Really That Lucky?

Injuries from sparring matches were not uncommon. However it was rare if someone died. Because channeling Spiritual Energy in your body would also give you added endurance and defense to attacks it was actually hard to kill someone before they were knocked down or were knocked out of the arena but in the case when someone ran out of Spiritual Energy during the fight everything changed drastically. At that point any single attack could end someone's life in an instant.

The same mostly went for Altair with her Body Reinforcement Magic but the attack only decimated her ribs when it hit her and the impact to the ground didn't even cause her to lose her breath due to her experience in battle. The shock her internal organs took wasn't anything threatening at all by comparison to how badly damaged her ribs were. When she tumbled across the ground she didn't suffer more than scrapes as well. Overall, she was in very good condition considering the attack she took.

Celestine and the others did not know that. Joshua and his group didn't think much of the end of the fight and were instead surprised by how long Altair lasted and the power that both of the girls exchanged in the arena. They felt that this fight should have been at the Inter-Academy Tournament instead of here in this room with only them watching.

It drove the point home to Joshua. He now knew he was vastly inferior to Altair. He didn't have that much strength and he was sure he couldn't last that long against Celestine, who was using the military combat style. His Inborn Ability was unfit for personal combat so he couldn't use that to get any edge up against either of them.

It also told him that he was wrong to disagree with Rictor. He knew that Rictor was smarter than him in almost all areas. He was the strategist of their group. Joshua trusted him on every single other issue that came up for their group but he still had his doubts this time. He felt like a complete dunce.

Celestine was the first to arrive at Altair's side, being so close to her since she was the one who launched Altair out of the arena. She quickly checked to see if Altair was still breathing when she got to her fallen body. When she found that Altair was still alive she breathed a sigh of relief. The amount of trouble she would have been in for killing a member of the Marnithok family within the Marnithok home would have been enough to bury her and possibly her brother as well. She also had no intention to kill Altair. This sparring match was just to ensure that she couldn't ignore them away in the future.

She really had no intention for it to get so serious.

Altair acted unconscious despite Celestine shaking her. Being shaken caused Altair to grimace in pain from the sharp stabbing feeling in her chest. She didn't bother to try and hide this reaction hoping that Celestine would figure out it hurt her but apparently Celestine missed it or chose to ignore it.

Hadrian was not idle after sending the servant away. He ran to the edge of the arena and pulled a bar that was latched onto the side off of it. He then ran towards Altair and Celestine.

Dave and Ben arrived at Altair's side next. They quickly pushed Celestine away as it was possible she was doing more harm than good. They couldn't have her continue to shake Altair and cause further damage to whatever internal injuries she might have.

When Hadrian reached them he snapped the bar in half and pulled the pieces apart. In between the pieces formed a strange blue translucent film that was attached to both sides. Hadrian placed the whole thing down on the ground once it was a little longer than Altair's height.

Ben and Dave looked at his actions with approval written on their faces. They then counted to three and lifted Altair up at the same time. Hadrian quickly moved the stretcher underneath her and then they lowered her down onto the stringy film.

It looked like Hadrian wanted to be one of the people that carried Altair away but Dave waved him off. He said, "There is no one at fault for the Young Miss' injuries. There is no need for you or your sister to assist any further."

Dave then picked up half of the stretcher while Ben lifted the other and started to leave the room. Dave was carrying the rear while Ben led them out.

Hadrian and Celestine watched them leave with clear worry written on their faces. Despite plotting to rope Altair into their group, in a moment of panic, they still acted to help her without a thought otherwise.

Joshua and his group were unable to move to do anything of the sort. The assumption that Rictor had come to and the ridiculous skill and power that Altair had shown them caused them to be cautious about her subconsciously. In the corner of their minds they figured that it would be in their best interests if Altair had died from that accident.

Moments after they left the sparring room, Altair opened her eyes and watched the ceiling fly by as she was moved through the mansion. Her thoughts swirled in her mind as she felt a sharp pain with every breath she took and the deep emptiness within her that she hadn't felt for quite some time.

A familiar voice asked, "How are you feeling?" from below her feet. It was Dave who tried to conceal the worry from his eyes as he looked at her with a smile.

Altair saw through him completely. 'He's already a great father so why does he try so hard with me too?' She grimaced as she tried to adjust herself to get a better look at him. The pain from moving her body even slightly was sharp enough to stop her from continuing her movement though.

