Chapter 26

(Meanwhile at Len and the other's carriage-)

"How long has it been since i last saw _____ i wonder?..." Len says as he let a sigh

"It's almost four months i guess?..." Gakupo says while counting at his finhers with the look of trying to remember the past Events

"I still remember when you came running towards me after both of you first night to ask me when will the babies are going to be born //Chuckle// you were so cute and innocent looking at those times..." Rin says with a teasing smile

"First Night?..."Oliver asks with his cute and innocent face

*Neru and Neko tries to cover his ears*

"Don't you guys try to explain it to him...EVER" Neko says with a serious face

"Why even bother? He'll know it sooner or later Anyway..." Rin says with an 'i don't give a damn' face

"He's our little cute Angel <3" Neru answers

Gakupo stares at them and thinks of how his big brother,Hiyo could've been really happy to see his children together.

As he thinks of this things...he remembered a momment that he was talking with Hiyo

(Gakupo's Flashback)

"Big brother...why don't i have blonde hair...?"young cute Gakupo asks young cute Hiyo but is feeling down

"..." Hiyo looks surprised and felt down

" not really Gakupos Mother..." Hiyo answers

"Am i adopted.....???" Gakupo asks with a teary eyes and Hiyo panicks

"No no!...we have different moms..." Hiyo says

"Is that why father doesn't like me and don't wan't me to be a candidate for the throne?..." Gakupo asks crying

"'s the opposite...Father loves you that is why he doesn't wan't you to be king" Hiyo answers smiling

"He loves you that is why he doesn't want you to take the burden of the entire kingdom" Hiyo continues

"Really?..." Gakupo asks as he stops his cries

"Yeah! And i also love you! You're my precious little Brother, Gakupo..."

(Back to reality)

"I'll protect them brother" Gakupo Mutters to himself