Chapter 11

Arriving at the destination, Naruto could see the gym and beside it was the underground arena where they held the matches.

From the outside it looked decent and clean, inside was the same. It was a nice place and he could see they spent some money on it.

The problem was that they didn't manage it, they weren't teachers and they didn't hire anyone plus people already knew about their history.

Mad Gear was famous especially the core members like them while the small fry had managed to slip into the normal world since nobody remembers fodder unless they were beaten by it.

"Okay explain the situation" Naruto asked as he took a seat in the office and the giants stood before him

Abi looked at Hugo and didn't know what was about to happen but they had expectations now after hearing Naruto's background.

They didn't know him but his confidence, strength and charisma brought them hope for a better tomorrow like Poison mentioned.

'Even if this fails we still have power on our side.' Abi thought as power never betrays your effort while everything else might let you down.

"As you can see people don't like us so it's empty most of the time and even for matches people don't attend especially since we haven't been able to invite other fighters."

Naruto looked at him, "Have you tried making people like you?"

Hearing those words Abi thought of many things, him beating people, breaking things, cursing them, and threatening to kill them and overall being a violent thug.

"Ah, I didn't think of that." Abi answered with a nervous chuckle hearing such a simple thing that he could never think of. They were so used to be assholes that simple decency had slipped him.

"Okay, I get your problems so now we will remake your image. We are the good guys now and people need to know that. You guys come with a negative reputation but my reputation is building up so people will be interested now after knowing about it.

We will let people know about me. We will help out people when possible. We will hold matches that will make people want to visit again and we will have teachers for the people in the gym.

You guys are strong but teaching isn't a skill you possess at the moment and if you want to learn how to teach, take a student and start from there."

"But Boss, how are we going to other fighters? Will they really come to you? Are you going to be fighting?" Abi asked while Hugo also nodded to his words, Hugo was a silent man and spoke very rarely when he needed to.

"They will come and we don't need them either because I will create fighters for you to fight." Naruto grinned and with a snap, and single sing from his left hand a clone appeared in the shape of Kakashi

Both of them were surprised by this ability as they had yet to see something like this in their lives.

Hugo extended his hand and poked the chest, "It's real."

Hearing his whisper Abi looked at Naruto in shock as this was some powerful ability and meant that he could create an army whenever he wanted.

"Boss, how strong is it? And are you the strongest person from your place."

"It's strong as me and knows everything I know but depends on how much energy I use to make it. I am the third strongest person from my place and soon I will become the strongest person alive when my training finishes." Naruto answered in a confident tone as he stood up and slapped the back of his clone

He wasn't lying, after the training even with the limitations Naruto was the third strongest person in Konoha.

Only Tsunade and Jiraiya were stronger than him while Kakashi had only 40 percent chance of winning at this moment.

Gai could definitely beat him but the man needed to open the gates above the third and Naruto could stop the process, and eliminate him before he got overpowered.

He was the third strongest person in total base power and once Sage mode was learnt he would probably finish them without any difficulty. Even now his strongest attack can One Shot everyone and it was growing in power as his control of chakra increased along with his elemental affinity.

Unfortunately Rasenshuriken was a clear cut killer move so he couldn't use it until when he had decided the foe needs to die. There was also the restriction on the battlefield where he has to watch out for other people and the surroundings since it has a large area of affect.

Sasuke still proved to be stronger than him because of the speed advantage and the Sharingan. Orochimaru had promised him power and the man kept his words as Sasuke had gained power beyond his natural means.

His body had been modified to have greater strength and durability along with a healing factor. These were Naruto's advantages over him but the snake managed to cancel them out but chakra reserves can never be affected too much artificially so they were still well below his.

Nonetheless his chakra was 3 times higher than Kakashi while Kakashi had chakra reserves beyond average ninja but was hindered by his own Sharingan.

He was serous when he said that fighters could be made as Naruto had learnt many fighting styles to evolve his original clone fu and because of his large reserves he had also learnt other elemental jutsu.

Wind was his main power but Naruto knew few jutsu from other styles as well for use when necessary and for reference for the wind style as he could make it better if he understood the other styles.

It was also to avoid getting weakened in a fight as there were times when an element was not usable or pointless.

Like using darkness against the demonic beings was literally just feeding them power and there was also the case of master elemental users cancelling out attacks or diverting them.

Naruto had seen it with Jiraiya when he used sage mode since elemental masters were very rare. He had used Naruto's fire ball against him without even overpowering his jutsu with his own fire jutsu.

"Damn" Abi and Hugo muttered after hearing that statement

Naruto was already so strong but this thing was strong as him.

"Boss, how are the fights going to go?"

"You will struggle and try to win as I will make them weaker fro you guys. His name is Kakashi, my teacher. This is Jiraiya, my Master. This is Asuma, Choji, Hiruzen, Zabuza and Naruko." Naruto made clones of all of them one by one as he could replicate their fighting styles somewhat since accuracy didn't really matter.

Looking at all these different people appear the duo was feeling excited now as it felt like they had hit a jackpot.

'Is that boss?' Abi blinked at Naruko realizing that it looked like a twin

"No, I don't have siblings. I am orphan. I like to play around with people so I have used a female form and that's what it looks like.

Careful with your gaze okay, I don't like disgusting looks at my body." Naruto said playfully as Naruko walked to his side

She was wearing an orange top with black shorts while her golden hair was in twin tail style. She was the ideal beauty that Naruto had made to fool men.

"Of course we won't do that." Abi shook his hands and looked away from Naruko

"Relax I was kidding. Getting back to the topic, now we need to let people know about us and the internet is a great place for this."

