New Type of Attack

While the disembodied voice had announced the official start of Argentum's first trial, Argentum, on the other hand, was waiting for the snake to make its move, circulating all of the energy inside his body in preparation for his counterattack. Fortunately, with the taunting he had done earlier, it seemed that the Mountain Serpent King was adamant on showing Argentum who's boss. 


As if the large snake had legs beneath its underbelly, it madly slithered towards Argentum with a large amount of Earth energy particles surrounding it. It did not take long for the snake to arrive where it wanted to go, stopping at the exact moment there was only a few meters of space between the two. While in the process of stopping, it manipulated all of the Earth energy particles to absorb the momentum it had accumulated and used that to shoot a large barrage of condensed Earth towards Argentum.

Fwoosh! Swoosh! Psh!