. Titus stomped his way over slowly and extended his hand towards Gray. The electricity dissipated and Titus flicked Gray's forehead hard.
"Stupid rookie. I told you to never let your guard down. You were lucky that your reflex speed is almost unmatched. It could have ended badly for you, Gray," Titus said sternly and stood up in front of Gray. He put his hands out, pointing his palm towards Gray. "Oh blessed Lord, Brilliant is your radiance and your gift a blessing. Heed my call and grant us your power," Titus spoke this prayer and his long, flowing white robes began to flutter. Light extended from Titus's hands and began to envelope Gray. His small cuts and abrasions started to disappear and the pain he had endured was gone. He looked up at Titus but his vision had not returned. "You're eyes are indeed severely damaged. I must research this subject some more. I won't rest til I can restore your sight, Gray," He spoke his peace and then disappeared as quickly as he appeared.
Gray sighed but he wouldn't let himself be discouraged. He had an idea on how to get on with his life for now. He rolled over onto his side and fell back asleep while the magic worked on his internal organs.