The Proper Way To Bathe

Altair was like a child who didn't want to take a bath. Her efforts to get free were completely useless as long as Donel stood in her way. However, Donel would not be able to properly clean Altair as long as she resisted since he did not have the soap or shampoo with him. Furthermore, his suit and shoes were getting ruined by her tantrum.

He could continue to try to stop her from leaving the bathtub and get nowhere on cleaning her. Or he could let her go, collect the soap and shampoo, then throw her back in and wash her forcefully.

The answer was obvious.

Donel sighed and lifted Altair back out of the bath, placing her at the top of the tub before walking away from her. At that same moment, the bath had reached its designated capacity and the water abruptly shut off. That caused Altair to look at the tub with a look of shock on her face. She had no idea that it could just stop like that, and when it was far less than what it had before.

Donel walked to the counter and opened a box that Altair had knocked into the sink. He pulled out a small pink ball that could fit in the palm of Altair's hand. He then looked over everything that was scattered about and frowned as the shampoo that was prepared for here wasn't there.

He turned to look over the rest of the room and saw the pink shampoo bottle lying against the wall on the other side of the bathroom. He gave Altair a strange look as he walked towards it, wondering if she didn't like the brand or smell. It was the only one that had been prepared for her ahead of time so she would have to make do with it regardless.

After retrieving the shampoo and returning to Altair's side, Donel pushed the small pink ball into her hand while she was still staring at the bath with a curious expression. The sudden round object in her hand pulled her attention from the bath and to the object given to her. She only stared blankly at it while Donel watched her.

He watched her examine the ball in her hand and felt the urge to facepalm. He just figured out she didn't know how to use the bathtub properly.

Donel set the shampoo down and scooped Altair back up into his arms. He then unceremoniously rolled her into the bath from the top and grabbed the shampoo as she struggled in vain to stop herself from sliding into the water.

The little ball in Altair's hand ruptured and bubbled quickly when it made contact with the water, causing small pink bubbles to spread across the bath. They smelled akin to sweet strawberries.

The actual scent of the soap ball was strawberry cupcake but Altair already found it to be an exceptionally pleasant smell that stunned her when she surfaced.

There was no risk of drowning in the water. It came up to Altair's neck just by sitting in it. She stared at the spreading light pink hue that slowly covered the whole surface of the water with a surprised expression.

At the same moment, hotter water than what she was sitting in sprayed down on her head, surprising her again.

Donel had maneuvered to her side while sitting on the stairs and pulled out a showerhead from the side of the bathtub and sprayed it on her. Once he was satisfied with rinsing her head, he poured the shampoo into his hands and started to wash her hair.

Altair felt the familiar sensation on her head almost immediately after the water stopped and figured out what she was in, finally. Her mother had washed her hair the same way when she was younger. The strong floral scent of the shampoo mixed with the light, vibrant scent of the soap water.

Donel quickly sprayed her again with the shower head.

She blinked several times after he turned the water off and turned to him. When he saw her blank expression he frowned and threw a washcloth at her face. It wasn't wet yet so it didn't do anything other than fall into the water in before her.

The moment it was out of her face, however, Donel wasted no time showing a scrubbing action with his arms. He didn't want to completely ruin his suit by washing her completely. He only hoped that she would figure it out through pantomiming.

Altair grabbed the washcloth in the water and started to scrub herself as she had done in her own world.

Seeing that she finally started to clean herself, Donel stood up and walked over to the cabinet to grab out another towel. He then placed it on top of her clothes by the cabinet and walked out of the room, hoping that she could handle the rest from here.

The cloth Altair was using quickly made her jealous. It was so soft that it made the coarse washcloths she was used to feel like sandpaper by comparison. She wondered if nobles where she came from had the same thing.

It didn't take long for Altair to finish washing herself before she left the bathroom, clothed and clean, although her long hair was still practically all wet and she didn't do a good job of actually drying herself. The combination of soap and shampoo scents clung to her body.

