I Will Marry You

"I'm so sorry about tonight," Tohru apologized as he parked the car in front of Yanee's apartment complex. 

"Sorry for what?" Yanee asked. 

She honestly had no idea why he was apologizing. 

"For what my mom and sister said. I don't want you feeling pressured because of them." 

Yanee raised a brow as she studied his profile. "Oh, so you're saying not to take their hints on marriage seriously?" 

"Of course, you should take it seriously. Miss, I didn't offer myself to be a temporary boytoy, you know," Tohru retorted, aghast. "Don't tell me you have no plans on taking responsibility for me?" 

Yanee couldn't help but laugh at Tohru's antics. She playfully swatted his arm to make him stop. It felt good, she realized. Since becoming his girlfriend, there was this certain light feeling in her heart that made it easy for her to smile. 

She smiled a lot these days.