Mowe High School - Esitio System - UEN Outer Colony
The School bell run loudly, breaking the students' stupor. It was pre-harvest holidays for the next week.
As Esitio was still a relatively new planet everyone had to participate in Harvest, so whilst most Adults where preparing, the kids would run wild.
"Alright class" the teacher called out " Harvest is next Monday, remember your safety is paramount, I want to see all your happy faces when School resumes"
"Yes, teacher" the class droned.
"Hey Tommy..." a kid shouted across the room
'Peter' I thought 'you can walk over rather than shout you know'
Peter wasn't that unusual, a bit average I'd say, moderated build, sandy blond hair, quite dark skin for a Caucasian, a bit of a loud mouth if you ask me. Tommy on the other hand, he is a shy one, a bit small and thin for his age he is very white and the pure blond hair doesn't help, everyone jokes saying his puberty was late, it's a bit mean if I was honest, but I didn't care.
Me on the other hand, my name is Darion, I'm a bit carefree, I mean, I have my friends, and a family who loves me, a beautiful home, I've got it set.
'If only I could get a girlfriend' I thought as the girl of my dreams walks past the room. Her name is ... is, 'so cute'... oh right her name is Krystal with a K, and she is a prodigy, rumours say that the military is paying for all her tuition, she is the headstrong leader type, always has a plan and knows what to do, and she is amazingly beautiful too...
Onboard UEN Cruiser Dying Twilight - In Orbit Around Esitio - UEN Outer Colony
"Captain, deep space RADAR has located an object heading towards the planet" reported the Comms officer
"Get me a picture"
"Aye Sir"
Picture of a misshapen blob appeared,
"Sorry Sir, that's the best I can get"
"Sir, priority bust message from the dock master AI, it reads 'Attention UEN Navy, Unknown Object has been detected, Unknown Origin, Unknown Destination, Unknown Hostilities/Intent, Please advise', that's all sir"
"All hands, we will be moving to intercept this object" the captain looked around the bridge "Code Red, Hands to stations"