Chapter 48

I finally did it! I fought back to King Ryuto! I hope that it knocked him out!!!

I don't know what to do if he won't be knocked down!!! Everyone's sacrifices…my two child that was sacrificed back then!... It will all go to vain now!!!... The moment that he calls the guards to capture me will be too late!!! He shall start a war between the red and green kingdom!!! Princess Gumi told me that King Ryuto is not sane and if I'm not careful, he will even go to the extent of bringing war between our kingdom!...

If he is knocked out, Uncle Longya can still use his power to erase that part of his memory and a war can be avoided…

As I think of the scary things that might happen, My heart was beating so fast out of fear… I just can't seem to calm down…

As I hope for this things… He was knocked out in the floor… Thank Goodness!!! My heart could finally calm down out of fear…

Uncle Longya and I reached out to him to start casting the spell to erase that part of his memory…But, We were surprised when he suddenly held my wrist and hurriedly called the guards!!!

Were doomed!!!

Guards came rushing inside and surrounded us!...

"Capture the Queen and lock her into our room. Imprison Prophet Longya. Tie his hands and Feet. Make sure to cover his mouth so that he won't be able to cast any spell…" He commanded and the two of us were separated.

They used a very strange stuff to capture Uncle Longya… Uncle Longya is a very strong prophet and wizard…But somehow, The stuff that they used to him, made him unable to use magic to protect himself…

"How foolish. I underestimated you _____. To think that you would fight back… Makes me exited!!! Ahahahahaha" King Ryuto said as he laughed out loud, Insanely…