Chapter : Class starting today!

John has been brought back to his dormitory by Instructor Roy.

Mr Roy smiled when he sees how cute John was when he was sleeping, but his face changed drastically when he recalled the power that John had shown earlier made him shuddered in fear, he mistakenly saw the boy in front of him with a cheerful face every day would change his attitude when he was in serious situation, the new face he has that time was much scarier than the Demon Lord itself . He going out of John's room gently while closing his room door slowly fearing it would surprise John from his sleep. Mr.Roy returned to Dean office, Indra looked right into Mr.Roy's eyes and said, "what do you think of the boy named John?

Mr Roy just shook his head, I do not know what to say about this boy, master. I just hope we encourage and give him totally completed lesson for him to become a perfect hero for our humankind to put hope on, who is the one who been expected by everyone in this world. Dean Indra just nodded his head sign he is indeed agreed with Mr Roy word. That night Dean Indra made an emergency meeting among Instructors working at the Knights & Mage Royal Academy about John's predecessor's being a hero since 500 years ago to keep the secret tightly about it until the right time. For now, teaching him becoming a main Hope for humankind.

After yesterday's incident, today's class kept going, as usual, John woke up from his sleep as he wrung his body. He evaporated long to release the drowsiness that still existed, then get down from the bed as he walks to the bathroom, washed his face and brushed his teeth, then put on a uniform that was ready hang in his wardrobe and rushed out from the room. He walked with his sleepy face to his class. He was strangely looking at all the seniors and the junior from the same generation as him with looking at John with total fears, others would look at him with awe as admired him like an idol, he was beginning to feel uncomfortable when seeing their eyes looking towards him, sometimes that there were girls group who would scream his name, "kyaa!!! ..... John-sama "... huh ?? when did I get the title "Sama" behind my name. He made his stupid face and went to the back seat of his class as he once starts thinking about what happened yesterday because he could not remember anything.

While busy thinking about the event happened yesterday, a group of students came from other class, they look 5-years older then John, they approached the table where John was sat, John just looked at them. Then a rather stout student asked John, "are you John Edward Stainvo? John just nodded and said," "I am John Edward, why are you looking for me? anything that I can help you with"? John said to them. A student who looks quite handsome replies, "the head of the student is interested to see you, John, will you meet our Head of Student"? John asked, "why did your student's head want to see me"? "I'm sure I do not know him/her." How about this, if you come with us, you will know for yourself". "John just nodded in agreement, then got up from his seat and followed them John went to the room alone, the door where he went in was fast close, he was shocked to see the situation, the room he when was at the 4th floor as he walking toward the middle of the room as he could hear something, he heard voice of a little girl sound pretty maybe a little cute, as she said to John "Please sit down, do not be shy." with cute voice of little girl slang. John sits in the chair that is provided for him, and the light is opened slowly, as he sees someone was seated in front of him it looks like a fairly beautiful little girl with a red-eyed pupil, blue hair , sitting in a small chair specially build for a child sitting in restaurant, making John could not resist to laughed as he held his laughing with shutting his mouth with his hand, until his face changed colour to red as he cannot hold it anymore he let goes his hand and finally laugh out loud,pffttt...hahahahahahahahahaha........ he laugh and laugh and laugh loudly until it made his eye teary.

The girls puff her face as she spouted her face she looks much more cute, angered by John manners toward her as she made a sound,"humph...." with blushing face showing she was ashamed of being laugh by a brat like John.

I'm sorry I cannot resist laughing, because for starter your style of sitting is so great like a madam or princess with your assistant in the left and right until I saw your chair you were sitting on that little kid special chair, that the one who ruin your reputation and the atmosphere, that chair was for children under 7 years old that been used by the restaurant, l am laughing because of that, you look cute with that chair. Are you still a baby to have a chair like this? Okay, who's the head of the student I should have met. John saw the face of the red-faced girl as a result of John's humiliation about the kid's seat where his assistants also seemed to hold their laugh with the girl's cute temperament. The girl stomped her feet at the floor. Now she really looks like going to explode with her rage being humiliated by the brat name John.

John stopped his laugh as he said, "seriously I came so far to meet the head of student, but no one here but a little brat sitting on that baby chair, excuse me don't waste my time like this". " Damn, I'm out, you all really wasting my golden time".