Chapter 17

A.N. As long as you people keep on commenting and reviewing, you can expect the chapters to keep on coming.


Laura stood up from the ground and shook of the debris covering her body. Getting up by spinning her legs overhead she landed with her stance to see that her foe was still inside.

'He already took out Mika. He's too strong for any of us to stand against. It's unfortunate but we need some stronger hitters for this to be a proper battle.' Laura realized this was a losing battle after one of them had been taken out and they had done zero damage to the foe.

It was kind of scary and exciting that they were watching someone like Akuma enter the battle stage. He lacked that presence but his power was similar.

Of course she liked him better since Akuma would most likely leave them crippled or kill them.

She had never fought the raging demon himself but had seen his battles. He was an unstoppable force.

Instead of fear or resignation she felt her enthusiasm rising as this was an opportunity to learn. She was the representative of her country and style, and she had yet to reach the limits.

Her growth stage was still in progress and with more battles her power increased. With danger like this, the body was forced to react.

'How did he reach such a power? Is he from a famous clan with a powerful bloodline?'

Akuma was old and came from a long line of warriors. Kyo was young and powerful but he came from a famous clan that was related to the Monster Orochi.

All of them had some background so it wouldn't be strange for Naruto to be someone really important.

'Or is it artificial?' This wasn't something she would have wondered before but after knowing about Bison who used artificial means to empower himself.

'Doesn't matter, for now how should I approach this?' Laura thought as she saw Naruto walk towards her with a smile on his face and she understood him.

He was a battle maniac. He got high on battles and it was very clear from his expression and eyes.

It made her excited as well.

"Come on Laura, it's your turn now. Show me what you got. None of you can actually defeat me, so let's enjoy and make this showy as possible."

She heard his voice clearly from every direction. He was playing with them. He was playing with her, teasing her but she didn't feel insulted as she had nothing to deny his claim.

His confident expression and smile were to her liking.

She really liked strong people with confidence and chill.

"Ha! So much passion! I like your style! Want to learn the Matsuda style?" Laura replied with an enthusiasm as she couldn't hide the fact that she was enchanted by his strength and skill.

"Show it to me, give me a reason."

She heard the challenge in his tone.

"Here I come!" Laura announced as she jumped in place and pushed against the ground to dash towards Naruto.

With lightning Ki enhancing her movement and defence, she closed the distance instantly and aimed an elbow strike to his chest.

Naruto blocked her elbow with his hand and she felt his wind power cancel out her attack. Laura expected such a response.

She caught his shirt with the other hand and fell back pulling him while reigniting her lighting to disturb his movement and damaging him.

Laura tried to catch his neck into a hold but got hit in the abdomen that crashed her against the ground. It was painful but nothing she couldn't ignore.

Bouncing back up, she spun around on her hands to kick Naruto but he jumped away. Laura landed on her feet and volt tackled him from below without missing a beat.

He jumped up and she caught his foot, intending to break his bones.

It was an opportunity and she used her best shot of lighting on him to lock his movements but her foe had used it as bait and kicked her back with his other foot before her lighting could build up.

"Not bad Laura, I would love to learn from you again. It was an interesting experience." Laura smiled even though she was exhausted and felt like her back was broken.

'Pervert' She thought as he slapped her ass before moving towards the other foes that had somehow not intervened.

They must have understood that it was better to just show off individually instead of getting thrashed together.

No, they were sent crashing into the building once again after they tried to butt into the battle. Laura didn't notice them as Naruto had attacked them before they even got close.


Blanka shook his head again as he got out from the debris that had fallen on his body. This was not the first time he had been beaten so badly.

It was a similar case of Bison and Akuma.

Both those individuals required a big and powerful team as they thrashed all fighters like they were fodder.

He had joined this battle to enjoy battles and make a name for himself to sell his Blanka dolls. He had picked up a business sense after working with Dan and promoting his dojo.

Outside of battles he wanted to sell dolls and he wanted to sell his own dolls the most.

With Dan's planning they had started selling official merchandise of various fighters they were friends with and even shared some of the profit with them.

