Bimming Bao

I continue to ask Tiger things I missed until we reached the castle.

"Elder Xui has been waiting for you to come back, Sir Bimming Bao." One of the guards at the gate greeted.

The Snake Castle is not like the other castle in the realm. Because it is one of the oldest buildings in the world and is over million years ago, built by A Shen Li's ancestors.

Even though it's old, I heard they have cameras, trackers and traps installed every corner.

Including A Shen Li's heightened senses, no one can get inside without being known.

Do you know that the Snake Kingdom has the tightest and most powerful defense system, whether it's the troops and guards or the Kingdom itself.

Especially the kids, She trains them so they could protect themselves if the Kingdom is attacked.

For A Shen Li trains them herself based on the defence and attack system of the biggest and longest reptile in the kingdom.

Another thing is that the people of Snake Kingdom are all rich. A Shen Li made sure that they will never go hungry or be a slave even a servant in another race. Not like the other races that starved and sold their own kind.

"His Majesty is in the throne room." The guard added and let us in.

"Thanks." I nodded. The guard bowed at Tiger.

We continue until we reached the big ancient door with big green vines decorated on it that lead to the different hallways including the actual throne room.

The vines contain powerful magic.

There waiting Shark, Elder Xui and other guards and maids talking. Worry, concern and fear in their faces. They kept looking inside the big door.

Then Elder Xui noticed us coming.

"Thank God!! You are finally here!" He yelled. I frowned and looked at Tiger to find he is looking back at me, confused too.

"What is going on?" asking seriously, looking at their disturbed faces.

It must be serious. Since they are worrying too much.

I have never seen Elder Xui panic this much. He is usually calm but now....

I wonder what happened.

"It's His Majesty!!!"

"She lost control."

"What?!" I yelled. I am not the only one with this expression. Tiger does too.

You couldn't blame me for that. A Shen Li is usually cold and expressionless.

This is the first time she lost control as far as I have known her. Something must have happened.

"How...?" Tiger stuttered. His hands are shaking.

"I..... don't know.. Shark came and told me that His Majesty is experiencing lost of control." Elder Xui answered.

"I don't know what happened but she suddenly attack and ate them. Some of us manage to escape before she attack us. She killed to maids and three guards that are inside the room. Her eyes... it is not the usual reddish orrange that we know..." One of maid explained.

Her eyes.... what does that mean?

"What do you mean her eyes?" Elder Xui frowned. We stared at the maid, waiting for her answer.

"Her eyes.... it is the color of the blood.."

Color of the blood....

That means she is going....

"Rogue..." Elder Xui finished my thought.

They all quietened down after that, lost in their own thoughts.

Let me explain. Rogues eyes are blood red in color no matter what type of creature are you. They are the ones that got lost in their inner monsters. You are either a vampire or a rogue to have this kind of eyes.

"Why aren't you guys moving?

"Aren't you going to do anything?"

I asked, looking at each and everyone.

Breaking the silence.

"We were thinking." Shark rolled his eyes.

His answer ticked me off.

"You don't look like you are thinking. You are just standing here, doing nothing while the one that took you in and saved you was in danger, possibly fighting for her life...." "Does thinking will be able to save her!? Huh!! Answer me!!! It will get you killed!!!"

I growled and shouted the last three statements in his face, grabbing his collar tightly.

"Why you..?! He growled at my face.

Tension building between us.

Everyone looked at us silently.

"What, can't handle it?" I mocked him. Shark snarled.

"At least I am not a coward like you, running away from everything." He said darkly.

That statement still works for me

every time and he knows it.

"Shut up!!" I yelled, then punched him in the face repeatedly.

My Alpha strength coming out unconsciously.

We rolled on the ground.

I heard them cheering on us and Elder Xui shouting at us to stop.

"Fight!!! Fight!!! Fight!!!!"

"Stopp the two of you!!!


After a while, My fist started to become numb from the punches. Shark's face is becoming unrecognizable and purple from the punches I gave him.

Somehow, Elder Xui manage to fry me away from Shark, stopping our fight of the people who are cheering.

Shark lay in the ground, breathless, covered in purple and black bruises on his face.

"Now is not the time for this. I know you two are worried, but you shouldn't get it out between you too." Elder Xui explained while holding my forearm and looking at the both of us.

Shark and I both nodded at his words.

Elder Xui released my arm and stepped away from us.

Shark got up, cleaned and healed his wounds while I looked at the big door.

"Can we go inside now?" I asked while looking at the entrance.

I looked back at them to hear their answer.

"I don't know if you could handle it." Elder Xui shared a looked with Shark.

What could be worse than knowing that your friend's appetite is about children?

"Please... let me help." I pleaded.

The two didn't answer for a few minutes, but sighed when they do.

"Alright, but you gonna be prepared." Elder Xui tried to smile, but his smile is kinda off...

What was that all about?

When I looked inside, I saw...

Broken pieces of glass, the walls and tiles are covered in blood and claw marks and the lights flicker on and off.

Giving the hallway a dark and cold feeling.

I suddenly shivered.

I unconsciously took a step further while looking around but before I could continue, Elder Xui stopped me."You cannot go alone."

Tiger and Shark nodded.

"Okay." And the four of us went inside.

The remaining people outside said their good lucks and closed the big door.

The throne room is quite big, so it will take a while before we find her.

There are so many hallways and rooms before we could actually reach the real throne room.

It is like a maze. It is for protection only.

The smell of blood and flesh gets stronger and stronger by the further we walked.

Also the hallways get darker and colder by the minute we spent here.

Then the three of them suddenly stopped walking, frozen on their ground.

I frowned, slowly walking towards them. "What's wrong?"

Tiger whispered while looking at something in front of us. "Don't move'" I froze.

I slowly turned around to look at what they are looking at.....

"Oh my-..." I didn't get to finish because Tiger blocked my mouth.

~~~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED~~~~~~~