After giving up on moving, Altair spoke flatly as if the pain wasn't bothering her that much, "I'll live. It's just my ribs from what I can feel. It isn't anything serious." Once she regained some Mana she would be able to heal her ribs in no time. She just needed to regenerate some of it first.

Clear relief came to Dave's face. Ben then spoke from ahead of her as he said, "Well that'll take no time at all to recover from once we get you into a Healing Pod."

Altair frowned slightly. She knew that using that machine was a waste of time. But she had no Mana to heal herself with and the pain was quite impressive, even by her standards. She didn't think she could even study while she was like this. Thus, her mind raced around for a while before she finally said, "No. Take me to Liam's room. He should have some special medicine in there somewhere from when he was here."

Altair had a suspicion. The fake Liam had collected rain water to prove a point and collect information on her. Unfortunately, Stacey or Noel had disposed of the remaining water that he had brought to her room so that wasn't usable. However, that didn't mean that his room didn't have any.

'Perhaps if I ingest the water, I will get more Mana capacity?'

She only knew from experience that the larger your Mana capacity, the faster it regenerated. She knew that because of her unique situation in having most of her Mana sealed away. This was also a good chance to see if there was any leftover rain water that was ignored in Liam's room.

However, Dave's words completely crushed that hope, "Young Miss, everything that was in Liam's room has been disposed of. It wouldn't be good to have any leftover bugs that could cause any problems or tainted medicine lying around."

"I see," was all Altair said in reply. She then covered her eyes with the back of her hand and rested on the stretcher. She didn't have any other options than to let them waste her time with treatment she knew wouldn't work.

As she was taken to the other side of the mansion, Ben suddenly said, "You're quite impressive, Young Miss." Altair made a questioning noise as she didn't know why he would say something like that. That prompted him to continue, "Most children your age wouldn't be as quiet as you if they had broken ribs. It makes me wonder if you're really that injured even though I saw what happened with my own eyes."

Altair absentmindedly replied, "I've been through worse," as she remembered the pain of regrowing one of her arms after a particularly bad skirmish. It had taken her over a week to do so due to how much Mana she had to burn and the pain then was far more than what she was experiencing now.

Both Dave and Ben uttered a "Huh?"

Altair then blinked, 'Did I say that out loud?' Her face then flushed slightly as she attempted to pretend that she didn't say anything. Even she knew that she was supposed to have amnesia so how was she supposed to pass this off?

Dave hesitantly asked, "Young Miss, did you remember something about your past?"

Altair's brow twitched under her arm. No one saw it but she did come up with a rather interesting idea though. She spoke through a grimace as she adjusted herself slightly on the stretcher, "Just some things that happened before I was adopted. I don't really want to talk about it."

Dave almost shouted in shock, "So you did remember something?!"

Altair quickly shook her head and clarified, "No, I didn't. It happened after I lost my memories."

Dave uttered an "Oh" as Ben opened the door to the recovery room.

Noel was already in the room and the Healing Pod was prepared by the time they arrived. She bowed to them as they entered.

Altair was brought over to the side of the Healing Pod and Altair quickly said, "If you put me in there, my father will have your head." She really didn't want to have her time wasted and the dress she was wearing ruined. She actually liked this dress and the strange liquid within the pod looked like it would stain her clothes easily.

Dave and Ben frowned at this before they went over to a nearby table instead. They didn't know any specifics about Altair's real identity but Dave couldn't keep what he saw of her that day in the rain a secret. So, Ben also knew that her hair color had changed as well. As a result, they both had a suspicion that she was some kind of half-human to another race. Since that was the case, what she said could be true.

Altair was lifted and placed on a hard table. To Altair, the stretcher was actually more comfortable to her than the table was now. As soon as she was put down she involuntarily groaned in pain as she felt a sharp spike poking her chest.

Ben then left to go and get confirmation from Renald before they did anything else.

Dave took up position by the door as he was trained to do and Noel stood at the side of the room without moving.

Altair turned her head from the left and the right to look around the recovery room. On the other side of the room, sitting near the sink, was a jug of clear liquid. Altair's brow rose slightly, 'I can't be that lucky, right?'

She didn't attempt to move for it due to her condition and because she had a maid who could do it for it. However, she wanted more proof than it just looking like water. After all, it could easily be from the sink instead of from outside.

Thus, she asked, "Dave do you know who has been in here for the last week?"

Dave didn't suspect anything as he said, "Let me check," while bringing up his communicator. It didn't long for him to reply, "Look's like just your brother and his friends used the room. Also, the android used it after them the day you fell unconscious."

Altair smiled in her mind, 'Is that really it then?'