Chapter 23

(At the Yellow Kingdom)

Neko,Gakupo,Neru, and Rin having a small Meeting

"Len and i shall be apart for a few days to go Praying at the mountain temple with the 3 other leaders of the 4 kingdoms "-Gakupo

"WAIT-Wouldn't that be Dangerous!??"-Rin bacame alarmed and disagrees immediately

"I Agree!...Wouldn't they have a more chance to kill eachother there with the leaders being in one place!?this is a chance to for them to determine the winner!!"-Neru claims

"No...As far as i know,They wouldn't dare to anger the God that they are going to pray to by killing each other there..."-Neko says confidently with a smirk

Praying to the temple and asking for guidance to victory...The God shall pick the winner by blessing them...

"But why would they even Bother?...Don't they already have prophets to tell them what's going to happen?..."Neko asks

Len suddenly appeared and answers Neko's Question

"About that seems that the prophets can't see anything anymore about that matter...They said that something is blocking their view to existance that shouldn't be here is interfering the order of all..."

Len paused and made a serious face and with a trembling look that looks like frighten..he says-

"The 'EVIL' is what they call it."

Just hearing the word...everyone suddenly trembles from fear. Without knowing what it simply made them afraid out of instincts...everone except Gakupo.

"What's with that? gives me the creeps..."Neru says with an afraid face

"It seems to have connections with us..." Neko says

"I feel will kill us..."

Gakupo who can't stand the sight of his nieces trembleng in fear and hugged them within his arms and said...

"It's alright...I'm're all fine..."

Will they be really alright?...all i know is that an me,Ars, and Leon will have an encounter with Len soon