Ups and Downs

Thanks to the black fireball thrown at him, Aurus knew that Fuschar was not dead from the last strike he slashed out, but instead, barely living just so it could retaliate.

Turning his field of vision around to look at Fuschar, Aurus could easily see that the vitality remaining within Fuschar's body just barely let it send out a single attack that could possibly turn the tides. Sadly, the attack Fuschar sent out could not even injure Aurus that much, only reducing his HP by a few hundred at most. Then again, Aurus could not help but ask himself, "Shouldn't the Battle module's plan allow me to kill my enemy with certainty? Why did it leave the enemy with a small amount of HP to retaliate?"

He then looked at the Battle module screen that popped up after looking at Fuschar once more, finally seeing his mistake after a quick skim.

"Ah." It seemed that Aurus forgot the final move on the Battle module's plan.