The ferris wheel soon came to a stop. Seeing Sia's downcast expression Alex said teasingly,
"Do you want to go for another round? You look like you're gonna cry any moment."
"I wish I could but that wouldn't be nice to all the people waiting outside. I am already feeling pretty bad that we booked the whole thing just for us."
Sia honestly expressed her thoughts. She understood the security reasons behind her cousin's choice but she couldn't help but feel bad about using their financially privileged status so extravagantly.
Her words left everyone present in surprise. From the way she was behaving in the short amount of time they met they could tell that she was genuinely enjoying the experience. But it didn't even cross their mind that she felt that way about privileges money brought. Afterall, weren't all girls happy when they were getting extravagant treatment?
"I'm sure it's not as bad as you think. You don't need to think about that. We can go for another ride as long as you want to," Ren quickly found his chance to join the conversation.
The moment he saw her without any disguise was the moment when his resolution changed from 'figuring her out' to 'conquering her heart'. His heart had never beaten so fast. He decided at that moment that he was going to quit being a playboy and wholeheartedly court her.
He was going to make her his at all costs.
"Thanks, but it's really fine. Once is enough, and even if I want to visit the place I will just come alone so there won't be any need for booking the whole place," she answered shrugging her shoulders and then started towards the doors.
'That's exactly when the whole place needs to be booked' all three friends had the same thought. They didn't want to imagine what would happen if she was left alone.
"Okay, as you wish. But you will have to tell me if you decide to do so. Actually, you have to inform me whenever you decide to go outside alone," Alex said helplessly. He had learned his lesson not to argue with this seemingly harmless girl.
"Yes da... I mean, yes of course." She then continued in a quieter voice, "I can now be rest assured that you are my blood cousin."
"What do you mean?"
"You sound exactly like my dad. Blood is truly thicker than water."
Seeing the reaction she wanted on Alex's face, Sia sprinted out of the passenger compartment and shouted not too loudly,
"Hey, move guys! There is so much to do and you stand there like statues!"
Ren and Will couldn't help but chuckle at their friend who was almost called 'dad' and was compared to an old men. Ren patted Alex's shoulder slightly and walked out. Will just followed him.
They started walking around nearby areas. Their group of four was attracting so much attention that the guards were having a hard time keeping the situation under control.
Noticing this Will suggested, "Shall we go somewhere to eat?"
"We could go to the Imperial restaurant, their food is one of the best," Ren suggested quickly.
Everyone just turned to look at the girl as her choice was all that mattered. What they didn't expect though was her answer:
"Are their portions big enough or do they serve those fancy meals that finish even before you feel the taste of it?"
After a momentary pause Ren couldn't help laughing heartily. He was the CEO of one of the best entertainment agencies so he was used to having the celebrities always complain about the big portion sizes and the calories. This was his first time having a girl tell him that she wanted a big serving.
"It should be fine. They can make it the size you want," answered Will suppressing his own laugh.
"Then lead the way. But if it is anything smaller than promised I am choosing the place next time."
"You can do that even if the serving is to your liking, you know?" said Alex and the other two nodded their heads.
"Don't tell me I haven't warned you then," Sia said mischievously.
They could feel they were going to regret their words but they chose to shrug the thoughts off.
- Imperial restaurant -
They were soon sitting at the top floor of one of the most famous restaurants in the country. The walls in the room were all made of windows allowing the customers look at the city. The room was decorated with plants and hanging lamps. The floor was covered with a grey carpet and the table was placed in the centre of it.
The manager of the restaurant came in personally and stood there making recommendations to the special guests. After listening to his recommendations Sia spoke up;
"Thanks a lot for the help. Can I have a mushroom risotto with rice as a side? As for the dessert, can I have Cialda Fragolosa, please?"
"Of course miss, would you like some wine as well? We have the finest collection of wines here," the manager could see how the three men were treating the girl so he wanted t make sue she was satisfied with their restaurant.
"No, thanks. Just water is fine," Sia answered smiling.
After everyone made their orders, Ren asked inquisitively,
"Do you not like wine or just don't want to drink now?"
"Actually neither: I just can't hold my liquor at all," Sia answered dismissively not minding the three men's surprised looks.
They hadn't though that her answer would be so honest and straightforward. The three men then made a mental note not to let her near any type of alcohol in future.
The conversation topic soon shifted from that of alcohol to something else. And Will soon asked the question that had been on his mind for awhile now;
"Alex mentioned you were here for some sort of conference. Do you mind me asking about it and your occupation in general?"