An Argument For No Reason

Altair was taken to the end of the Servants Quarters while being sandwiched in between two very strange, and torturous, Gods.

It was a pathway that opened into a large room that was easily seen has far higher quality than anywhere in the Servants Quarters. There were crystal-like chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The floor to ceiling windows were made of colored glass and in intricate, beautiful patterns. Instead of the constant white that pervaded the Servants Quarters, the walls here were a fashionable shade of red that matched the ceiling. The floor wasn't made out of the polished hardwood that Altair was used to by now. Instead, it was a pure white brick material that she wasn't familiar with. However, it was immaculate, just as the rest of the room was.

The two guards that Altair was familiar with were standing on either side of the entranceway to the next area. They weren't paying attention to Altair's group when they were walking up so Altair had plenty of time to get over her shock at seeing them over here so suddenly.

'Weren't they supposed to be guarding my room? Why are they suddenly here? Is Donel this really this thorough?! As expected of a God…'

Altair was taken right up to them and when they were about to pass through the passage, the two guards looked at them and saw Altair. They were momentarily stunned by her appearance in servant's clothes, although the outer layer was slightly crooked and her hairstyle didn't fit the headband. They were professionals though and recovered quickly. They couldn't let Altair leave the Servants Quarters due to Donel's orders, so they quickly stepped forward and stopped Altair and the others from continuing.

The older guard quickly held out his hand and said, "Sorry, ladies. The girl is not allowed to leave the Servants Quarters."

Noel simply made an "Oh" sound but Stacey didn't want her fun to be ruined so quickly.

She quickly said, "We're just taking her on an observation trip with us." She knew that the guards had the same information about Altair as she did, in fact they probably knew more. In either way, she knew she wouldn't be allowed to give her a task so she just stated her excuse, "We won't be giving her a task and it is a purely educational venture. Therefore, please move aside so that we can bring our Junior to learn a few things from her Seniors."

The guards had their orders though. They couldn't let her go no matter what. The younger guard shook his head and sternly replied, "That isn't going to happen. She is not to leave the Servants Quarters. Please teach her on your own time."

Stacey scowled at him while replying, "You two let her get one-sidedly beaten into a hospital by the Young Master because of her unfinished training. Now you won't let us give her some actual visual experience in another section of the mansion. Are you trying to get our Young Master to kill her before she's even finished her training?!"

The two guards were unfazed by her words. "The Young Master has been prohibited from coming into contact with her for the time being. What he did before will not be repeated."

Stacey didn't want to give up just because they disarmed her argument. There were still other options she could explore to try and outwit them. Therefore, she continued while deepening her frown, "You really think she's going to be able to learn everything she needs to learn at this rate?"

Her words caused both of the guard's expressions to sour. They didn't expect that this servant would have the guts to insult Steward Donel right to their faces. The older one spoke in a warning tone that carried a hint of danger, "You're saying that Steward Donel isn't an adequate teacher for the girl? That he can't handle training her?"

Stacey grinned inside her heart at his response. He had taken the bait. "Steward Donel is a very busy man. He had many other tasks that take up his day that he needs to attend to on a regular basis. Having him teach a new trainee while trying to keep up on all of this work is completely foolish. It's obvious to everyone that the Young Master wanted to check on the trainee's progress and was appalled by how far she had gotten. That's why he beat her so soundly. However, that fault lies completely on her teacher, Steward Donel, and not her. She has not had enough time to learn properly because Steward Donel is too busy to teach her."

The guard's brows furrowed as the older one started to say, "T-That-"

Sensing that they might try to rally themselves with something random, Stacey quickly interrupted the guard by adding, "Now, let us through so that we, who actually have the time to teach her something useful, can do so that way she will actually be able to avoid a beating later." She then attempted to stride forth past the guards.

The older guard was speechless on how to react to her words.

However, the younger guard was quick witted. Even if he couldn't out talk Stacey he still held the ultimate advantage: orders from above. Therefore, he quickly stepped before Stacey and put a stop to her while saying, "That is that and this is this. She does not leave the Servants Quarters without permission from either Donel or the Master. If you want to take her out you will need to get permission from them to do so."

