Chapter 28

(At the blue kingdom's side)

"Moke...don't do anything and provoke the other rulers without my permission or else-" Tianyi says as she was cut off by Moke

"What are you gonna do? Dis-own me?... i'm fine by it. Were not really brother and sister anyway...Kaito was your only brother and i'm just adopted anyway!" Moke says with strong feelings swirling up inside him

"What in the world are you saying???" Tianyi asked out of surprised for the Moke she knows is always composed at all time is as if about to break apart

"Why Would i ever do that to you???" Tianyi cries and hugs Moke so tightly as if she is trying not to lose him

Tianyi could no longer bear to lose any precious people to her more than this for...being a queen is not an easy thing and the only person she could only trust fully is her family. Right now, the only family that she have is Moke and she can't bear to watch her little brother acting like this...

As she hugged Moke tightly, she whispered "I wasn't able to say this to you at the palace but...i'm now certain that king Len might not be the one who had killed Kaito." To Moke and made him act surprised.

"Prophet IA couldn't find what really happened but she somehow figured that Kaito was trying to protect someone for him to do that. Prophet IA also found a new star shining in the royal family. It might be Kaito's Child. We used Prophet IA's special power to cover the presence of the child that made the mother not show any signs of being pregnant until we ask for help from the mountain temple guardians. "

The both of them agreed and reconcile and continued towards the mountain temple