That's God's Hero?

Outside the shack was a sea of fire and cries of agony along with the distant, but closing, thundering of hooves. She saw more fire getting flung around in the center of the camp and quickly rushed over there. She couldn't get people out of the battle because her Teleport Magic only worked on herself and cost a huge amount of Mana, but she could get some revenge for the sudden ambush. Although she couldn't rule out that there weren't more traitors in the camp she also couldn't just abandon everyone.

As the attacker came into view Altair was a little stunned. He was a very different Human than she had ever seen before. He had black hair, wore strange clothes, had a giant smile on his face, and was humming a lively tune as if he was enjoying slaughtering the people around him.

In truth the man was enjoying himself. He believed himself to be a hero and he was vanquishing evil. It had been his dream for years to go on such an adventure and when he was called here it was like a gift from god itself. He was all too eager to jump in and 'save' the Humans from the 'evil' of the Demi-Humans. Plus, it came with several other perks that he couldn't put down due to his innovative use of Human Magic.

But to Altair, he just looked like any other Human taking part of the selfish act of massacring others. The only difference being that he had somehow infiltrated their hidden base so deep already and was currently murdering people in his glee.

She couldn't quite blame him for his ignorance though. She also believed the way he did until her characteristics emerged and she was picked up by the coalition. It was then that she learned the truth: Demi-Humans were being massacred for sport.

Altair wouldn't let him continue his one-sided attack any longer as she shouted to get his attention while throwing a dagger at him from her belt, "Over here Human!" At the same moment she used some of her threads to hold her hair out of her face on her head.

The man threw a ball of fire at a girl who was pleading for mercy before turning his head toward Altair. He looked handsome, if you ignored the fact that he just slaughtered a bunch of civilians with that smile on his face. Speaking of his smile, it seemed to grow brighter as he saw Altair and a vulgar light passed through his eyes.

He quickly defended himself from the dagger with the sword in his hand as he proclaimed, "Ah, the template is going so well! Is this another harem member? The chances are too high!" He walked towards Altair while ignoring the look of utter bewilderment on her face. He boldly and confidently proclaimed, "A silver haired loli! While I'm more partial toward well endowed women, I still won't turn you down! Come, join my harem as you are destined to!"

Altair's expression darkened. She didn't know why this Human was going on about vulgar things in the middle of his massacre but she didn't really care to. Instead, she threw out her threads in the same checkered pattern as before.

The man's eyes widened as he shouted, "Oh, you're that 'Monster Queen' they told me about." He raised his free hand and the threads made contact with some kind of invisible dome over him and it caused the threads to fade into nothing. "I suppose you'll be too much to just invite into my bed as you are. No matter, I'll just have to use Magic to enslave you if I want to you keep you."

Altair had never seen this kind of Magic before and her eyes narrowed at the thought of it. She checked how much of her Mana was sealed and judged it to be enough to run some tests. She jumped backwards while burning her Mana at a rapid rate to create dozens of shadow knights between her and that man. By the time she landed she had already sent the mental command for them to attack the man before her and she crossed her arms to see what other Magic he could do.

Everyone's Magic had their own uniqueness to it. One person could not use dozens of different types and elements together. At most any one person could only use two to seven types of Magic. That was well known to this day and, since she had seen his fire Magic and that strange bubble Magic that blocked her threads, she was hoping he would reveal more of his arsenal. The more he revealed, the higher her chances of executing him.

The man kept a smile on his face as the horde of shadow knights charged at him. He didn't stand his ground however. He was much too cowardly for that as he jumped backwards while throwing fireballs out with his freehand at the knights.

Altair scoffed at the sight of it. This man clearly had no honor. Almost every Human she had faced so far would have stood and fought to their last breath. But this man ran away like a coward while harassing instead of doing a direct confrontation. This made him seem lower than most Humans she had encountered so far.

The man kited the horde of knights far enough away from one of his chosen harem members to begin his actual counterattack. He abruptly stopped and swung his sword with both hands in a wide arc while shouting, "Flame wave!" Immediately after he shouted that a wave of fire flew out from where he swung his sword and slammed into the horde of shadow knights, incinerating those it contacted. He then swung his sword back and forth while repeatedly shouting the same thing.

Altair looked at him like he was an idiot. Nobody shouted when they used Magic. It was completely pointless to even do that. It had no effect on the Magic and just made you waste your valuable breath in combat. She was starting to wonder where the Humans picked up this moron. It was like he was the dumbest person they could find but he had strange Magic that he could use. Although the fire he was currently throwing around wasn't anything special, that strange invisible bubble he used was something that Altair had to be cautious of. He also said something about Magic that could enslave a Demi-Human. Just the thought of Magic that could take away someone's free will chilled Altair to the bone. If Humans had that kind of Magic years ago then she had no doubt that the Demi-Humans would have been enslaved by mankind.

