
Love, Like and Lust

We are in Will's white Lamborghini. It will take us around an hour to reach the park which is in a nearby resort area.

So here we are, sitting in a car with just the two of us only divided by a car armrest.

Honestly, since I met Alex's friends I could tell that they took a liking to me. Sadly, not so much as a person but more so as a woman.

I can understand Ren liking my looks. He is after all a well-known playboy who chases every beautiful woman he sees. So, it's not surprising that he liked my, as my colleagues describe it, 'extremely attractive yet uniquely exotic looks'. Honestly, how did they even think of such description: my tongue gets tangled every time I try to say it. I can never understand why people like exaggerating and overdramatising things so much. Whatever...

What took me by surprise though was Will's reaction. From what I heard in the hospital, he seems like a serious guy and someone who apparently has ever liked one woman only who he dated for a while. But I remember his number one fan in the hospital, nurse Clara, saying that it was a forced relationship and he was never intimate with his ex. Others also said some things like that. Anyways, whatever others say, I can't simply speculate about him based on rumours only.

But I agree with the part of the rumours where he is a serious person. He looks to me as someone who measures seven times before cutting it once. I would think that this kind of a person would like someone only after knowing everything about that person. Yet, he doesn't know anything about me, but every time he looks at me I can see strong desire in his eyes. He hides it well, I can give him that, but it is still there. I have seen that gaze way too many times not to be able to recognise it.

Nevertheless, If it was only desire I would attribute it to his male needs. I mean, biologically speaking, sex drive in men is higher than in women, so it's normal for him to be aroused at a sight of a beautiful woman. But the problem is that I can also feel pampering and even ... love? How is it possible to love without knowing someone? Did he, maybe, fall for me from the first sight like in romantic stories? But how do you explain his 'love' or 'like' for me? Maybe that's what Darrel meant when he said that, "If you can explain why you love someone, it's not called love,"?

I trust my judgement and he is anything but shallow. This whole ' him liking me' thing is pretty interesting. He is actually another hard-to-read person, however, still much easier than King. That guy is a whole another level of difficult and unique.

Wait, why am I even thinking of that crazy guy? I need to concentrate on the problem at hand that is sitting next to me!

Okay, so about Will... Actually what I like about him is his interesting vibe that makes me want to get to know him better. I actually would love to be friends with him. But then, what do I do so that he stops liking me romantically?

God, why can't life be as easy as maths?

"Do you go to the Mountain park often?" I ask him to break the ice. He sure takes time to answer me. I hope this habit of his will subside with time.

"I own a private land there so whenever we have time the three of us go there to relax." He says and stops, but I can see that he wants to say more so I give him space. As expected, he continues, "I also tend to go there when I have something on my mind."

"And does that happen often?" I enquire cause I want to ensure that my opinion of him is correct.

"Depends on how many new and challenging situations I have to face," he says with a smile. This confirms my speculations though: he likes to think hard.

"And are you going to use the opportunity today?" I ask jokingly as I don't know how he will take my invasion of his privacy.

"Maybe?" he says and turns to look at me. I can see yearning and so many more waves of emotions in his eyes. Okay, Will, I get it. Don't make me feel bad about something I have no control of.

I try to play dumb, insensitive I like to call it:

"Oh, good luck then! Now that you reminded me of thinking, I feel like I have some thinking to do too." I say deep in thought.

"And what exactly, if that's not a secret?" he asks with interest. Yass! he took the bait!

"Umm, they are actually my deepest personal thoughts. But you are a reliable person so I guess I can tell you." I stop for a second.

"It's fine Sia. You really don't have to tell me anything. It's personal after all." As I thought he is a true gentleman, unlike a certain someone who would be bombarding me with questions now.

"Nah it's fine. I am actually thinking... What are we going to eat during the picnic if we haven't even taken a piece of bread with us? You aren't taking me to starve, are you?"

He turns to look at me and soon starts laughing heartily. I also laugh, but not just because of the joke of mine but because I am happy that the ice is already showing signs of melting.

"Don't worry. I have already made the preparations for the food to be delivered there." He says already with much more easy going attitude than before.

"You are my life-saver then! Now tell me, what's on the menu?" I am honestly interested now. Food is the love of my life after all!

"You will see when we get there" he tries to create a mysterious feeling and I go along with it. I mean, why not?

"Okay, if you say so," I pout and he chuckles.

We then continue our ride in a much more lightened mood talking about anything and everything.