Possession 5: Forget The Past

"Ya, Jae Han, what's with the face?" 

At the mention of his name, the doctor turned to her friend, obviously startled, before her brows knit into confusion. 

"What face?" she asked and Dr. Yilmaz Connor shrugged. The two of them were at the hospital cafeteria having dinner. 

"That face," Yilmaz said as he pointed at her expression. "For a while you got that weird look before you had that creepy smile," he continued which made the other's confusion deepen and Jae reached out to slap the other's shoulder. 

"Ya! My smile's not creepy," the raven haired doctor protested before placing an elbow on the table and propping her chin as she looked thoughtful. "I just had a dream last night. I remembered the time when I first called my stepdad, dad," she disclosed and Yilmaz couldn't help but whistle.