Chapter 68

After caressing Ars's bruise, the little blonde boy hugged him and murmured something... A language that Ars could not understand. He didn't mind the little boy to hug him... Ars reached out his hands and hugged the little boy back. A few moments later and... a lady went to them and called out for the little boy...

"Jester! What happened to you??? Oh dear!" The lady said worriedly as she dashed towards the little boy who she called Jester...

The woman wears a hood and can not be identified but, The woman had a smooth and beautiful voice...

"Serena!" Jester shouted as he rushed towards that woman.

"I...I was just looking for Me-chan and then!... Bullies came and then!... this big brother protected me..." Jester told Serena, what happened.

Serena looked towards Ars as she listens to what Jester says...

"Geez... Me-chan is already back at the circus. We already told you that you shouldn't stray afar for you might get lost. Now... Let's go back to the circus and treat your wounds..." Serana said as she drags Jester but, Jester doesn't want to leave Ars alone.

"Serena...How about big brother? Big brother got hurt because of me... i don't want to leave him alone... can we take him with us?" Jester said as he looked towards Serena with a sad face and with a face that shows that he insists that they should bring the big brother who helped him, with them...

Serena could not say no when Jester looked her that kind of face and agreed that they could take Ars with them to treat his wounds...

Ars who was listening to their conversations, felt troubled for he should go back home now but... Once that he heard that they live in a circus, Ars could not help but be curious and full of wonders to what a circus looks like and so... Ars went together with them.