Before too long all the shadow knights were reduced to nothing and the man proudly pounded his chest while shouting, "Fall for me, 'Monster Queen'!" He was sure this display of stoic manliness would appeal to her instincts. He was the hero, after all, so no one was stronger or more handsome than he was! Or so he kept telling himself.

Altair's lips twitched. Not only did this Human talk while in the middle of a fight but he also thought that meager display impressed her. This Human thought too highly of himself…

Altair decided to try a different approach to killing this bug. She spread out threads from her back around the buildings and debris around her while she decided to take advantage of the fact that man talked too much. So she, very out of character for her, shouted towards the man in fake anger, "Are you mocking me?!"

The man looked at her with a face full of seriousness and vulgarity as he replied, "Nonsense! I am courting you!"

Altair barely resisted the urge to hurl. She felt the bile rising from the pit of her stomach and found herself unable to continue the act due to how repulsive the very idea was. This Human was acting worse than the nobles she had heard about in stories as a child. She had heard a lot about the selfish behavior of the nobles before now and had put this man into the lowest of that group.

Her eyes narrowed as she wrapped the threads she had spread about around the debris and tents and she abruptly enlarged them, catching the man by surprise and causing his eyes to widen into orbs. The threads took on more of a wormlike shape as they became thicker than tree trunks and were the same color as the dirt they came out of. Altair lifted almost all of the objects in her surroundings that could be lifted and promptly tossed them at the man.

The man quickly darted to the side as he shouted, "Why the hell are there tentacles here?! Nobody told me about this!"

It wasn't until Altair had tossed almost all of the things she had grabbed at him that her stomach finally calmed down. She took a deep breath as she surveyed the damage to the area. She saw that she had managed to hit everything except the target she was aiming for and clicked her tongue in annoyance.

The man was staring at her at this point with an interested expression on his face as he caught his breath. He didn't know this loli he had picked could create tentacles and he was just imagining the kind of degenerate activities he would be able to get up to with her added to his harem.

Altair didn't know what he was thinking but she felt a chill run down her spine from the look in his eyes. She checked the progress on the Mana seal and saw that she should have enough to crush this insect before her and decided it was time to stop playing around.

She formed a staff through her shadow creation and held it in both hands as she dashed towards him while still carrying two wagons with her threads. She didn't miss the vulgar smile that appeared on his face as he ran towards her in return, although he didn't take any stance as he did so. This caused a trace of caution to pass through Altair's mind, but she dismissed it quickly. This man was an idiot to her so his plots can't be that dangerous.

It was a shame that Altair didn't heed the warning her mind gave her.

Altair ran straight into a sigil the man had placed on the ground earlier and it went off as she noticed it too late. Red lightning coursed through her body causing her to scream in agony as a huge chunk of her Mana had been forcefully burned within her.

Her threads didn't fade but she did come to a stop as she gasped for air. In the next moment another, larger sigil, began activating beneath her. It took her attention as her heart started pounding and her mind screamed to run away.

Large black chains sprang up from the ground around the sigil and moved to latch themselves onto Altair's body. The very sight of them caused her to feel uneasy and oppressed.

She heard the man's vulgar laugh as he came close and shouted, "You're as good as mine now! You won't be a 'Monster Queen' anymore! You'll be my sex slave!"

Altair looked at him in horror as she realized she had just run into his trap Magic. 'Be his slave with my Mana sealed within me? I'd rather die!' Normally trap magic was completely useless against Altair due to her ability to use Teleportation Magic.

She gritted her teeth and started to use her teleportation Magic only to realize she didn't have enough Mana to do so safely. Her eyes twitched as she steeled herself to do something terrible to her body and gave the man a grim look. "Filthy puppet of man, you will never have me! I choose death!"

His eyes widened in confusion. That wasn't what she was supposed to say. In all the novels and games he had played this was the part where she was supposed to curse at him or plead for mercy before becoming a member of his harem. He had never heard of them saying they would choose death instead.

In the next moment, Altair forcefully activated her teleportation Magic as she felt all of her remaining Mana burn up inside her, along with parts of her internal organs and blood at the same time. She didn't have enough Mana to use the Magic so it burned some of her life away in exchange for forcefully activating the Magic. She would recover, assuming she teleported to somewhere safe. Because she didn't have enough Mana to set a destination, there was no telling where she would end up.

In a flash of blue light, Altair Maxwell vanished from the world.