
As she remember all this , she started crying all over again, she cries as if it happened yesterday.

A knock on her door brought her back to the present

"Come in ".

"Jane , I'm so sorry I didn't come on time ; Ife said. I thought it was a minor thing not knowing it was this serious."

" I'm so happy to see my favourite aunt; she said as she hug her. aunt it alright, I'm alright now or am I not?"

" but Jane why did you try to kill yourself?

You won't understand aunt but know this, if I have a fairly god mother and she ask me what I wish for I will tell her that I wish that mom and dad hadn't came back and that my plans had worked".

What about your parents don't you care for them?.

Aunt mom and dad hates me, well dad hate me, the sight of me disgust him and he thinks that I'm a disgrace plus he is angry with me."

Jane you dad don't hate you, he is just angry at that guy who made his daughter go through alot of pains".

she turn to gaze outside but her eyes meet a picture and she picks it up... It is Alex's

" God aunt a criminal, I never knew he was this ugly,, I couldn't believe it or maybe I couldn't accept it and his crimes is so huge". she spoke more to herself than to her aunt

" Life can be ugly Jane, people can also be ugly"..

I guess then he had an innocent face but ugly heart , I thought as I gaze at his picture which I never knew I still had.

He was perhaps the most beautiful human being I had ever seen, he was slender, in his early twenties he had the feature that were completely remarkable. There were nothing effeminate about him, he was totally masculine and yet that face was beautiful and their Is no other way to describe him .

" do you know what makes me angry ?

What dear?

I still love him

We all know you do and we also know that he still cuts you up inside.

"Christ! Aunt, I want to say I hate him but I can't; she sign and look up at her aunt with bitter wryness. Guess you will tell me that I'm stupid".

"No; Ife said with a half smile on her face. I guess that's what they call love and you have to remember that you were awfully young at that time and if he had loved you, he would have waited and let you see the world before he thinks about having sex with you unprotected."

Aunt... He is a criminal of course he never loved me, but I love him and that's the problem.

Baby, don't say that."

Aunt what should I do? I can't seem to get him out of my mind."

I don't know Jane ".

Maybe I should just pretend it never happened".

"you're bound to think about it and wished that things had been different but you have to live on".

" thanks aunt, this is why I'm always happy when ever you are here".

I'm happy that you are happy and I have to go now, I will come by next time".

When Ife was gone the room suddenly become quiet .

"I'm not happy aunt, I don't think I will ever be but I will try for mom."