The Higher Boundary

"Should I go ahead and enhance my understanding of the Wind element even further?" Argentum muttered to himself in a questioning tone after pondering on what he could do next for a while. Just as he thought that it was the most logical thing to do in this situation, given the current circumstances, a thought related to the idea surfaced in his mind. With that, he muttered, "I do need more Heaven's Wind Potions if I want to maintain a high rate of improvement though."

Although he was more or less fine with the idea of not using the potions, which boosted his perceptivity to incredibly high levels, to improve his rate of improvement when it came to understanding elements, at this point, he was not used to the idea anymore. Thanks to the last two sessions he had with the effects of the Heaven's Element Potions, he had a feeling that it would take him a long time to achieve the same level of improvement a session boosted with the help of a potion brought.