New upgrade

[Reward 2: soul straightened]

[current soul grade : D rank]

[Reward 3: host armor and weapon have been upgraded to S rank]

[host armor and weapon can now shape-shift to any form, size, and type the host wishes for].

'as I expected there was a hidden mission for participating in the founding of Konoha' thought rei.

After that, the trio just sat down cross-legged and watched the construction works till night fell.


The next day they got back to their daily schedule, as usual dealing with all the trouble and work that came with their position.

Right now rei was inside his pocket dimension that he entered from his office at the underground base which is more of a city now as the shioya clan keeps on expanding it.

Right now he was testing the new upgrades he got to his weapon and armor, in a dark void that seemed to stretch endlessly, but he was having no trouble seeing in such an environment.

Of course, he was some distance away from his multiverse, if one was watching him from a third-person perspective they would be able to see that he had a double-edged sword as his weapon, one moment it was just fine the next moment it turned into a black katana, and the moment after that it split turning into two daggers.

And it kept changing forms, from a dagger to a shield to spear to a chain with a pointed end at it's front, it kept going through so many transformations than it eventually stopped at a silver ring that rei put on the index finger of his left hand.

The same thing happened with his armor it kept changing forms so many times turning into everything imaginable before also stopping at a silver ring, this time rei put it in the middle finger of his left hand.

"this reward was definitely worth it," Rei said, and continued " now I can easily adapt to any and all situations, and plus this weapon and armor have been with me from the start and I don't really feel comfortable with other weapons and armors".

After he finished with his tests he was about to go back when he noticed a bright dot of light in the distance which was his multiverse, but what he was actually looking at wasn't his multiverse but somewhere on the edge of that multiverse where there was a sleeping female just drifting there.

He willed it and he appeared right next to her while masking his presence so that even if she woke up she would not see anyone around.

Right now He could hear her snoring with a silly smile on her face.

Seeing her like that he just had the urge to slap her as hard as he can, she was supposed to be one of the strongest beings in the multiverse and is tasked with protecting it but all she does is literally sleep all the time.

When he reached this train of thought he got a sudden epiphany, what would she need to protect this multiverse from, there is practically nothing that could cause harm to it.

So it is only sensible that she would be sleeping right now, she has practically lived for trillions of years and had seen everything there is to see.

"sigh" he sighted before disappearing from there exiting his multiverse.

That "sigh" got the women's attention as she slowly opened her eyes and looked around, seeing nothing she said, "this is weird am sure I heard something" she said as she waved her hand.

A screen appeared in front of her, in it she could see herself sleeping there peacefully all alone before she suddenly woke up, "mmm, must have been my imagination again" she said and right after that, she went back to sleep.


Rei appeared at his office sitting on his chair from out of nowhere, from the time he was gone till now not even a second have passed.

Looking around he decided to put work aside for a minute and tell his family about what he plans to do, so he rang a bell on the side and in no time a young-looking girl, about fifteen years of age came walking in.

She walked straight to the front of his office without daring to even meet his eyes and immediately she knelt and asked, "did you call for me patriarch?"

" yes, go call my get my parents from their secluded meditation and tell them to meet me at the dining hall at dinner time, and don't you forgot my brother," he said

"also tell the chefs to prepare for dinner tonight," said rei again, the reason he had to say this is that no one from his family or the Shioya clan in general really needs to eat food they just do so from time to time as it is a habit, so if he doesn't instruct the chefs they might just think that they won't be having dinner tonight.

"yes patriarch," she said, without moving from her position, her head still low but you can tell from her voice that she is very nervous.

Seeing this rei just smirked as he is used to situations like this even before becoming the patriarch.

"alright you are dismissed," said rei, after hearing this she finally got up and left.

Rei continued doing his work which consisted mostly of approving some projects in the underground city, looking through reports, sorting and distributing resources till dinner time, after that the same female from before came to inform him.

Putting his work aside, for now, he got up and started walking to the dining room, inwardly he was contemplating how to tell his parents and brother about the plan that he's going to enact, going nowhere with his thinking he just sighted, lit it to the back of his head and decided he will figure it out when he comes to it.


(A/N: so I was planning on going to marvel world next, so first of all if you have any ideas or suggestions for that specific world feel free to share them with me.

Second of all, how do you want rei to get reincarnated/Transmigrated for example :

1: as tony stark, which I have a pretty good idea how to write.

2: as an Asgardian which I also have an idea on how to write but not as got as being tony so I might screw it up.

3: as some ancient being that is older than the marvel universe itself, which I have no idea how to go about it and I there is a high chance I will screw it up.

Ps: I only have information about the MCU, as I've only watched the movies and have never read a comic book in my life.

Pss: again feel free to share whatever idea or suggestion you have