Chapter 85

Up above the clouds was a worl that seems to be unknown towards them... A world full of heightning glass towers, Vehicles moving on its own with a very wild and unknown sound, giant birds that flies up in the sky, every person in there looked so diferent...

"What is this place?..." Fukase says as his face seems to be full of surprisement and a bit of fear.

The four decided to wander and inspect the place. People couldn't stop staring at them for their different clothes...

Piko suggested to change their clothings so that they wont seem suspicious at that place. Flower then, used her powers and coppied the clothings that everyone seem to have.

Oliver was given a casual white t-shirt, a hat, a brown short with suspenders, and a black shoes with high-knee socks. Fukase was given black jacket with a pairing red t-shirts, long black pants, black and red-and-black sports shoes. Piko was given a blue-gray sleeveless top with high-neck, black leggings, and a white rubber shoes. Flower gave herself a black sleeveless hoodie, purple crop-top, black booty shorts, and a black with purple-design-around it kind of knee boots.

"I...Look like a woman..." Father Piko says as he looks at his own reflection, disappointingly in a shop glass screen.

As Father Piko kept on staring at the glass, he noticed a stare coming from their back. A stare that sent cold up to their spine.

The four decided to look for the tower that was taken up to that place. The place that was supposed to be up to the clouds yet, no trace of cloud is found in the place that seem to be a "city". A place that was supposed to be up in the heavens yet, It appears no less like the one in the land.

"So, Let the show begin" A voice from the shadow said.