Possession 15: The Bait

"He's out to get you," Yunho commented as he massaged his wrists. 

"It's too obvious not to notice," Jae retorted as she walked back her table and sat on her chair. She was still fuming over what the old man just did. "Why didn't you say anything earlier by the way?" 

Yunho shrugged. "It's useless to argue with fools," he replied and she sighed. 

"He called for a shareholders' meeting. Did he really think he'd win? He only has five percent shares. Even with the all other shareholders turn against me, they only have twenty-five percent of shares in total. Even if they ganged up on me, they won't win.  Who gave him the confidence to try and overthrow me?"

Yunho smiled enigmatically at her. 

"You haven't been listening to me earlier, right? You really spaced out," he commented and Jae cleared her throat in embarrassment.