
The first to snap out of it was Odin as he sped towards his son holding him in both hands, followed by Frigga who also ran to her son then Heimdall and then everyone else.

Even though they had just snapped back from their shock they still couldn't believe what had just happened.

After a long moment of silence Odin finally said, "Frigga, my love take my son to his room, Heimdall, sol, svart you three accompany her and don't even leave her side until I say so".

"my love what are you going to do" asked Frigga.

"you don't have to worry about it my queen I will take care of it, just take our son and stay in his room, I will be together with you in moment," said Odin calmly as if nothing has ever happened, but even someone who didn't know him could tell that he was extremely enraged and that this was just the calm before the storm.

Seeing him like this Frigga nodded and holding her son close to her with both hands walked out of the throne room with Heimdall, sol and svart surrounding her from three directions.

After Frigga walked out the room was silent,

No one dared to even open their mouths, slowly pressure started building up until it was unbearable and the most affected by this were the servants, looking at the people all around him Odin opened his mouth and slowly said one word at a time "bring Me. Each. And. Every. Single Da*n. servent. We Have. RIGHT NOW" by the time he finished speaking, he was literally screaming.

The people being ordered wore more than happy to get out of here and do as they were told so they hurriedly ran out of the room.

As they left, the room was still full of worriers and the nervous-looking servents, what remained of them at least

"you, come here," said Odin in a powerful and commanding voice pointing at one of the servants to step forward towards him.

As the servant stepped forward and was in front of Odin, Odin raised his hand and put it on the servent's forehead, the moment Odin's hand touched his forehead he started screaming and spasming like he was going through the most painful thing in the world, after a while his screams didn't even sound human any longer.

Seeing this scene sent a chill down the spines of everyone watching, especially the servents.

What Odin was doing now is Going through the memories of this particular servent, although he was using a method that wouldn't leave any permanent damage the pain of it was something he wouldn't wish on his worst enemy in any other case.

only this time they have gone after his newborn son and the future king and heir of his throne and Asgard, and that is something he couldn't forgive so he had to find out who did this even if it meant looking through the memories of each and every single servant in the palace.

After a while Odin let go of the servant who fell down to the ground foaming from the mouth, some people came and picked him up before Odin pointed at another guy.

And the same process repeated over and over again until a new batch came in from the grand Golden doors who also suffered the same fate as their counterparts.

In the end, Odin couldn't find another traitor among them so he could only give up and say, "it seems all of the traitors have been in the throne room, and most likely the one that died at the hands of my son, hmm, but how did he know which ones are they" he said out loud talking to himself before throwing it to the back of his head.

"Alright, you are all dismissed" Odin dismissed them as he walked to the side door of his throne room going to his son's room to check on him and his wife.


arriving at his son's chamber Odin saw Heimdall, sol, and svart all standing by the door, seeing him arrive all of them bowed their heads and said, "my king"

Nodding his head Odin said, "you can go and rest now"

Hearing him they nodded in respect and left, Odin came in front of the double golden doors and pushed them open, inside was a baby crib in the center and inside it was a sleeping baby lying there peacefully.

In front of the crib was a woman sitting on a chair rubbing the baby cheek looking at him lovingly.

Seeing Odin entre she looked at him, smiled and asked: "is it done?"

"yeah, all other servents are clear, I can't check everyone else on the palace so we need to keep our guard on at all times as we still don't know who's behind this," said Odin.

(A/N: who is behind this? I need ideas


Hearing him Frigga just smiled and didn't say anything.

After a moment of silence Odin spoke, " looking On the bright side though, my son is only a couple hours old and he already had his first kill hahahaha".

Hearing this Frigga was stunned speechless for a while before she also burst out laughing, "hahahaha, that right dear, and by the way, I think I've already decided on his name".

Hearing her Odin stopped laughing and looked at her, "And what would that be my love".

"what do you think of Chronos, the god of time, as I am sure you've noticed that power he used earlier," she said looking down at her sleeping child stroking his cheek.

"HAHAHA, WHAT A FITTING NAME, FROM THIS DAY ONWARDS MY FIRST BORNE SHALL BE NAMED CHRONOS ODINSON, THE GOD OF TIME" screamed Odin using his power to project his voice all over Asgard and the nine realms.