Chapter 19

The war was postponed for a week due to the win of the yellow kingdom and so...We got time to introduce the newborn babies as princes of the red kingdom.

"With this power granted to me...May the blessing come to this new born blue bloods and guide their way " A prayer from a prophet which is my father,Piko was prayed infront of all the witnesses at the red kingdom

For now,we just celebrated also for no one getting killed on the battle field...

"I wonder if he is not wounded..." i then let out a sigh as i ask myself,wondering of Len

I kept on letting my mind wonder until at some point when Ars and Leon started crying...

"Hush...hush..." i tried to stop the crying but it seems that i can't

I continued and continued and tried to calm them down...

Behind of me are footstesps from someone i's Fukase!...

"You're no good with kids huh?..." an awkward feeling comes to me as he talk

"Ah...!, seems that i was used to being spoiled and protected my elder brothers and so...i didn't have a chance to be like an older sister- " my talk was cut off by Fukase

" are not good at handling children" He continues

And anwered we continue our talk...the cry of the babies got louder

"Welkam tu da sta lighto pareid"

"oshi nga furu naemorena i yorou nii"

"Moo icchido tusureteiite "

"Anno seikai ye"

(⬆st⛤rlight p⛥r⛥de in alien language⬆)

It seems that the babies have stooped crying after listening to Fukase's song then slept...

"Come to think of it...where is Father and the others?..."

"Prophet Piko is singing over there and Yuma is surrounded by the ladies..." he says this as he points towards where they are

"How about Brother Kyoteru?..." i ask shyfully

"He got drunk and went to sleep first..."

"Oh...i see..." i left out a sigh as i said this words