slain theocracy no more part: 2

David purposefully flew at a very slow speed in order to not leave the line of shadow Puppets that were moving closer to the capital by the second behind him.

While he was flying here the scenes he saw was like a picture right out of horror movie.

People were running begging and screaming for their lives, they were screaming why did their gods abandon them.

women held their children and ran as fast as they could but it was all useless.

There were some people with somewhat high strength for this world but they were slaughtered just like ordinary people.

Mages that though flying and running away would save them, but the Puppets flew right behind them and finished them just the same.

Those who couldn't run hide in houses but that too was useless. his shadow Puppets were mercilessly and indiscriminately attacking every one be it an infant, child, elderly, man or woman, no one was spared and the most horrifying thing was that not a single corpse or drop of blood remained.

His shadows devoured them all not leaving anything behind except a ghost town everywhere they passed by.

In just three hours from when the shadows started their assault more then 90% of the slain theocracy was gone.

even if he left now and didn't continue his attacking the slain theocracy was done for, they may be able to use the people and resources in the capital to rebuild but they will never go back to what they were beforehand, and the other countries won't just stand ideally by and watch them get back their previous power, most likely the other countries will take and divide most of their land's between them, BUT that is only IF David stopped now, and he is not going to .


Currently, David was hovering a little distance away from the walls of the slain theocracy capital.

In front of him on the Walls there stood all the scriptures, the Cardinals and even the emperor himself.

"Shalltear, see those people on the left side," David said as he pointed at the black scripture, and shalltear nodded, "those are the black scriptures they are the strongest fighting force in the slain theocracy and are the people responsible for attacking you".

The moment David finished his words he saw shalltear transformed into her vampire appearance a rush at them immediately screaming, " I am going to kill you".

David raised his hand and said "ice dome" after that a spherical ice dome appeared around shalltear trapping her and bringing her back.

After that it disappeared revealing shalltear still in her vampire form but she appears to have calmed down significantly, after a while she returned to normal she bowed down and said , "forgive me David Sama, I just couldn't hold my self when I knew that they were the people responsible for turning me against nazarick and making me fight ainz Sama " shalltear said with a hint of regret in her voice.

"Don't worry about it, as I've said before you will get your revenge just be a little patient?" said David, after that he turned around and flew towards the wall to the side were the Cardinals and emperor were.


On the side of the slain theocracy, when they heard that the monster army has almost reached them the emperor and Cardinals took the scriptures, personal guards and mages and went towards the front wall where the main gate of the capital was.

Once they were there they saw a lot of guards, some were afraid some has lost hope some are crying in a corner alone, those where the ones that had family outside the capital.

When they reached the Walls the mages flew them up There.

What greeted them at the other side of the wall brought a Chill down their spine, as far as the eye could see there were black humanoid monster's standing straight motionlessly in row after row like a trained army, there wasn't even a single sound or movement coming from there directly.

Hovering above that army the emperor could see a blue giant (cover photo), with two people behind him one man and one woman but he didn't pay them much attention because that person was clearly the one in charge and most likely the one responsible for this attack.

He could see the blue giant turn to talk with the woman behind him and in the next second that woman turned into a horrible monster and headed towards him, the scriptures and guard's moved in front of him and the Cardinals to guard them but before she could reach them a blue ice Dom that emitted a chilling cold enveloped her and flew back.

The emperor was really confused now 'why would he ordered her to attack then stop her," but what the captain of the black scripture said next cleared his doubt, and made him fearful at the same time, "sir, that girl is the strong vampire that attacked us a while back".

"What," he said in disbelief " how could this be, how is she even alive didn't that adventurer moment say he kill..." But then it hit him and he stopped mid-sentence, he thought ' so that's how it is, this vampire is probably his companion he somehow found a way to break the God's item control over her and spread the word that he actually killed her so that we drop our guard and now that they figured out who we are they have come for revenge'

"Sir the giant blue monster is coming our way" right then his subordinate voice broke him from his thoughts, looking up he could see that that giant monster was slowly floating towards them, "stand down " he ordered the scriptures and his guard's as they were preparing for a fight, he could tell that the enemy wasn't planning on attacking them and just wanted to talk.