Naruto said as he had understood how to use the fighter's website for his use and most likely other dojos also did it.

It was a place where people could see fights of good quality and not some trash street fight since the website has a reputation to maintain.

The people you want to target are al gathered on this platform and you just have to capture their interests. Naruto had already gathered a following in a single day, and many people were curious about his origins and such.

They were already making theories and discussions about fights with other fighters.

Every strong individual had a great following even if they didn't interact with the people.

Ryu was well know and had millions of fans that loved his style and everything while the man himself always hid away from them because he didn't like crowds.

Terry played around with his fans as he was used to crowds and people loved because he was so socialable.

Kyo Kusanagi had followers even before he became famous so it was nothing to him but he enjoyed it as he earned it.

Every fighter had different reactions and different purposes, some of them had business intentions.

Mad Gear was also famous for their fighters and the girls but only bad people followed them.

Even then they could attract those people if they can use it properly and even the video can earn money if you make it pay to watch kind of thing.

This site had free to watch but the whole video wasn't available for those people.

King also earned money from all her previous fights as she was famous for participating in the previous KOF tournament with Mai Shiranui and Chizuru Kagura.

It was the only girl's team in the tournament while other teams had one or no female participants.

"Follow me" Naruto said after he had given them enough time to take it in and moved towards the entrance of the gym with his clones behind him.


Opening the door to the craziness of the city Naruto looked like a gang boss with his clones behind and the giants.

Even without a word their presence attracted eyes and once Naruto walked out with his gang many people had noticed them.

"Ahem, Hello my good people. My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I believe you have seen my fight with Zangief and Mad Gear.

Many of you are wondering where I come from and what am I doing. The answer is easy, I come from an ancient clan and I was trained as fighter since birth. I want to fight strong people with interesting abilities and enjoy my time.

I am also a leader in the making so I have decided to take over Mad Gear and do some legal business. These are all my subordinates and we will teach you how to be strong, and show you some awesome fights in our ring.

You can even participate to fight against them or fight me if you are capable." Naruto explained in a confident tone like he owned the world and walked the streets causing them to all to stop in place

His presence could not be ignored anymore and all eyes were on him, some had even started recording him as this was very rare and interesting event.

Kakashi clone was using raikiri and even made lighting hounds around him.

Asuma clone was causing the wind the pickup and there were small twisters around him.

Zabuza clone showed some of his sword skills and caused mist to appear.

Jiraiya clone used his hair and flames.

Hiruzen used earth wall and mud slide.

Choji clone shifted his body mass and even became a giant of 5 meters, which wasn't the limit.

Naruko summoned chains from her storage and controlled them with chakra like it was her limbs.

All of this left a great image in their mind especially reinforced by Naruto's voice that spread wide for many kilometers.

"Today's fight is for free so come join us friends and let's have a good time." Naruto looked at their expression and was pleased to see that his experience with theatrics had come in handy.

Turning around, Naruto walked to the underground arena bought by Mad Gear. It was large enough to accommodate 500 people.

With the gang going inside like they expected people to follow, people looked at each other before some curious minds went inside and the message spread.

"The place might not be enough so arrange something for it." Naruto told Abi before leaving a clone to handle the rest.

He was in direct contact with it using the communication jutsu so he would know everything directly.


"Not bad, not bad indeed. More interesting than I expected." Eliza muttered as she stood above the building opposite of the gym

She had arrived when he came out with his clones and Naruto noticed her presence.

Unlike others she could tell these were his clones not some subordinates.

"Thanks, you want a drink before we start speaking." Naruto smiled and stood beside her, and offered his hand

"What is this?"

"I thought maybe you could do it from my arm or hand."

Eliza looked at him and laughed as she understood what he was getting at.

"I can but the result will be the same."

"Can't you cancel it out? You know how difficult it is for a healthy guy like me to endure that feeling."

"I can tell how much it drives you mad but I can't change anything about it. It's a natural phenomenon."

Naruto looked at her straight in the eyes, "Sigh, let's get this over with."

It's not that he didn't like the feeling but it added fuel to his lustful desires. He had no partner so it was always the lefty taking caring of it when it got too bad and fortunately he was always too busy for such a thing to bother him but now it was erupting because of Eliza's affect and the girls around him.

He had to take care of himself in the shower. It was a complete mess as he had painted the walls white.

This was something Uzumaki were known for and Naruto had it even worse because of Kurama. Kurama caused an imbalance in the Yang energy, the energy representing life and man.

He had too much of it and had to forcefully stop himself from losing his mind to lust when it got to him.

He had literally carved a pain seal on his body to break him from the lust daze if it got too bad.

Jiraiya had told him that his father kept from home a lot of the times because mother drained him completely so he made some excuses to keep his male dignity.

"If it is too hard to endure then you can always sleep with those lower beings." Eliza whispered as she held him close

Her warmth and touch, her beauty and her enchanting eyes and lips, none could be ignored when this close.

Naruto looked directly at her without getting affected but he knew he will have a reaction soon.

"I do not wish to sleep with people I have not accepted as my lovers. Sex without love is not needed."

"I see we are very similar in that case, Naruto. I have never found a partner and I am still very much pure, ironic for a being like me since we are also known as sex demons."

"It is the same for us since our kind aren't known for having such morals and would sleep with anyone when needed but I don't like such things as love and sex should go together not alone."

"Right! It is interesting to find we have some similar thoughts Naruto but apologies I am getting thirsty so we will have to continue later." Eliza said as she kissed his neck before plunging her fangs


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