Occupational Hazard

Tohru reached out to take Yanee's hand from under the table and gave her a gentle squeeze. He knew she had been very uncomfortable during her parents' interview earlier. But there was no way getting out of that one nor did he intend to get out of that situation as well. For him, it was totally a good thing that her parents took the initiative to corner him and ask their questions like that. Compared to shying away from him and observing him at a distance, their open inquiries made him acquire their approval in advance. At least now, even if they approved of him as an individual before, they also approved of him as the man their daughter chose to be with. 

With the meal over, Peter and Anjee said their goodbyes. Chummy too had left as her boyfriend already finished his shift, and they were planning to catch the last full show of an action movie. Tohru and Yanee then drove the elderly couple to their hotel as they were adamant on not staying at Ami's place.