Chapter 1


I want you to guys to know that your comments and reviews are like fuel to my enthusiasm to continue the story.

My personal excitement can only carry me for so long before it runs out. This story just like many others exists because I liked the idea and especially because there is no proper Adult Naruto story.

I worked really worked hard on this story. Everything is planned and it is supposed to be such a massive tale but the response was terrible and nonexistent most of the time.

I carried on because of my excitement and it ran out when I reached 260k words, and took a short break. In that break my heart went cold for it seeing that even after all that work of three months, people didn't leave a single review.

This means that all my hours of work aren't worth your few minutes to leave a review or comment.

Even after a month has passed, the story hasn't received a comment or review. It told me enough. It is a failed product and not worth anything from the reader's point of view.

If I am only writing for myself, what's the point of sharing it with you guys? I want to hear what people think, it's just something that simple. When you share your idea with a friend, do you want them to just sit there and say nothing or do you want them to share in your excitement.

If you think following the story is enough favor upon me, then I also have the option to just move to another story of mine and continue it.

Nearly 300 hours of work has gone into this story and you guys can not even comment on each chapter and leave a review.

Are you guys parasites or something? This story has 1800 followers but it doesn't even get one comment on each chapter, freaking one comment.

You people disgust me.

Follower wise this story already doesn't have much compared to my other stories. It literally has the following of a story with 1/4 its size. But you guys make it worse by not even having the manners to even leave a comment like the following of other stories.

I haven't decided to abandon the main story. I have decided to postpone it to another date but you guys won't get it unless you guys fix your mess.

Stop acting like leeches and parasites. If you are going to consume free content, at least have the decency to comment and review.

The main story will get updated once the main story chapters get comments and the story gets 50 reviews. Until then just enjoy side stories that tie into things that take place in 600 chapter or something.


This is the side story of Shuten after the time travel arc with Urashiki. In the time travel arc, she messes up with many things that change the present. She seduces kid Naruto. Sasuke convinces Obito to stop his madness and Akatsuki becomes an ally of Naruto that exists in the present.

Shuten leaves her trace on Kid Naruto, making her his first true love. In the present he ends up getting Tsunade, Konan, Artoria and Shion because of the changes in Naruto's personality.

Naruto also indulges in incest, causing him to sleep with Shuten and his other daughters.

By this time in normal time line, Naruto had already gotten together with Hanabi.

When the team goes back to the present, Time snaps into place and Naruto's abilities allow him to get back his original memories once he saw the team. He gets angry and put her on house arrest while cancelling things with reality control except a few things that would lead to death of the new kids.

This is part of the alternate world arc where Shuten ends up finding a parallel world and is joined by other young team members because of Naruto as he saw that his daughter was becoming too insane and he might end up killing her soon.

She goes with a team to a world where Sasuke won and revives Naruto of that world. They save the desolate world from his tyranny after a long battle. It's long arc.

In this same arc she also saves another version of Naruto from death where he was captured by Pain instead of winning.

She does get their love but isn't satisfied with them because they are different.


Today was another tragic day for Konoha, it lay in ruin and its hero defeated. Pain looked at the unconscious Naruto and carried him with one of his paths. The battle was intense but Naruto was not strong enough to compete with such a foe.

'There is only one more target left and soon the world will know pain.' Pain thought as he flew while Konan joined him

Naruto didn't even get to wake up as he was put into suspended animation and the Kyuubi was taken from his body forcefully, which killed him instantly as they were tied too close.


"Where am I?" Naruto muttered as he woke up

He was feeling dizzy and something was unusual in his head, like a chunk of his memory had been erased.

Naruto's eyes finally could see right and he found himself in the woods, he felt that it was a mountainous region.

'Where is this place? These trees are too small to be close to Konoha or anywhere I have been to.' Naruto thought as he stood up and looked at his surroundings and found the trees too small.

He extended his hand and just put slight pressure, the tree cracked under that minuscule force.

"Definitely not close." Naruto confirmed as he didn't remember the trees close by, breaking with such ease. They had been blessed with the abundant nature energy and grown durable beyond normal, which was what he had learned from Jiraiya.

"I really shouldn't have jumped after Mukade." Naruto muttered in an annoyed tone as he remembered following a target through a portal

He looked around and decided to leave the mountain to see if he could find any clues. The mountain was quite small unlike the ones he was used to seeing, which did seem weird in a way along with the fact that his body felt a bit lighter.

'Maybe I am just stronger now or something.' Naruto thought as he exited the mountain and arrived outside.

Naruto still couldn't find anything that looked much different until he saw people climbing the mountain from the other side.

Somehow he could extend his senses for 40 m and could tell their life force along with their current emotion vaguely.

'They have very weak life force.' Naruto thought but he didn't conclude that he was in a different world from not sensing chakra as not everyone or thing had chakra and it needed to be molded.

He saw unique clothing they were wearing and thought he was in a different Land or something since he had never seen such in the places he visited.

Naruto walked closer to them and called, "Hello, can I have a moment of your time."

Naruto asked in a friendly tone and the couple turned to him, "Yes, how may we help you?"

Naruto was happy that they didn't react in a rude manner and decided to ask, "Can you tell me where the Land of Fire is?"

Naruto decided not to be straight forward as it could cause problems for him, "I have never heard of such a thing but maybe someone else will know."

The couple took him as weeb, one of the worst kinds of foreigner to set foot on their land. They excused themselves and left as they didn't want to handle his kind, they were impressed by his language but it didn't mean they were willing to listen to his nonsense.

'What just happened?' Naruto was confused but decided to move on instead of causing an issue from nothing

After several minutes of walking aimlessly, Naruto stopped and muttered in a confident tone, "Come out, I know you are there."

He could feel a person had been following him for awhile and unlike the others, this person had strong life force.

'A shinobi' Naruto thought from his mannerism and was curious, and hopeful

Naruto saw a man appear several meters from him. The man was tall with black hair and wearing a sleeveless red Gi.

"Apologies for my rude actions but your appearance caught my interest." The man said in a calm tone without a change in his expression

"What caught your interest?"

"You are not from here and from your mannerism I can tell you are a ninja. So are you one of those foreign ninjas, USA or some other country."

"USA?" Naruto pronounced the words awkwardly surprising the man

"You said Land of fire but no such place exists, is it a code word or are you serious?"

Naruto looked at the man and decided it was better not to share his life with others; he was getting strange feeling about this issue.

"It is a code name. I want to ask where we are now."

"Japan, near MT.Fuji" Guy responded as he analyzed the kid who was the same age as Ibuki

"Thank you, my name is Naruto. What is yours?" Naruto replied in a friendly tone

"It was nothing and my name is Guy, if you need anything just look for me around here." Guy said as he left at his full speed, which didn't look much in Naruto's eye

'He has a strong body but the speed is just terrible.

From his words I can assume that I am not in the same world as he seemed to imply that he knew the rest of the world but just to be sure, I need to see a map.' Naruto thought as he decided to be cautious, he turned his appearance into one of the people he saw and walked out of the woods


'He looked really strong and dangerous. The moment I thought of attacking him, I saw death. He seemed too nonchalant about this. Is he even aware of his strength? It seems he might have memory issues from his questions.' Guy thought as he went back to his training area, where he practiced art of movement

He was not tricked by Naruto's attempt as he was used to ninja work for several years and lying, gathering information was the usual deal.

'I should inform master about him. He could cause problems in the country so we should prepare to end him if he shows signs of evil.' Guy mused as he took out his phone