Stacey secretly bit her lip while Noel nodded and before saying, "Okay, let's do that then!" She then turned back towards the Servants Quarters and pulled Altair, along with Stacey, towards a nearby section of the wall.

Stacey knew what that was, but Altair was completely lost. She was still trying to catch up to what the guards and Stacey were saying, so suddenly being brought to a wall confused her.

Noel put her hand on the wall and a Holodisplay lit up with the words 'Terminal Locked'. This caused Noel's brow to scrunch up as she turned her head towards the nearby guards and asked, "Why is this terminal locked?"

"Donel commanded that all terminal's be locked in the Servants Quarters while the girl is out," one of the guards quickly replied.

Noel simply replied with an "Oh" before she turned to Stacey and asked, "Do you want to watch her while I go ask Donel or shall I?"

Stacey didn't hesitate to answer, "I will. Stay here until I return." She knew that if Noel went she would probably get distracted by something. If that happened she would never get the answer she wanted and be late for her task at the same time.

Noel nodded her head in understanding and Stacey walked out of the Servants Quarters. She went for the nearest terminal on the other side of the guards and quickly activated it. She then sent a contact request to Donel and within a few moments his profile appeared in the Holodisplay with the word above his head.

When he appeared he asked, "What is this about, Stacey?"

Stacey bowed her head respectfully before asking, "Steward Donel, I request to be able to bring the new trainee out for some observation training."

Donel's eyes widened slightly. He didn't expect this to happen. Just how in the world did they come up with this idea when Altair had yet to even be assigned a formal position? Weren't they jumping to conclusions on where she would be assigned? "That is an interesting thing to ask of someone who has yet to be assigned a formal position in the mansion. What makes you think that she's going to be a servant?"

His words surprised Stacey. Wasn't it obvious because she was dressed like one? Anyone who saw her in the hallways would assume she was a servant trainee. It would be impossible to think otherwise. She quickly responded with, "Isn't she though? Otherwise why is she wearing the servant uniform while walking around on her own? I figured she was trying to memorize her way around the Servants Quarters in between you teaching her, Steward Donel."

Donel's brow furrowed slightly. In Altair's wardrobe were outfits for various positions, including the servant's uniform. He didn't know whys he chose that uniform but when he pictured her wearing it he felt the urge to smile rise within him. However, his face remained like a brick when he said, "She has not been assigned to be a servant yet and has many different uniforms she can change into at her disposal. Maybe she got curious and wanted to wear it. Either way, request to take her denied. Return to your work."

The Holodisplay cut off abruptly leaving an unhappy Stacey behind.

Back over at Altair, she looked beyond the guards in silence with Noel for a few minutes before Stacey returned with a sour expression on her face.

Stacey turned to Noel when she arrived and said, "Come on Noel. We have work to do, leave her here for the guards to deal with." She then shot one last, long look at Altair before she turned and left. Noel followed with an "Ok" and left without another thought.

Left alone with the two guards, Altair looked up at the older guard, who in turn looked down on her and coughed awkwardly. Altair was looking at him with big eyes that seemed to ask him what she should do now, with her uniform slightly crooked like it had been put on by someone who didn't know how to wear it but was trying to appear capable. She looked overwhelmingly cute to adorable to him and he couldn't help but ask the other guard, "Hey, is it just me or is this really dangerous?"

The other guard shot him a strange look at his words and noticed where his gaze went. He then looked down at Altair, which she seemed to sense and looked up at him with the same gaze as the one she gave the older guard. He wound up feeling the same way. She was like a kitten that demanded attention for doing something she thought was right even though she didn't say or do anything right now. Therefore, he too coughed awkwardly before pointing back into the Servants Quarters and saying, "Go find something to do, girl. You won't find anything entertaining by standing around with us here."

Altair's mind blanked at his words but she turned around mechanically before walking back into the Servants Quarters. 'That's it? So I'm not going to be punished? …Why did I get dragged along then? What was the point in listening to them? Was this a waste of my time?'