Today was supposed to be his win where he would show them how he had improved and his new design of Blanka wear.

But it was all ruined now since the opponent was too much. His instincts told him such from the start. It told him to escape as he was under the gaze of a predator.

The man was playing with them and sent him flying twice with the use of wind. Blanka had tried to resist but the force was too much for him to counteract even when he held onto the ground.

The ground was ripped off and he was sent flying.

But it also showed that the foe was friendly and it wasn't the only point. Blanka felt a nice presence from him that made him want to become friends.

It made him feel at home.

'I need to fight. Can't win but need to fight.' Blanka stood up and he was sure that Laura was done especially since Naruto came into view.

Right in front of him his foe transformed into a Tiger and charged at him.

'Why is he doing this? Does he want to fight in my style?' Blanka wondered as it seemed that his foe had given up his martial arts to fight like a beast.

Blanka stopped thinking and focused on the fight.

Roaring back with violent intent, Blanka ducked and clawed at his opponent that had pounced at him.

The claw should have hit the side of the Tiger and injured it but the beast spun in midair covered in wind that saved it from the strike.

The tiger landed on the other side and looked at him with a happy expression.

Blanka decided to attack him instead of waiting for it. He preferred offence over defense.

Running towards him Blanka got ready to attack him when the tiger rushed towards him and changed into a snake midway that caught him by surprise.

He couldn't react as it coiled around his body and constricted his limbs.

This was something he had never faced before and it made it harder to react properly.

But Blanka didn't give up and released his lighting causing the snake transformation to get cancelled.

"It was fun but you got nothing to show me anymore." Naruto said as he hit Blanka on the back of his head, on the pressure point to knock him out.


"Man, that guy just ruined my day." Dan muttered in annoyance as he walked towards Blanka to get him away from the battlefield and get healed since he was done.

Zangief had already removed Mika and was taking away Laura.

Dan was an arrogant and cocky man with a gentle heart. He was sometimes stupid and selfish that he would even take credit for others work and some times very smart.

He was a very talkative person with average knowledge on martial arts even though he was running a dojo. He was lucky to have unlocked Ki and was one of the weakest fighters around the block.

His father was killed by Sagat in a fight, leaving him untrained. It might be the biggest cause but the man himself always took the easy way out and didn't train properly.

His only true friend was Jimmy also called Blanka and they were brothers that moved together. He also had a younger sister and Sakura was his student, though she was more talented than him and stronger than him by now.

"That was so cool. Do you think he would teach it to me, if I asked?" Sakura said in an excited tone as she watched the fight with great concentration. She was itching to join but all the fighters were beyond her capability except Mika.

She wore a navy blue vest with a pink trim, a white long sleeve button shirt underneath, a pleated skirt with frills at the edge, black mid-length socks and black short (possibly Docs) boots. Her bolero tie was long and the color was pink and white and was tied at her midriff baring top. Like Ryu's, her headband was red along with matching gloves with a stylized written on the white lines.

Sakura was very tomboyish, outgoing, and respectful in personality, as she was most of the time happy, energetic, cheerful, positive, hard-working and focused in combat. Despite initial perception leading people to think she was brash and confrontational, she actually had a noble spirit and a very determined attitude, either in studies or in martial arts training. She saw Ryu as an idol and teacher, rather than an opponent, since she always watched him fight and mirrored herself on his philosophies in battle.

Although her techniques may seem somewhat "rustic" in comparison to Ryu and Ken, she managed to balance her school work with her training in hopes of being accepted as Ryu's student and prove herself by fighting worthy adversaries. In a clean match, Sakura was a very patient and disciplined warrior. She was the embodiment of innocence and is acknowledged by many fighters to have great potential that may one-day match Ryu and Ken in strength when she got older and skilled.

She was still a high school student of the age of sixteen and already in the rankings. People were looking forward to her appearance in bigger fights.

Her insistence to continue school led to her potential not being realized as she didn't much time to train or a teacher to guide her.

Ryu was always travelling and gave her some advice while Dan was Dan.

She was completely entranced with the fighting world and was one of the rare fighters coming from a normal background.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment