
Morning Greeting

*****Mature content! *****

*****Read at your own risk! *****

In her dream, Sia was surrounded with countless shadows that were cold, lifeless and frighteningly dark. These were the shadows she was so familiar with as, for years, she had been constantly fighting them for dominance. Even though she could now face some of the horrors each shadow brought with it, it still caused her an excruciating pain, especially when it came to the darkest of the shadows.

Today, however, something was different, as the shadows seemed somehow to be afraid of her. Bewildered, she tried to willingly approach them, only to make them get farther away from her. For the first time in years, she was the one chasing the shadows and not the other way around.

Looking around she realised that she was bathing in a source of light that was warm and bright and had a healing effect on her bleeding wounds.

The light was on her left and upon closer inspection she realized that it had a shape of its own. With childish curiosity, she had so stubbornly refused to lose, she started exploring her newfound light.

It was already morning. Though he had dreamed about this day countless times, it was nevertheless Cain's first time actually sleeping next to Sia. He had woken up with an unrelenting desire which was becoming more and more uncontrollable with the growing closeness between them.

She was lying on his right side, with her head on his shoulder and her right hand on his chest. It was already hard for him to lie there all erect, and she just had to start exploring his body with that tiny hand of hers. He couldn't guess what kind of dream she was having, but for one thing he was sure: she was excited to picture his shape with just the help of her hand.

With gentleness, she started tracing her hand down his breast cage towards his abdomen. Like a curious kid, she was now trying to decipher the shape of his abs by running the tips of her fingers in their outline. He could feel himself getting harder and harder and even though he didn't want to, he needed to relieve himself as soon as possible.

He was annoyed he couldn't enjoy her honest touch longer, thus, with no choice left, he said quietly,

"My naughty Queen, time to wake up."

He started playing with the side of her cheek and running his fingers in her hair. Not getting a response he continued,

"Siana, love, are you so set on making your king disabled or what? Wake up, now!"

She furrowed her brows but still refused to wake up or even let go of her hand that was now moving to a fatal zone in the south.

Sensing the impeding danger, Cain quickly flipped over her, supporting himself with his elbows.

'So you don't want to wake up the nice way, huh? Don't blame me afterwards, Queenie.'

Giving freedom to his primal desires, he inched closer to her leaving a wet trail of kisses from her neck to her abdomen. With her alluring smell filling in his nostrils, he couldn't help but want for something more intimate, something more invasive. So he went up again, this time claiming her lips with a hunger akin to a beast starving for ages.

From the wetness all around her body that now invaded even her mouth, Siana started to slowly wake up. But, what became her final wake up call, was the lack of oxygen she was starting to feel. Abruptly opening her eyes, she was greeted by the gorgeous face of a man with his eyes closed, in the process of enjoying her taste. Thinking that this was but another dream, she lifted her arms and circled his neck tightly, bringing his head even closer to her.

Sia's action took Cain by surprise and he opened his eyes to see what his naughty Queen was up too. He was greeted by the twinkles in her eyes that still seemed to be a bit unfocused.

'Is she still half-awake?'

A sly smile found its way to his lips, and, with a new vigour, he started exploring her mouth while using one of his hands to explore the rest of her body. With one of his legs he asked for space between her legs which she readily granted. Not missing the chance, he repositioned himself between her legs and leaned closer to her, increasing their skin-to-skin contact.

With his left hand he held the back of her head closer to him and with his right hand he continued his explorations in the direction of the magical realm of her womanhood.

Sia was now wide awake. Her naughtiness from before was now replaced with utter confusion and uncertainty as to what to do.

After their last session, she could now more or less control her breathing even when they were intensively making out. But she still was unsure how far he wanted to go with her.

He let go of her tongue, that had been in such an intimate dance with his own, and proceeded downward, kissing, biting and sucking everywhere he could.

Reaching her breasts he wanted to play with them only to realise that the clip was nowhere to be found. With annoyance he tuned to her and asked in his husky voice, that had turned much hoarser due to the state she had driven him into,

"How do I take this off?"

In her embarrassment Sia didn't even know whether to laugh or not. Guiding his hand from her back to the middle of her breasts, she answered with a raspy voice of her own,

"It's in the front."

Unclipping her bra in one swift movement while manoeuvring his hand she said, turning to face sideways, "here."

He couldn't help but smile at her bold action and her cute reaction. Not wasting any more time, he went on to taste one of her perfectly shaped nipples, while his hand satisfied the need of the other one. He could feel her arching her back in response. He had realised this was one of her sensitive spots, if not the most sensitive one, since their first make out session. After a while he changed the position of his mouth and hand, providing the other peak with the same pleasure as the first one.

He licked, bit and kissed her erogenous spot non-stop while she sucked on his shoulder in retaliation.

Soon, she subconsciously lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist.

At her motion he halted for a moment. With much difficulty he lifted his head and asked, while looking straight into her eyes,

"Love, as much as I want this to go till the end, I don't mind waiting. Are you sure you are ready?"

Siana was taken aback for a moment. Since the very beginning this was what had been bothering her. She wasn't ready, but could she just tell him that?

His question was what she needed at the moment, and with gratitude in her eyes she shook her head slightly, her expression changing into a more and more apologetic one.

'As I have expected' he sighed lightly and nodded at her.

She thought that they would stop there as she could clearly see that he needed some release. What she didn't expect, though, was that in the next moment he would grab her under her hips and, fixing her in her current intimate position, would walk towards the bathroom.

When inside, he turned on the shower and let her get down. Inching closer to her ear he teased her in his sexy voice,

"It's fine if you aren't ready, but considering the declaration you made a few days back and the debt you owe me for ruining my shirt, do help me now, my Queen."

Taken aback, she tried to find ways to escape his trap only to realize that he had already brought her hand to his manhood.

With a devilish smile and the most enticing voice ever, he whispered into her ear,

"Shall we begin now, Queenie?"