Chapter 59

(At the office of King Ryuto)

"Len...i want you to take back _______ to your Kingdom." King Ryuto said to Len

Len was so surprised from what King Ryuto asked of him to do... and just stayed still to listen for the rest of what King Ryuto has to say...

"A few days after you killed Miku, I feel strange as if someone was whispering in to my ears and tells me what to do..." King Ryuto said as he started to cry

"I wanted _______ to stay with me! for i feel that if i have her, i won't do those cruel stuffs i did to others... But i ended up doing those things to her..."

"Please Len! i want you to protect her from me!" King Ryuto pleaded

Len couldn't believe to what he is witnessing now...This is his chance to take me back to the yellow kingdom.

Len wants to take me back but, he knows that i sacrificed a lot for this... Even our two children were sent away because of this... And he is full of anger in the moment but only trying to control it...

Len is currently having a search party for the two babies that has been sent away but, they are still not found and that only triggered his hatred and anger towards King Ryuto...

"Right now...i can control myself but...i don't know what i could do to her if ever i return back!" King Ryuto said

Len couldn't hold his feeling any longer and landed a punch towards King Ryuto's face.

"With this, think that we are already even." Len said

"We have our reason why we must stay at the respected kingdoms that we are assigned. To fulfill that, we even sacrificed our children... We can't let that go to vain now. If you want to help ________, Protect her here and bring our child back. That is all" Len said towards King Ryuto