Considering Future Plans

Since the middle of that curse dream didn't make any sense to Altair based on what she now knew about it, she decided to think about the curse itself. Since she was under the effect of that curse she absolutely needed to get enough Mana for her to be able to return home before it killed her. She did not want to die because Maxwell didn't trust her back then.

Thus, her first priority should be getting more Mana.

She knew there was only a couple ways of doing so right now. The first was to get the Mana Sealing Poison cured or to increase her Mana capacity.

Sadly, Liam was apparently replaced by an imposter a while ago. So, the cure to her poison didn't look like a real option to her. She didn't know who or what the imposter even was. How could she find out who they were serving?

That was just a minor problem to the issue of curing the poison as well.

Even if she found out who the imposter was serving the next question would be: where are they?

Altair doesn't even know the geography of the place she was at. How could she be expected to find them even if she was given the name of a location? Furthermore, she didn't know any of the other nobles of this place. She only knew about the Marnithok family and that there was an Emperor that ruled the Empire she was in. The rest was completely unknown to her.

Of course, there was the next question on that line as well that was another rock to add to the pile of problems. Where was the real Liam and was he even alive?

If Altair was planning to abduct herself by posing as Liam, she would have killed him. It would be too risky to leave him alive and there was really no point in it. If she wanted to abduct herself for experiments she could always hire other experts that were loyal to her rather than keep Liam around.

Even if Liam had information that was valuable about how Altair's body worked it was already obvious to her that he had spilled the beans on a lot of the details. That was the only explanation as to how the fake Liam knew so much about her and how the real Liam acted.

Of course, Liam could have also betrayed the Marnithok family and, by proxy, her as well. He did tell her that he was only interested in how her body worked, after all. If he had gotten everything he wanted already then there was really no need for him to stay with them. She didn't doubt that he wouldn't sell the information once he had it.

Of course, even if Altair knew where he was and that he was alive, she would then have to save him. That idea was dismissed immediately as being completely unfeasible. Perhaps, if Altair had full access to all of her Mana then maybe she could do it. But there was no chance she could with the amount she had. She could barely manage to handle that Android Thradii and that was just a minion.

Besides, she was already kept under strict guard and couldn't really leave the mansion. Dave and Ben, while both being pretty friendly for Humans, were still ultimately there to keep her on the mansion grounds. She would have to first escape the mansion, then somehow get to where Liam was and somehow free him.

'I suppose that only leaves one real option for me,' Altair thought to herself.

Her mind drifted towards what she learned thanks to the android telling her and her own suspicions. 'So, the rain here gives me power. I was only out there for maybe ten minutes at most and I tripled the amount of Mana I can use. If I stayed out there for an hour or so, how much would I gain then?'

She then thought of how often she saw it rain while she was here. She needed to know if she was in a good place to even do that. If there was no rain then how could she get more Mana?

Altair remembered back to the first day she was here and thought about how often she saw it rain.

If her face would listen to her, she would have had the deepest frown she could have mustered.

'I only remember it three times,' Altair thought to herself. That was the truth. It had only rained three times since she came to the mansion. Only three times over more than a year of living here.

Altair wanted to sigh badly, 'Impossible. It's not enough.' Altair felt a tear come to her eye as she thought in a self-mocking way, 'This curse will kill me here. I suppose I'll get to see your first mistake with my own eyes, Maxwell.'

Altair did not want to die. She had a lot she wanted to do still. There were a lot of Human's she wanted to kill. She wanted to eat more of that delicious pie she had here. She wanted to teach Stacey that she couldn't just be ignored so much here.

Altair's brow would have scrunched up as she thought, 'Why is almost all about things here?'

Her mind didn't linger on her impending doom as she heard shouting outside the door.

"What you mean I can't go in?!" A feminine voice was roaring out on the other side of the door.

She then heard Ben reply in a pleading tone, "Please don't make this hard on me. I am merely following the Master's commands."

"You think I care who told you to block me from going in?! Do you really think you can stop me?!"

"I am begging you. Don't make me choose a side."

"You are a damned fool if you think you'll live long enough to even have a choice!"

Dave quickly spoke up, "I don't see why you don't just let her in. The Mistress is obviously able to go where she wants."

Ben's voice carried a hint of reluctance as he said, "But our orders…"

"You're welcome to get smashed into the ground if you want then. You're new, so I'll just tell you. The Mistress is stronger than the Master."

There was a long moment of silence before the woman shouted again, "I'm done waiting! Get out of my way!" As soon as she shouted that, a loud crash sounded on the other side of the door. Immediately following that, the door was slammed open and Sarah strode into the room with four maids that Altair had never seen before. Behind them, Ben was laying against the wall with his butt in the air while Dave shook his head at him.

This was the second time that Altair had seen Sarah, the Mistress of the house. The first time she saw her she couldn't understand her but it seemed that time didn't affect how she looked. She still had a body that made Altair envious of with a height to match it at 201 cm. Her blonde hair seemed to have brightened since the last time she saw her as well, which made little sense to Altair.

The maids fanned out around the room and began cleaning without instruction while Sarah strode over and knelt next to the sofa. She then looked over Altair's body with a gentle expression on her face and eyes filled with warmth.

Getting looked at like that caused Altair to want to back away in caution despite the bizarre warm feelings her heart was telling her. She had not been looked at like that since before her characteristics emerged and she couldn't help but wonder why this woman was doing so when this was only the second time they met. Third if you counted when Sarah visited her while she was unconscious.

Sarah's expression turned to one of concern the longer she looked over Altair. She suddenly asked, "Can you not move?" Altair, of course, didn't respond. This caused Sarah's lips to form a line as she turned her head to one of the maids and asked, "Did you bring a dose of that?"

The maid stopped moving as she was cleaning a table and bowed her head towards Sarah before she emotionlessly replied, "Yes, Mistress. I keep four doses on me at all times since that day."

"Administer a dose to my daughter then," she said as she turned her head back to Altair. The maid came over and kneeled on the ground while rummaging through her skirts. After a moment, Sarah added, "Give her half a half a dose, to be safe."

Altair's brows would have scrunched up if she could move, 'To be safe? What a time for my guards to be spineless…'

The maid nodded her head and eventually pulled out a syringe filled with a strange orange fluid. The syringe caused Altair to remember the one that had rendered her incapable of moving and she felt her heart start to race in anxiousness. Of course, she couldn't do anything about her situation as she couldn't move but she still didn't want to get stuck with that thing.

Her pleading gaze went ignored as the maid injected the liquid into her arm while Sarah spoke soothingly, "Don't worry, this should remove the effects of the paralytic toxin that is in your body."

Altair could feel the strange liquid as it raced through her body in time with the beat of her heart. It felt cool in passing and then her body would heat up after it left. Soon, she could twitch her fingers.

However, the door to the room opened at that point and Renald walked in with.