Yggdrasil final

After news of what happened got out it shocked the entire of Yggdrasil, and the news that was most shocking was not that David had defeated 200 players alone even though only some were maxed level.

The news the socked everyone and caused their brain to malfunction is that after the developers investigated the incident and reviewed the videos many different times from many different angles they deducted that David from ainz Ooal Gown was not cheating and was, in fact, playing fair and square.

No one could accept that, some people started making a lot of theory's, of

how David father was a financial giant and he has used his connection to bribe his way out, that was the only logical conclusion that anyone could come into, but they weren't any further from the truth.

The only people who know his secret were just few who he could trust in ainz ooal gown.

After that incident for 2 whole years David had abused his new found power to the most of extreme degrees, to the point where there wasn't a human or demi-human that didn't shiver by the mention of his name, it got to the point that the server crashed from all the reports that were coming in against him.

In the end the developers couldn't do anything but give him a choice, one he they take away the power the fruit of the tree of the world gave him or, two he would be sealed away in nazarick only able to move in between the 8-9and 10 the floor he would be granted a time period of 1 hour a week to get out before he would be dragged in.

the developers only gave him the second choice to cut all of his escape routes and make him relent, but to their surprise, he chose the second choice without even a second of hesitation.

And from then on his avatar couldn't get past the 8th floor only one time a week for one hour, but he didn't sweet it because once he gets transported to the new world he was sure this restriction won't work on him anymore and even if it did he have the system.

In those 2 years and the time frame of one hour he got every week he did the best he could to advance his power as much as possible, his new states are


Level :110

Race:undead, Skeletel mage : level 10, lich : level 10, Elder lich :  level 10, lich king : level

Classes : world enemy : level 10,arch necromancer : level 10, monk : level 10, ki mastery physical : level 10, ki mastery spiritual : level 10, sword god: level 10,arch cyromance : level 10.

Health: 120

Mana: 120

STR: 115

AGL: 117

END: 115

DEX: 114

INT: 119

WIS: 119]

Considering that the difference of 5 levels is impossible to overcome so no need to question who is the strongest person in the game right now.


Today is the last day of the massive DMMO-RPG Yggdrasil after 30 minute's the servers will shut down, currently, David is in the meeting room, sitting around a huge round table, the only the person in the room is

The protagonist from the series momonga, in other words, Suzuki Satoru.

"I can't believe that even in the last day no one showed up, is all we built here meaningless to them?" momonga said, he was pretty mad and depressed about Yggdrasil shutting down, and it makes sense since basically Yggdrasil and nazarick are his life.

"relax we sent all of them messages if they didn't come we can do nothing about it, besides you know that must of them probably didn't even check to see, so it's not that they didn't come it that they didn't know," said David trying to comfort him

"sight.. your right" momonga looked at the place then said"I am really gonna miss this place"

david wanted to say something like'trust me you won't 'but he held himself back

After waiting for 20 minutes only one of their guildmates came, but even he didn't stay till midnight to wait for the shutdown of the game, although it was

When there were only 10 minutes left for the servers shut down both of them got up momonga picked the guild weapon, they got out of the room and decided to head to the throne room instead , after walking for a while they came across an old man and a half dozen maids behind him, this was sebas and the Pleiades.

"we should take them with us to the throne room, they haven't moved from here since they were created" David suggested

Momonga nodded his head and said"follow me"the NPCs bowed showing that they understood, then flowed them.

After reaching the 10th floor the proceeded towards the throne room, in front of them in the middle of the two door's leading towards the throne room stood a tall man with long black hair, red eyes, he was as pale as a sheet of paper, wearing long leather red coat, brown leather pants and boots, in front of his abdomen there was a large skeleton belt made of metal.

(A/N: this is pretty much what he looks like{http://imgur.com/gallery/oS24fak}, there are two photo's scroll down so you don't miss it)

This was the vampire NPC David created, he based it on a video game he played in his past life, he named him Dracula.

dracula has two forms in his normal form he is as strong as the other guardians, but in his second dragon form, he can even rival a raid boss.

He put him in front of the doors of the throne room as a final line of defense, but unfortunately or fortunately no one ever made it past the 8th floor.

(A/N : I don't know if I have ever mentioned it before but nazarick is the guild base of ainz ooal gown and it has in total 10 floors, I'm writing this volume on the basis that most readers already read/watched overlord series, if you have any more questions you can check the wiki)

As they passed by him the door automatically opened.

" follow me," David said, Dracula turned around and followed them into the throne room.

(A/N : throne room {http://imgur.com/gallery/hfRBLd2})

On the left side of David beside the throne there stood albedo, When they reached the steps of the throne the Pleiades and sebas went to the right of the throne room and kneeled and Dracula did the same on the other side.

But just at this moment momonga and David remembered something.

(A/N: More like I did).

There was only space for one person on the throne, momonga said in a very sad voice "David-san you always worked the hardest for this guild and you stayed till the last moment, I think you deserve to be the last to sit on the throne"

David responded"I can say the same for you besides your the guild master it wouldn't be appropriate "

Momonga knew that arguing any further would be useless as this friend of his is the most stubborn person he had ever met.

Momonga set in the throne and David stood on the left side of him, there was 1 minute left before the servers shut down and they could only wait, momonga was sneaking glances at him while messing with albedo back story, David didn't mind him cause he already knows what he's doing.


[the host have asked before for what made it possible for momonga to arrive at the new world, the system can launch a scan now to determine what was the cause, permission to proceed]

"oh yeah, I totally forgot about that" David said out loud.

Momonga looked at him before asking "forgot about what?"

"sorry I was just thinking out loud" replied David

'permission granted, and show me my status while you're at it'




Level :125

Race:undead, Skeletel mage : level 10, lich : level 10, Elder lich :  level 10, lich king : level 10

Classes: world enemy: level 10, arch necromancer: level 15, monk: level 15, ki mastery physical: level 10, ki mastery spiritual: level 10, sword god: level 15, arch cyromance: level 10.

Health: 135

Mana: 135

STR: 130

AGL: 132

END: 130

DEX: 129

INT: 134

WIS: 134]

After David finished checking his status there were only 4 seconds left before the servers shut down.

23:56... 23:57...23:58...23:59...00:00.....