Chapter : Sudden mission saving a girl in distress

"Youngest Viscount in the continent, what the hell did the king thinking", "this is to fast raising that kid title to the Viscount", said an old man with his 2 other partners. The old man who discusses John fastest title raise in history is the same old minister who didn't believe with John story with one punch he demolished a dozen of the beast horde.

The minister is Alphonse Creek, the interior state security minister. He really did not like people from the lowborn getting the full attention of the king whereas his son from the highest noble family whom he considered the wisest and genius in the kingdom did not get that kind of attention.

John following all classes provided by the academy as usual, now he is already 9 years and 8 months, in the next few months the fourth semester shall arrive. He runs his daily activities as usual as he always following on the exercise schedule, he also has never stop practised exercises to build a good foundation for his body. He also performs a workout routine that performs in anime one punch man, 100x pushes ups, 100x sit ups, 100x squat, 10km run daily non-stop even in the winter.

The days went by until a week for the third semester to end, and then many were happy to be given 3 weeks leave by the academy while the coming of the day for the upcoming 4th semester. While chatting with his classmates suddenly an emergency bell echoes across the city. Many students are confused by the noise of the alarm bell. John kept running to Dean Indra's room to get the real info of what happened right now.

But he did not even have time to reach the building where Dean Indra's office was located. He heard a strong voice announcing that the country is now in a critical condition where the enemy came to a sudden attack at Blade Moon city main gate border at 150 kilometres southwest of the Knights and Mage Royal Academy, they were also told that many soldiers were sent there to defence for this country were dead because of the number of enemy soldiers far more than they expected and now the country was in danger because of the lack of troops to guard the main gate of the border now filled with 500 thousand enemy troops where their base was established 50 kilometres not far from the main south-west entrance of the city. The government is applying for all the students there to assist the kingdom in preventing the enemy from trespassing into the kingdom border, where the birthplace of many students including John. John clenched his hands tightly with a burning spirit because of the overwhelming presence of the enemy. Suddenly he was reminded of the rewards he had not used yet, and he asked the system, "system," how much troops I can summon to help me?

"Hosts can call a total of 150,000 troops for one type of troop from any anime that the host knows, meaning 150,000 x 4 anime troops whose hosts know as much as 600,000 total", said the system to John.

I see that are much more interesting. "Now I want to know whether or not you all want to help our kingdom in curbing the enemy from invading the country? The officer looked around as he hoped there was a student who was willing to give help but was in vain because the situation at that time was silence so silent until he sigh in defeat as his hope was now destroyed but suddenly the voice of the little boy was saying, "I want to fight for defending my country, do not have to wait for others coward, I'm willing to sacrifice for the sake of this country," while he is heading forward until he stops before the officer. The officer was surprised to see John coming forward and telling him he was willing to fight together while curbing other students who are coward, those lot of students showed red-faced because of the direct accusations from John.

John smile to the officer as he suddenly vanished from his actual spot as the officer heard his voice saying, "I will be moving to the border first, no need to wait for the cowards " citizens" like them waiting or offering their help or what so ever, they never had a spirit or courage to fight for honour and kingdom, I shall fight them with my own style just stay back and watch how am I going to teach the trespasser for trespassing and try to invade our kingdom, I will give them the lesson that they will never forget for their whole life".

At the southwest border, there are many injured troops scattered around the southwest moon city, seen hundreds of thousands of dead soldiers lying outside the city's main gate, John emerged suddenly over the city gate where his emergence surprised some uninjured city gate guards, John showing his Viscount medals to the guards where the guard responded with a salute of military towards John. As John asks about how many more are the soldier left alive, as the soldier giving all the information of the troop's casualty, he just kept silent hearing the information from the City Gate Guard until he gives an order to the guards to send them all to the Army infirmary. John climbed on the city wall as suddenly he shouts using magic to make his voice could be heard to all citizen including the enemy.

" I Viscount Johnathan Edward Stainvo the 2nd, announce that if any of you who want to surrender or want to turn back I will not stopping you but if any of you are still stubborn and still want to invade my birth country, I will not hesitate to abolish you completely without mercy, now I give you a chance, think and choose wisely whether to retreat and kept alive or keep moving forward and die by my hands, choose wisely because wrong judgement you'll see hell early".

I will give you half an hour think for an answer that I want to hear, that answer will save your life.

Lots of the enemy officer mouth twitched non stop, after hearing John declaration as they reply John word, "Haha ... little boy, we're, so scared out...mommy they bullied us.... hahaha .... oh ... I'm so scared ..." Oi! little boy this is not your place to play and make a joke if you do not want to die, go back to your mother breast you need to suck enough milk before you want to warn us with your child's mouth". The enemy General replied back toward John's declaration, John was just able to shake his head saying lowly," I gave you a chance but you did not want to follow it at least I have given them a chance for the first and last, this is their request to die, I will torture them until they beg to be killed ", hehehehe .... John laughed cynically while shouting," I summon you troops from Great Shinobi War 4 and Oda Nobunaga's army from Sengoku Basara! "Rise my Army! hear your master word and order". With the instructions giving by me, Viscount Johnathan demolished all of them from this world!

So the army summoned by John appeared suddenly in front of the city wall of southwest moonblade city, 150,000 shinobi and 150,000 samurai soldiers belonging to Oda Nobunaga from anime Naruto Shippuden and Sengoku Basara. After the army troops that John has summon arrive they could see a darkness aura burst out from the Oda Troops and a lot of element aura could be seen bursting out from the shinobi troops, the shinobi were wearing an Anbu mask covering their face and Oda troops wearing a blackish samurai armour with skull menpo covering all of their faces and helm with a flag writing in Japanese behind their armour flapping while the wind blows smoothly. Suddenly John got info from the system saying that there's a girl in the enemy tent, confirming that is the princess of the Moon Snow Kingdom daughter of the King Alex Pendragon. John shocked for a while after he hears the news but he just smiles as he summons 150,000 roots ninja and sends 1,000 roots ninja to save the hostage that has been captured by the enemy . John shouts loudly, " Now the real war start Go my troops achieved the glory and victory for our kingdom!! All of the shinobi ran as fast as wind toward the 500,000 enemy troops attacking in all kind of jutsu (that you readers already know in naruto) all kind of jutsu fire technique, wind, mist, water, ice all kind kekkei Genkai skill also could be seen attacking the enemy troops from all corner.

The Oda Nobunaga's troops just break the troop's formation into 4 team Formation as they moving in order trying to grasp the enemy by surrounding them without any opening gap for them to escape, no more way out.