The food that Donel had brought was sitting on a tray on the wooden table, still covered by a shiny metal top.

At the sight of Altair, who completely ignored her poor appearance, Donel felt like punching a wall. He had his work cut out for him. The list of things he had to teach her seemed to be endless…

There were still other things that needed to be done tonight and Donel couldn't dwell on his future work. He motioned towards the seat closest for Altair with an expressionless face.

Altair knew that movement and staggered to the chair on shaky legs. She had gotten to the door in the bathroom with the help of the wall, without the wall's support it was extremely difficult to make it the 2.5 meters to the table.

Once Altair was sitting down, Donel removed the dome cover and revealed two dishes inside of it: fried vegetables with meat and rice. Next to the two dishes were her choice of cutlery and two sticks of similar length.

The smell of the food was tantalizing and assaulted Altair's senses harshly. She had not eaten anything since morning and it was already night out. Her stomach grumbled loudly which almost got a chuckle out of Donel's stone face.

Donel merely stood there and watched her look at the food before her. He wanted to see if she at least knew how to feed herself. He did teach her the names of the cutlery, but the addition of the chopsticks would probably surprise her. He did not expect that tonight's servant meals would be of this variety so he didn't bother to have them prepared.

Altair was a bit surprised at the food before her. She had never seen rice so she didn't know what type of food that was. She had plenty of meat though, so the meat on the plate didn't bother her. It was the vegetables that surprised her. She had only eaten them a few times in the past several years. They couldn't farm the land and had to hunt and gather to get most of their food that they couldn't steal from the Humans. Vegetables were extremely rare for them and they were considered a bitter delicacy.

Altair knew how to use a spoon well from her past. She also knew how to use a knife to eat too. The fork seemed obvious on how it was used as well, due to its shape. The sticks, however, only caused her to wonder if they were used like tiny skewers.

She had roasted many a small animal in her days at the Demi-Human Survival Coalition. But there was no fire before her. So she wasn't sure what the point of them was. However, the sight of the meat in the pot did bring about a sense of familiarity at the thought of using them to skewer the meat to eat.

Altair grabbed a chopstick which caused Donel's brow to rise slowly. She then stabbed it into the meat, which caused Donel to frown in disappointment. He had gotten his hopes up for nothing when she grabbed the chopstick. Then again, it made sense since she only grabbed one…

Altair put the meat in her mouth, which nearly melted when it contacted her tongue, and it exploded its delicious taste all over her mouth. Her eyes widened in surprise at the fantastic taste of the food before her. She continued to stab at the food a few more times and quickly shove them in her mouth before she got tired of how ineffective the chopstick was. She then put the chopstick down and grabbed the spoon. Then she proceeded to shovel the food into her mouth as if there was no tomorrow.

She finished off the entire meal within two minutes and stared blankly at the empty dishes before her. She only vaguely remembered putting things in her mouth and mostly remembered that wonderful taste. It was too good and she wanted more.

Donel put the cover back over the tray after, pulling her out of her memories. He then picked up the tray with one hand and pointed towards the bed with the other.

Altair turned around and saw that it was night. This caused her eyes to widen slightly. There was no light coming in from the window and she couldn't see any light source in the room. Despite there being no light source there wasn't a single dark place she could see. She was baffled at it.

Seeing Altair's confused gaze, Donel put his free hand on her head and turned it towards the bed. He then pointed to the bed alongside her face to drive the point home on what she was expected to do next. He really wanted to change out of his soggy ruined shoes already.

The sight of the bed caused the mental exhaustion that was driven away earlier to return in full force. Her body really wanted that comfortable bed she had been brought here on and hoped the one she was given would be just as good.

Altair stood to her feet and tottered over to the bed. As soon as she was within range of it, her legs gave out as if they knew it was time to rest. She fell face first, into the covers and soft yet firm mattress. She crawled until her entire body onto the bed before falling unconscious without even covering herself in the blanket.